Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 28 - General Aktosh

We take out the loyalists gaurding the front gate and make our way inside the city, I look around and see that the city looks are very similar to the cities in the human kingdoms, before we get to do anything, we are confronted by many loyalists

Drulog then yells out.


Me, Sid, Klein, Remy, Drulog and three of his guys run past the loyalists, but they don't stop us, because our guys start attacking them, as soon as the fighting starts, civilians in the city start running in fear, looking for any kind od place to hide themselves in."

i think to myself.

"at least we dont have to worry about many civilian casualties."

we keep running through the pandemonium, avoiding any loyalists that get in our way, after running for half an hour, we finally arrive on the footsteps of the castle, then Drulog shouts.

"this is it, today it ends one way or the other!"

we run up the stairs and we break down a huge double door, we go in, I look around and see that we are in the main hall, Drulog then says.

"lets go we need to find the throne room."

as we search for the throne room, any loyalist that got in our way were easily taken care of, after searching many rooms, we finally arrive at another set of double doors, we couldn't bust it open like we did with the first set, Drulog then says.

"here step aside, I got this."

we step away from the doors and give Drulog some space, he then yells.

"hammer blow!"

he uses both hands to hit the doors and they break open, we all rush through the door, I look around and see that this area is bigher than the main hall, i thinl to myself.

"this must be the throne room, but it looks empty."

after moments of silence, we are quickly surrounded, by loyalists but these gjys are wearing different armor than the regular soldiers,

and they are wielding axes on each hand, a lot smaller thanbthe battleaxes they usually carry, all of us take our fighting stance, and then a loud booming voice echoes in the room.

"so the ones causing trouble are finally here!"

I look up and see another lizardman standing on an indoor balcony in the second floor, he jumps down to where we are at and says.

"allow me to introduce myself, I am General Aktosh, but it seems that all of you already know that."

"we are going to make you pay bastard!"

and then Drulog says.

"this is the end of the road for all you loyalists."

General Aktosh chuckles and says.

"there is no need to rush this fight, we will get to that."

he lets out a fustrated sigh and continues.

"right now the thing that is messing with my mind, is how you orcs managed to allign yourselves to whatever these monsters are."

he looks at us in disgust, before General Aktosh got to say anything again, Drulog interrupts.

"it doesn't matter who they are, the only thing you need to know, is that you pissed them off to the point where they want to take you out, and these guys surrounding us, we will take care of these guys like how we took out the rest who tried to stop us!"

"calm down there orc, but your right about one thing, it wont matter who these monsters are or were, once we are done with all of you, and you say that you'll take care of these guys just like you did the rest, except there is one problem with that, these guys were personally trained by me, their armors are prototypes of what the soldiers are going to be using soon."

Sid then yells.

"enough of this everyone attack!"

Sid immediately rushes General Aktosh, then Drulog follows Sid and joins him in the fight, me and the rest take on the Lizardman, from what i can see, we are all taking them on in a one on ne battle, the Lizardman that I'm fighting starts to swing both his axes at me, I think to myself.

"damn Aktosh wasn't lying, this guy is not fighting like the regular loyalist soldier would."

I dodge every swing, I take a quick step back and I lift my leg for a high kick towards his hand, so I can disarm him, he reacts to my kick and blocks it, he chuckles and says

"you dont fight or act like any monster I've ever encountered."

I rebuttal.

"you don't fight like all your loyalist comrades do."

"I need to disarm him in someway."

he rushes me and swings with both axes again, I stay on the defensive avoiding his attacks, I back up and yell.

"triple fire shot!"

my fireballs fly through the air towards him, he just stands still, just smirking, the fireballs make contact but they reflect off of him, he then shouts

"ha you think your spell attacks will work on me!"

i think to myself.

"I guess these prototype armor still has magic protection built in them."

he then continues his relentless attack on me, but I just stay on the defensive trying to find any opening to his attacks, I then think to myself.

"I'll try to lure him and then use magic barrier, and hopefully he attacks with enough force, so that he stumbles back."

"this is it."

he then does a hard swing with both arms at me, I dont dodge it, he smirks as he gets closer, I grin at him and yell out!

"Magic barrier!"

he makes contact with the shield, and bounces backwards on to the floor, I go up to him and throw a punch to his c.h.e.s.t, but the armor doesn't break off, i think to myself.

"so these new armors also provide physical protection?"

he starts laughing and says with pain in his voice

"Aktosh said to only use this feature, when we are backed into a corner, and i guess there is no better time than this."

he the presses something on his armor, he yells out in pain, as his muscles start growing and breaking apart his armor, his veins start showing through his skin, I look around and see that the other lizardman are doing the same, he then pushes me back, I fly backwards and hit a nearby pillar, I groan and slowly pick my self up, the lizardman gets up, his muscles have doubled in mass, ans his eyes are blood red, he then shouts at with a much more deep voice.

"you will now die!"

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