Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 30 - Our Limits

General Aktosh laughs maniacally as he shouts.

"none of you stand a chance in my enhanced form!"

all of us are standing ready but are hesitant to attack, and then the two orcs who got knock down earlier got up and rush General Aktosh, Drulog yells.

"no you idiots don't attack!"

General Aktosh laughs as he squishes one of them to the floor effortlessly and the other one gets thrown through a pillar and a wall, General Aktosh look at all of us and shouts.

"yes witness my power, what I did to them will also happen to you!"

he roars and while he rushes at us, Me, Sid, Klein and Remy respond by pouncing at him, he smacks Remy and Klein away, Sid Lands a powerful bite on Aktosh's arm, while I land a bite on his shoulder, but our bites didn't faze him as he laughs it off, with one arm he smacks me of off his shoulder and I get thrown off and rolling across the floor, I whimper in pain, I look up and see Aktosh yank Sid off his arm whith his hand, and slams Sid to the Floor with earth shaking force leaving a small crater in the concrete floor, with Sid whimpering in pain in it, Drulog finally rushes toward General Aktosh and yells in anger.

"Smoke screen!"

the throne room quickly gets covered in smoke, he then follows up with.

"Hammer blow!"

but the smoke that was covering the room disappeared as quickly as it came, I then see Drulog get thrown through the air where he lands on his feet on the second floor balcony, I shake of the pain and get up, I then see Remy and Klein rushing at Aktosh from behind while Drulog rushes his front in the air, I think to myself.

"dont stop fighting, these guys are still keeping up the fight."

and before I get a chance to join in on the attack General Aktosh yells as they get closer.

"Meteor fall!"

a huge number of rocks the size of baseballs, start falling from above his head, and his surrounding area, the rocks hit Drulog, Remy and Klein multiple times, at many parts of their bodies, after sustaining multiple blows they all collapse to the floor, and then General Aktosh laughs and yells.

"As you all can see, whatever you do it will do nothing to me in my enhanced form!"

General reaches down to Drulog and grabs both his legs and lifts him in the air and yells at Drulog.

"you lose orc!"

I quickly rush towards Aktosh, he sees me and reacts, by swinging his arm trying to knock me away, I duck and slide underneath his swinging arm, I then use both my claws and slash at his knees, he falls to one knee, he then lifts his arm in the air and swings down, I barely roll away tp side, as his closed fist makes another small crater in the floor, I then pounce towards the arm holding Drulog, I then bite Aktosh's wrist, his hands open up and drops Drulog, I then grab his legs and pull him away from Aktosh, Drulog groans in pain and says.

"I'm sorry Collin, I dont think I can keep fighting, but if I can recover even a little I'll jump back in."

he pauses and then asks.

"that is you right Collin?"

I growl and use my head to nod.

"thanks kid, I owe you, now go get him"

General Aktosh stares at me in anger and shouts.

"you got me good that time, but you wont be so lucky next time!"

I howl and charge at Aktosh, he brings both arms to the air and quickly slams them down, I react by stepping backwards, and jumpin foward towards him, I then swing my arm and my claw scratches his face, he reacts by headbutting me and I fall backwards, as I hit the ground I feel myself and think.

"damn it im back in human form."

General Aktosh laughs and shouts.

"I guess your no longer a threat, your time is up!"

He slowly walks to me, then he yells out in pain, I look around and see that Sid bit his achilles heel, and also clawing at his legs, Aktosh grabs Sid and slams him into the ground again, the Sid turns back into human form, after that General Aktosh geta a sinister smile on his face seeing Sid in human from, he then yells.

"I guess you next!"

"Kid if I die today, I want you to know its been a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e fighting alongside you."

I reply fighting back the tears.

"even though Aktosh has pushed us to our limits you are not dying here Sid, not as long as I'm still breathing."

Sid with tears in his eyes weakly smiles and says.

"I'll hold you to your word kid."

I then wipe whatever tears that were building in my eyes and I say to Sid.

"now don't get all sappy and emotional all of a sudden, because we're all going to finish this together."

I then turn around to Aktosh, and I see that Remy and Klein were smacked away again, they are laying on the floor and are also back in human from, Aktosh is heading their way, and before he got to do anything I raise both my arms and yell.

"Dual triple fire shot!"

"so one still stands how pitiful!"

as he rushes at me and closes the distance quickly, I think to myself.

"shit I'm to weak to defend myself right now."

as his fist gets closer to me, I hear a yell to my side.

"Hammer Blow!"

Drulog's hammer fist magic hits Aktosh's arm, and it slams down to the floor before it hit me, Aktosh angrily grunts and swings with his other arm and smacks away Drulog, he falls down laying on the floor groaning in pain, General Aktosh laughs again and shouts.

"another failed pitiful attempt!"

he then rushes at me again, but he stops mid attack and yells in pain, he falls on both his knees, I look around his body and see steam coming out of it, after a couple of seconds of him screaming in agony and being covered in white smoke, a few more seconds pass by and the white smoke clears up and I see that General Aktosh is no longer in his Enhanced form.

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