Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 31 - Last Chance

General Aktosh is breathing in and out heavily, he then says in an exhausted voice.

"this is your last chance, give up now and I'll consider letting you live."

I smirk and I reply.

"look at you, you are no longer in control and you are giving out empty threats."

he angrily replies.

"just because I'm no longer in my enhanced form, it doesn't mean you can take me on."

he yells and rushes me sluggishly, I dodge and parry his punches with no effort, and with every missed punched, his desperation increases making every punch he throw miss much more wildly and easier to not put any effort into dodging, after a while of him throwing punches I finally counter and punch his gut, he collapses to the floor on his knees clutching his belly coughing up blood, I then think to myself.

"he didn't active scale hardening, does he not enough mana to do it."

I then lift my leg and land a kick to his head, he falls to his side on the floor, I then kick him again so that he is laying on his back, I lift my leg and plant my leg ln his c.h.e.s.t and ask.

"now General Aktosh, where is King Tresron?"

he replies with defiance in his voice.

"I'm not saying a damn thing to you."

I then put more force on the planted foot, crushing down his c.h.e.s.t, and I ask again.

"this is your last chance Aktosh, if you tell me where King Tresron is at I'll let you live, so let's try this one more time where is King Tresron?"

"fine I'll show you."

I reply with snarkiness.

"good now stay here, if you move from this spot, our deal is off, now nod if you understand?"

he nods and then I take my foot off of his c.h.e.s.t, I then check on the others, I help Klein and Remy up, putting their arms around me Klein asks weakly.

"so its over now?"

I reply.

"almost, all that's left is King Tresron."

Remy chimes in.

"good, we can finally go back to our lives."

we slowly make our way to Drulog and Sid, my heart drops as I see Drulog kneeling with one leg holding on to one of Sid's hand, Remy trying to catch her breath says to me.

"forget about us, go check on Sid."

I unwrap their arms from me and rush towards them, I quickly kneel next to Sid, I ask with concern in my voice.

"what's wrong?"

Sid weakly says.

"Collin I can feel that my time is coming."

tears start to swell up in my eyes again, and i say.

"what are you talking about, your fine, come one this is almost over."

Klein and Remy arrive they both have worried looks on their faces, Sid looks at Remy and weakly say

"Remy, I got one more thing to say to you, can you please look out for our brother and sisters? they will no be looking up to you."

Remy is in tears crying her eyes out, shaking her head, Sid's breathing is getting more shallow with each breath he takes, Sid the looks at Klein and weakly says.

"and you Klein, please keep an eye out for the kid for me."

Klein has tears falling from his eyes and replies with a whimpering voice.

"Dont worry Sid I'll keep an eye on Collin for you."

Sid then looks at me and weakly says.

"Kid keep your head up, you'll be alright."

whatever will I had of holding back my tears broke down, as Sid's breathing slows down and then it completely stops, Drulog says to us with sadness in his voice.

"you have my condolences you guys do what you need to do, Imma make sure that Aktosh doesn't try to run, Drulog then leaves us, the three of us just quietly stare at each other, Remy then leans foward and plants a kiss on Sid's forehead and sorrowfully says.

"thank you for everything you have done for me Sid, and I will honor your request and look out for the rest of our brothers and sisters."

she wipes her tears, stands up and walks toward to where Drulog is at, Klein rubs out his tears and walks away without saying a word, I also clean my eyes from tears and I say with sadness in my voice.

"Sid you helped and changed my life, I just wish I could have done more to save you, just like you did, but I failed you I'm sorry."

I then get up and walk away, as I approach Drulog, Remy and Klein, Klein looks at me and says.

"don't worry once we finish off the King, we will give Sid a proper burial where the rest our people can pay their respects to him."

as Drulog picks up Aktosh frlm the ground he asks us.

"not to be ins.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e but who is in charge now."

Klein looks at Remy and replies.

"Remy is in charge now."

Drulog looks at Remy and says.

"Lets go find this King Tresron."

she nods and replies.

"alright lets go finish this."

we then follow Aktosh who leads us behind the throne, he approaches a wall an presses a button and says.

"King Tresron is hiding behind this wall."

The wall raises and goes into the rest of the wall and then King Tresron appears before us cowering in fear, Drulog grabs The king and drags him out hidden compartment, King Tresron shouts with fear in his voice.

"unhand me you heathen, Aktosh why are you not attacking these fools!"

Aktosh replies.

"Its over now, they beat us."

Remy then asks Drulog.

"So what now, are we going to kill them here and now?"

Drulog responds.

"we will force the king to make an announcement to all of his loyalists, and make sure his loyalist messengers spread the message of their surrender throughout the battlefield, and then I will take both Aktosh and Tresron to my country, where my superiors will have Aktosh serve prison time, while the King will most likely be executed."

Remy replies.

"thats fine with us, of course we want Aktosh dead, but him serving time in a orcish prison is a much more crueler fate than death."

the three of us then head back to Sid's body as Drulog drags both Aktosh and Tresron to the outside so an announcement can be made.

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