Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 39 - Second Encounter

As Gresnor gets closer, Atlas shouts.

"corpse bomb!"

Gresnor reacts by moving to side and dodging it, he then tries to hit Atlas but he responds by shouting.

"corpse shield."

Gresnor lands a blow on one of the corpses surrounding Atlas, and then he shouts.

"multi corpse bomb!"

Gresnor quickly backs away making distance between him and Atlas, I then think to myself.

"Gresnor is quickly reacting to what Atlas is doing, but the only problem with that is, if he keeps on reacting to whatever he does, then he won't be able to make an effective offensive against him, hopefully Gresnor notices this and tries to mix in offensive and defensive moves if he wants to throw off Atlas's momentum."

Atlas laughs and says.

"good job lizardboy, but for how long can you keep up for I wonder."

Gresnor goes in for another attack, Atlas chuckles as he shouts.

"undead arms!"

"scale hardening."

I sigh in relief and think to myself.

"good that should softened whatever blow those arms are landing on him."

after a few seconds of struggling he breaks free from their grasp and he continues charging towards Atlas but he responds by shouting

"corpse bomb!"

but Gresnor doesn't try to dodge it, he just keeps charging head on towards the corpse rushing him, and as they close the distance between them, he quickly grabs the corpse's arm and spins it in a circle before throwing him back at Atlas, and since he didn't expect anybody countering his attack, Atlas doesn't react to it and the corpse blows up next him, leaving a purple mist of liquid surrounding the area that Atlas is standing at, Gresnor starts laughing and shouts.

"ha I got you with your own attack, you idiot!"

the purple mist clears up and Atlas is there still standing, but he is no longer wearing his hooded black robe, so now his whole body is exposed, I then think to myself.

"he's an actual skeleton, I guess he wasn't lying about that."

"you destroyed my robe, that was a gift from my partner, I'm going to make you regret doing that!"

he then shouts.

"homing corpse bomb!"

Gresnor laughs it off and responds.

"the same attack huh, it won't work on me!"

the corpse rushes him, and as he tries to do the same maneuver he did last time, the corpse turns to Gresnor, then it latches on to him and blows up, I then think to myself.

"there is no purple liquid, just a regular explosion."

Gresnor collapses to the floor groaning weakly, I then yell at the top of my lungs.

"Remy I need your help!"

"I recognize you, your that werewolf that got away from me, but something is different about you, I don't sense any mana in your body."

he pauses for a moment and then continues.

"well either way, I'm going to keep the promise I made last time and imma kill you."

he then cackles as he shouts.

"corpse bomb!"

the corpse comes rushing at me, and right before

it reached me multiple fireballs pierce through the corpse and makes it blow up, I then hear Remy's voice.

"we heard you Collin, so don't worry about it because we are going to handle this now."

as I turn towards her I see the rest of my people standing behind her ready to fight, she put her on my shoulder and says.

"go get Gresnor out of here, we will take on Atlas."

and the moment I started to run to Gresnor, Remy and the rest transformed, I then hear Atlas's voice shouting in the distance.

"this is great, now I have a large group of werewolves that I can turn into my servants!"

I approach Gresnor, who is still groaning in pain, I grab a hold of him and I slowly carry him out harm's way, after growing a good amount of distance between us and the battle, I sit him down right next to the carriage, and then I climb through the back to grab a healing potion so I can give it to Gresnor, and as I help him swallow the potion, he smiles and then says weakly.

"Collin did you see that, I managed to get in an attack on him."

I chuckle and reply.

"yeah I saw you, I can't believe you actually did something to him, unlike me."

he then replies.

"dont say that, if anything you would have given him hell if you still had your mana."

I reply.


I pause and then I ask him.

"are you going to be okay being alone here?"

he answers.

"you want to go see how they are doing against Atlas huh, then yeah I'll be fine."

as I walk away from Gresnor he says.

"be careful out there, I know you really want to get involved but we both know you can't do that, especially the way you are right."

I nod and reply.

"yeah I know, I'll see you in a bit."

I quickly make my way back to where the battle is happening, and I'm confronted with the shocking sight of them struggling to do anything against Atlas, I look around and see many of my own back in human form screaming in pain, and a few others that are no longer moving, I think to myself in fear.

"shit this is much worse than what I expected, and here I am unable to do anything about it."

as I clench my fist in anger, I say to myself.

"how can you be so useless, you good for nothing piece of shit."

I kneel to the floor and I start pounding at the ground in blind fury, I can feel my blood boiling and in that moment I hear a voice echoing in my head whispering.

"Collin we need to talk."

I turn to my back and see that there is no one behind me, I frantically look around me, and then I think to myself.

"is Atlas using some kind of trick on me?"

and in an instant my vision goes black.

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