Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 29 - Enhanced

whatever button he pressed, it completely changed his appearance, I then hear Aktosh in the distance.

"good, now kill them!"

The lizardman then asks.

"shall we continue to dance now monster?"

I reply.

"yes hopefully I don't disappoint."

he roars in laughter and shouts.

"I like your spirit, but you need to die!"

he charges at me with a punch, I barely dodge it, and his punch breaks the pillar behind me, I look at the damage and think to myself.

"how strong is he now, what the hell."

I then quickly charge at his back and throw a couple of strong punches, he laughs and says.

"you call those punches, it feels like your trying to give me a massage."

"damn it, my punches have no effect."

I then open up both my hands and i yell out.

"dual triple fire shot!"

I shoot out three fireballs out of both hands, they fly through the air toward him, he reacts to them by swiping the fireballs away with his hands.

i think to myself.

"so even though he doesnt have his armor, he can still protect himself from magic attacks easily, so how in the hell am i supposed to beat this guy?"

he chuckles and says.

"anything you do, will not have any effect on me, you might as well just give up now."

I reply in defiance.

"it'll take more than that to make me give up."

I ready myself, trying to figure out what I can do to cause any damage to him, he charges me again, but this attack is much faster than the last one, I yell out.

"magic barrier!"

his punch shatters my shield, I quickly raise my arms to protect my head, his punch makes contact with my arms, and the force send me flying backwards towards the second floor balcony, breaking through the railing, I lay on the floor groaning in pain, I think to myself.

"this guys is freakishly strong, I dont know if I can beat him like this."

I slowly drag myself along the floor towards the edge and see everyone else is steuglling with their fights, I then yell out with pain in my voice.

"Sid I'm doing it now!"

he yells back.

"it's ok kid, go for it!"

he then also yells towards Klein and Remy.

"you two, can do it too!"

I then start to transform into a werewolf, I then let out angry howl and it ehoes throughout the throne room, I then hear Drulog yell.

"Oh shit you guys are actual werewolves!"

I jump down right next to the Lizardman, I stare him straight in the eye growling in anger, he cautiously steps back from me and says with less confidence in his voice.

"so this is what you monsters actually look like."

he then rushes foward to punch me, I delflect it with one arm, and with other I use my claw that leaves a deep gash in his arm and blood starts pouring out, he yells out in pain and shouts.

"ah you bastard, I'm going to make you pay for that!"

he swings with his other arm, but I do the same as i did with the injured arm, I use one arm to deflect it, and with the other I use my claw to make another deep gash, now both of his arms are of no use to him, and they are just hanging on his sides, I then quickly rush in for an attack not letting him have any room for a breather, I then lunge at him and chomp down on his shoulder ripping of a chunk off of him, he collapses onto his knees screaming in pain, I then finish him off by taking another bite on his neck, and use my mouth to snap hia neck, I look around and see that Klein and Remy already won their fights, i then see that one of our orc allies has died, and the other two are being cornered, Me, Klein and Remy hurry over toward to them and helped take out the remaining lizardman, one of the orcs says.

"thank you guys, I dont think I would have lasted longer against these guys, now to take out that bastard Aktosh."

we rush over to see that Sid and Drulog are struggling to take out Aktosh, one of the orcs then says.

"you two please rest, let us handle him."

Sid and Drulog back off, Drulog says to his guys.

"thank you, we will take a short breather and join back in the fight.

Sid come up to us and pats us on our head, and says to us.

"thank you I'll rest up a bit, and then I'll join you guys but as a werewolf."

Aktosh laughs and says.

"so the monsters finally decided to show themselves, it doesn't matter that you took out my guys because the end for all of you has come."

Me, Klein and Remy, growl angrily at Aktosh, and then the two orcs make the first move and rush him, he easily knocks them away and shouts

"I'm not looking to fight trash, what I am interested in is fighting you three, I want to see what kind of strength you monsters have for myself, so come at me!"

the three of us growl and rush him, Klein goes after his right, and Remy goes after his left, while I go through the middle, we close in on him and he quickly reacts by using both his arms and grabs onto Remy's and Klein's head, pushes them down to the floor and uses that momentum to push both his legs foward to kick me, and it sends me flying back, he quickly retreats backwards, then laughs and says.

"is that all you guys got, how disappointing."

we all angrily growl and howl at him, he grins and says.

"thats more like it."

we attack repeatedly, getting faster with each attack, I notice that he is having trouble keeping up with our attacks, I feign a foward attack, but I jump over him, he cant turn around because he ia busy blocking the relentless attack by Klein and Remy, I quickly swing my arm for an attack, my claw scratches his armor, and he goes flying foward, he crashes into a pillar, he slowly gets back up, he then shouts.

"you guys got me good, but this is it, no more games!"

he then presses the button on his armor, and he too has his muscle mass grow double in size, as his armor breaks off he yells out in anger.

"all of you will die here!"

Sid quickly transforms and joins our side with Drulog tagging along, Aktosh with a sinister smile yells.

"the more the merrier!"

we all ready ourselves to attack him again.

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