Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 37 - Trouble Rising

I tried multiple times to transform but had no luck in doing so, Remy gives me a worried look and asks.

"are you sure you okay Collin?"

I reply dejectedly.

"yeah I'm very sure that I'm okay, but for some reason I can't transform."

she then says in a serious tone.

"Don't you worry Collin, if you want revenge against this Atlas guy, we got your back"

I then respond.

"no I'm not looking for revenge, if anything I just want to forget about ever running into him and let him be somebody else's problem."

Remy puts her hands on both my shoulders and asks.

"are you sure, Is this guy really that dangerous, to the point where you don't want to retaliate?"

"he used one spell against me and that was more than enough to get me on the verge of dying."

as she bring me closer for a gentle hug, she replies sympathetically.

"here, he obviously has you shaken, and if you want to let it go, that's fine, I'm just glad that you came back alive."

I reply warmly.

"I don't know how you do it, but you just know how to comfort everyone around you."

she chuckles and says.

"I'll take that as a compliment."

A month has gone by since our encounter with Atlas, I managed to convince Remy and the rest that I was not looking for revenge, Gresnor also helped explain on how dangerous Atlas magic abilities are, after we convinced them, I did what i do best and that was to continue training myself physically because for some reason I could no longer cast any spells, it was almost like my mana completely disappeared, but even with that happening every one kept treating me the same, while Remy's concern over me increased and has gotten overprotective, whenever I go outside of the encampment she always has Klein tag alongside me, as me and Gresnor finish up our usual physical training routine, Klein asks me.

"yo Collin, I know you want to forget about this Atlas guy, but are you sure you don't want to retaliate and get back at him?"

"of course I want to, but he is too dangerous for all of us to handle, and now it will be a lot harder for me to anything since I can't transform or use magic."

he sighs and replies.

"okay I get it he is too dangerous, I just can't help but blame him for what he has done to you."

he pause an then continues.

"what makes it more weird is that we already tried giving you more wolf's blood, and you still can't transform or use magic?"

I reply with fustration.

"it can't be helped, I just have to find another way to become strong again."

Gresnor chimes in.

"don't worry Collin, you and me will find another way to get stronger together."

"but you still haven't tried drinking the wolf's blood, you could easily become much stronger after consuming it."

Gresnor replies nervously.

"well you see, after taking my time to think about it, as you can see I changed my mind on not wanting to take the chance of dying after drinking it."

I put my hand on his should and respond.

"it's all good buddy, I am not going to force you to drink it."

Gresnor breathes a sigh of relief, Klein then winks at me and says in a serious voice.

"yeah that's right Collin won't make you but I will."

Gresnor replies confused.

"wait what?"

as Klein laughs robotically, he puts his hand on Gresnor's shoulder and says.

"come on why the long face, I was just joking."

Gresnor nervously laughs along with him, I grin and say.

"Klein you need to get better at making jokes, and that laugh didn't help out either, it didn't sound like a normal laugh."

Klein stares at the floor dejectedly as Gresnor responds with sympathy.

"It's all good, you don't need to make jokes to get along with me."

and before I got the chance to chime in, we get interrupted by Remy who has a serious expression on her face, I then ask with concern.

"what happened?"

she replies while looking at Gresnor.

"one of Gresnor's people is here, and is asking for our help."

"did they mention what for?"

Remy then looks at me with a serious look as she says.

"he said that a mysterious figure who calls himself Atlas just suddenly appeared with a massive mob of undead lizardman indiscriminately attacking innocent lives, and apparently there are some gaurds trying to hold him off while reinforcements arrive."

Me, Klein and Gresnor shout at the same time.

"are you serious!?"

she replies with a determination.

"yes I'm being serious, and since we are on good terms with the lizardman, I already told him to not worry because they already have our support."

Gresnor replies with anger.

"I may have not wanted to get revenge on him before, but now that he his attacking my people for no reason, I want to make sure that bastard gets whats coming to him."

"I was holding myself back on not tracking this guy down, because I was honoring Collin's request, but it looks like now I get the chance to make him pay for what he did to Collin."

I don't say a single word, Remy notices and asks me.

"how do you feel about it?"

I sigh and reply.

"well I really don't want to mess with him again, but I also can't just sit back and let him slaughter Gresnor's people."

Remy smirks and then asks.

"it I thought you said that you wanted to let him be someone else's problem?"

I reply with a hint of fustration.

"I know what I said, and now that I know what he is doing I can't let him get away with what he is doing."

Remy then replies.

"good, but when we go give out support, you will sit back and watch us because the way you are now, you won't be any help."

I reply.

"it's fine, just give him hell for me."

we then follow Remy to where everybody is at and shouts.

"this it we finally get the chance to get revenge for Collin, are all you ready to kill this bastard!."

everybody cheers.


without saying another Remy climbs aboard the carriage, then everyone does the same thing and we finally head out.

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