Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 40 - Silver Eyes

Everything is black, and I can't see a thing, so then I ask myself.

"did Atlas somehow blind me?"

as I say that, an apparition of a white wolf appears right in front of me, I stare at the wolf as it starts to walk in circles around me, I then think to myself confused.

"what is going on, this is a new level of strange."

the wolf stops walking, it looks straight at me and then it starts talking.

"Collin you must have a lot of questions for me, am I correct about my assumption?"

at this point I start to question my insanity, because here I am in a strange place, with a wolf talking to me, I close my eyes and take a couple of deep breaths, I then open my eyes again, but nothing changed, I am still in this place, the wolf starts talking again.

"you must be wondering if this is real, well I'll tell you that this is in fact real, right now we are in your mind?"

I reply confused.

"what do you mean my mind, are you saying we are in my head or something?"

it responds.

"that is correct."

I'll just humor this wolf, so then I ask.

"so what exactly are we doing in my head?"

it replies.

"it seems like you were able to connect your mind to me, and for this reason you have been going through changes."

now that it said that, my interest peaked, and then I ask.

"well you must have more to say right, so what do you mean about our minds connecting?"

it replies.

"if you are not aware what this means, then that means the blood of the werewolf has regressed very much."

I ask.

"regressed, so are you saying that we are weak?"

it responds concerned.

"yes I'm afraid so, because a long time ago werewolves were incredibly powerful, so tell me what power do you and the other werewolves use?"

I reply.

"we transform into a werewolf."

the wolf freaks out and says.

"that primitive form, then things are much more worse than I thought it was."

I then ask.

"please help me understand something, if things are as bad as you say, then what are we doing wrong?"

it then says.

"when you first transformed how did things go, tell me everything that you remember."

I respond.

"well the thing is, I don't remember a thing, I was told that once I consume the werewolf's blood that I wouldn't be able to control it for my first transformation."

it replies fustrated.

"consume werewolf's blood, so you were not naturally born with it and what do you mean not being able to control it?"

it lets out a heavy sigh and didn't let me talk as it says.

"so everything is back at the beginning stage, no wonder things are bad."

it pauses and then asks.

"so how did you manage to connect our minds?"

I reply.

"I'm not really sure."

the wolf says.

"I think I might know when, it must have been when someone tried to invade your mind, and during that time when you broke free from it, I heard you voice."

I respond.

"I guess that makes sense, so what happens now."

it then says.

"come over here and press your forehead to mine

so that I can get a clearer picture of your memories."

I cautiously get closer to it and I press my forehead to the wolf's, a few moments of silence pass by, it then breaks it by saying.

"well you have been training your whole life, so you should be able take the first step in unlocking the full power of a werewolve's, so let me say this, do you have any questions before I merge with you?"

I respond shocked.

"yeah hold on I'm still processing the information you just gave me."

"so this first step, what was the requirement."

it replies.

"physical training, and since you've been doing it for a while, your body is ready for the first step."

I then ask.

"so what exactly are you?"

it replies.

"I'm a fragment of the original werewolf, and a peace of me gets spread around in all of those who carry the werewolf's blood, so that I can guide future generations gain their full power, but since your at a primitive stage, I can only help you on your first step."

I then ask.

"what will it take for me to gain that full power?"

"just keep focusing on your training and the powers will eventually manifest in you."

I ask.

"so will you disappear once we merge?"

the wolf responds with a serious tone.

"yes, but it is necessary, because if we don't, you growth in strength will remain stagnant."

he then asks.

"So Collin are you ready to take the first step?"

I respond with a voice full of determination.

"yeah let's do it."

the wolf jumps into my body, and in an instant my vision clears up, I'm staring at the ground, I slightly turn my head and see that Remy is carrying me on her shoulders, I clear my throat and I ask.

"Remy what's going on?"

she responds out of breath and worried.

"I'm glad you are talking now, things are bad right, we have lost many of our own, so I decided for the ones who still remain to retreat."

I reply.

"Okay then, but can you let me go please."

she replies.

"alright I'll put you down, because I don't think I can carry you anymore."

as she puts me down, she stares me directly into my eye and asks surprised.

"Collin why are your eyes silver?"

I think to myself.

"is this what the wolf meant about taking the first step, I mean I do feel different and I can feel mana flowing through me again."

I respond.

"I'll let you know later."

I then look around and see a few injured around us, but i don't see any sign of Klein, I look back to Remy and ask with panic.

"where is Klein?"

she replies with sadness in her voice.

"he said to go on ahead and take you and the rest to safety while he bought us time, so I don't know if he is still alive."

as I take a few steps, I take notice that I have the same feeling that I usually do when I'm in werewolf form, I think to myself.

"it's like I have the same power like I would if I was in werewolf form, but the only difference I feel is that, my strength is a lot stronger and I'm still in human form."

I look back at Remy who has the expression of fear and worry, I then say to her.

"don't you worry Remy, I'm going to bring back Klein."

I use mana detection and start heading towards the two mana signatures in the distance, I shout out loud to myself

"hold on a little longer Klein, I'm on my way!"

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