Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 27 - Storming Tresron

After a month of waiting we finally received word that orc army is going to make their move, Sid then gives word to the seperatists to make their move, I meet up with Gresnor and we say our goodbyes, after all the seperarists leave we then gather around Sid and Drulog, everyone is silently waiting for one them to speak, the Drulog finally says something.

"okay this is it, if everything goes according to plan, we shouldn't face to much resistance on the way to New Tresron, now before we any questions?"

before i got to say anything Klein asks.

"so are we going in there transformed or not?"

Sid replies.

"no transforming, unless for emergencies like id your outnumbered, or completely outclassed in terms of fighting strength, now anymore questions."

he pauses and no one else says anything he then continues.

"good then, lets head out."

everyone gets on the orc carriages, where we set off on a long trip to New Tresron, from what Drulog tells me, New Tresron was named after the King Tresron or self proclaimed king of the lizardman, he and the loyalists built a modern day kingdom, on his former tribe, and he also has

a goal of turning the lizardman into the dominant race of this continent, we spent two weeks traveling only making stops to eat and sleep, we finally arrive on the outskirts in a forest, and from the distance I see the kingdom walls the i think to myself.

"This king is a real ambitious guy, no wonder he has many lizardman following him."

my thoughts are then interrupted by Drulog.

"you guys see those eight watchtowers, we need to sneak our way to those and make sure they cant sound any alarm when we start our assault, everyone clear on that."

everyone replies.


I get grouped up with Remy and two orcs, we all then follow her lead, she chants.

"area mana cloak."

I ask her curiously.

"oh what does that do?"

she replies.

"It will conceal mana anywhere few feet around me."

I then ask with a smile.

"can you teach me that."

she replies.

"I would but this spell is hereditary, so I cant teach you this specific mana cloaking spell."

I reply with disappointment.

"aw that sucks."

she replies with voice of encouragement.

"don't worry there are many mana concealing spells out there, I promise after this I will help you search for one."

I reply .

"ok I'll hold you to that promise."

after a few moments of silence she then says.

"I will tell you one thing, just because you can conceal your mana, it doesn't mean it will hide you from being detected as a monster, trust me Ive tried."

i then think to myself.

"damn so I guess mana concealment has a limit of what it can hide, I guess I have to find another way to contact my parents and Rosie."

We get close to a watchtower without being seen or detected, we wait for a few moment against the wall close to a door and then a loyalist comes out through the door, I quickly wrap my arms around his neck and then one of the orcs stans him in the head, the other orcs grabs the body and hides it around the corner of the wall, after that Remy peeks her head inside the opened door and whispers to us.

"there are three of them in there, we gotta take out all three of them at the same time, we will charge in on my go."

we ready ourselves to go in, Remy mouths to all of us.


we rush in through the door, the orcs take out two by quickly stabbing them, while I choke one them out, after that Remy whispers to us.

"after this it should be easy to take out the rest on the top."

we slowly and quietly climb up a spiral staircase,

we get to the top and see that there is only one lizardman here, he looks at us frozen in horror,

then he raise both of his hands and says nervously.

"I surrender, just dont kill me."

both the orcs disarm him, sit him down and tie him up, then Remy says.

"if you stay quiet and let us do what we are going to do, you won't die."

he nods, and asks what do you want?"

she asks

"how do you guys sound your alarm of an attack?"

she then says smiling.

"good thank you for you cooperation, but now we need to make sure that you wont do anything."

he replies with fear.

"i thought you were going to let me live."

she replies with a grin.

"oh you will live but, you wont wake up until a couple of hours from now on."

she then looks at me and says.

"Collin knock him out."

I then hit him in the back of the head, and he slumps foward, the I reply


she then says to the orcs.

"you two since you guys are the tallest here, find a way to disable this bell, I will see if the other watchtowers were taken out."

she then chants.

"eagle eye."

I go up to her and ask.

"what does that do?"

she replies.

"it's a simple spell that lets you see further out than what your eyesight would normally let you."

i think to myself.

"oh so its like binoculars."

I then ask.

"so does it look like the rest are done?"

she replies.

"yeah it looks like it."

we then turn back to the orcs and one of them says.

"we have disabled the bell."

Remy smiles and then says.

"alright lets go meet up with the rest so we can officialy start the assault on Tresron."

we leave the watchtower, and head back to the forest where Sid and Drulog are waiting, Sid comes up to us and says,

"good job, now we wait for the others to come back."

we wait and the rest start arriving one by one reporting success on disabling the alarms, Drulog then says.

"now its time to make our move, Sid, Klein, Remy, Collin and three of my guys are going straight to the castle to confront General Aktosh and King Tresron, while the rest of you take out loyalists forces out in the city, but make sure not to hurt innocent civilians, is everyone clear on that."

everyone replies.


Sid then says.

" ok then lets not waste anymore time, the time for them to pay has come, leta go."

we all follow Sid and Drulog as we march to the front gate of New Tresron, and finally start our assault.

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