Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 38 - Destroyed

we arrive to the closest lizardman tribe, hoping that we arrived in time because even though we cut down the length of the trip that would have taken us four days by foot, turned into a one and half day trip by carriage, we then quickly climb out of the carriages, everyone notices the smell of decating bodies, Gresnor looks at the tribe in shock and says in anger.

"that bastard destroyed this entire tribe."

Remy then says with a serious tone.

"okay everyone search around the tribe and see if anyone was left alive and if you run into any enemies, you know what to do."

I then chime in.

"remember if they have the scent of death and you engage with them make sure you go for their head."

they reply.


and then they all split up and start searching, Remy then asks me.

"are you going to help us search?"

I respond.

"yeah of course I am, and besides if I run into any of the undead I'll be able to handle them with no problems."

she gives me a skeptical look and says.

"but you can't use magic anymore though."

I reply with confidence.

"I've gotten into fights without using any magic, and I'm still here standing."

she replies.

"fine but imma keep an eye on you this while time though."

I reply slightly annoyed.

"you really don't need to do that."

she also responds a bit annoyed.

"oh why not?"

I give her a serious look and I say.

"if I'm going to be any use, I need to be able to do things without any supervision."

she replies.

"okay I get it, but do not engage Atlas if you run into him."

I nod and start my search around the tribe, I searched through many destroyed huts trying to find any signs of life but with no luck, and so I continue my task of looking around for a few hours to only have the similar results of not finding a living soul, I then give up and start heading back to gather with the rest, and as I arrive to where everybody is at, Remy comes up to me and asks.

"any luck?"

I shake my head as I reply.

"no this place is empty, I didn't find any living or dead anywhere."

she responds not surprised in what I said.

"I figured as much, the rest of us had no such luck in finding anything."

and as Gresnor approaches he chimes in.

"so what now, there is nothing here, that bastard Atlas has destroyed this whole place."

Remy replies.

"well this isn't the only tribe, we must hurry and get to the next one."

Remy nods in agreement and yells.

"everyone get ln the carriages, we have no time to waste, let's go."

we all immidiately climb back onboard the carriages and quickly head off to the closest tribe, in which Gresnor said that it would take us an hour to arrive, but with the speed we are going

getting there quick won't be a problem, if anything the only thing that is running through our mind is if we will make it time, or if they are anyone still alive when we get there, forty five minutes pass and as we grow nearer to the tribe, the stench of death in the air increases in potency, and once we got near the outside of the tribe, the carriages come to a stop and we all jump out immediately, and as we enter the tribe simultaneous, the sounds of multiple loud groans fill the night air, all of us stare in disbelief as we see a huge number of undead lizardman are walking around aimlessly, Gresnor breaks the silence and says with a disheartened voice.

"look at what Atlas has done, he has raised an army of undead and he is using my people."

"there is not much we can do for them now, the only thing we can do is, release them from Atlas's control."

he takes a couple of deep breaths and responds.

"alright lets do this, we need to break them free from his control."

Remy then says.

"you all heard him right, now let's go and free them fromm his grasp, so they can rest properly."

after that we all charge in and start taking out the many dead that Atlas has raised, and as for me I was able to help out and it's all due to my continuous physical training, I think to myself.

"they all have the same attack pattern, there is no variation in how they strike."

and as I keep fighting and taking out more I continue to think.

"there must be a limit on what he can make the undead do for him in terms of them of them attacking on their own or if he has to constantly tell them how they nee to attack."

I look around at everyone else and they don't seem to be having any trouble taking them out, well all except for Gresnor, who is staring at one that he just took out, I finish up the one I'm taking out, and then as I walk up to Gresnor I see him crying, I then ask.

"hey whats wrong?"

he replies with sorrow in his voice.

"My sister didn't make it?"

I respond with concern.

"what makes you say that?"

he didn't respond as he just stares at the body, I then think to myself.

"man that sucks, he probably took out his sister."

I reply.

"take all the time you need buddy."

"so it seems like there are still some trouble makers running around and destroying all of my hard work."

Gresnor who immidiately snaps out of his grievance for his sister, looks at Atlas's direction and yells with malice in his voice.

"you bastard you've caused damaged to my people and for that you will pay with your life."

Atlas responds with amus.e.m.e.nt.

"oh your the one that got away from me the other day, now this time you won't have anywhere to escape from."

as I try to stop Gresnor from charging at Atlas I say.

"wait don't attack on your own, wait until everyone comes to back you up."

but he ignores me and rushes him anyway.

I then think to myself.

"shit this is bad, I can't help him especiallu not the way I am now."

I just watch helplessly as Gresnor closes the diatance between him and Atlas.

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