Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 41 - No Mercy

I feel very light, and much faster than I do when I'm in werewolf form, I arrive to their location at a very fast pace, and I can immidiately tell that things aren't going Kleins way, especially with him being in human form and that many parts of his body has some missing skin, as I get close to Klein, Atlas shouts.

"Corpse bomb!"

I then manuever in front of Klein and I shout.

"magic barrier!"

it protects us from the explosion and the purple liquid, Klein chuckles and then weakly asks.

"so you finally woke up from your little nap huh?"

I turn around and respond light heartedly.

"and I see that you've been slacking on killing Atlas huh."

he looks at my eyes and asks with surprise in voice.

"whoa were your eyes always silver?"

Atlas then interrupts us.

"so you have returned, well it doesn't matter you will fall like all the other mutts around here."

but I just ignore him and I pick up Klein so that i can put him on my shoulders, I then say to him.

"alright its my turn to take him on, and your turn to take I nap."

"How'd you get so fast?"

I reply.

"I'll let you know later, for now I'm going to take you to safety with the rest, so that I can fight Atlas with no worries."

we arrive with Remy and the rest, and then I said.

"take care of Klein, I'll be back."

as turn around and quicken my pace, my mind wonders.

"whatever power this silver eyes hold, hopefully it is enough to defeat Atlas."

and in no time I arrive back to Atlas, he then asks smugly.

"oh so you have returned, and here I was thinking that you've turned tail and ran away with those remaining mutts."

"I'm going to warn you now Atlas, you will suffer for everything you have done here, and when you are on death's doorstep and are begging me to spare your life, I will give you no mercy!"

he laughs and responds sarcastically.

"so the big bad wolf, is going to make me suffer, oh please mr. Wolf don't say such scary things."

he then stops laughing and with c.o.c.kiness in his voice he says.

"I don't know if you remember what I did to you last time, but soon I'll help you jog your memory."

after he says that I immediately charge at him, he reacts by shouting.

"homing corpse bomb!"

I respond by chanting.

"mobile magic barrier."

I noticed that this spell appeared in my memories when I activated magic barrier earlier, while the old on doesn't allow movement when activated, this one lets you become mobile while having the shield active, Atlas gets shocked by these turn of events as the corpse blows up on my shield and it still holds up, but I then deactivate it, and then I shout.

"dual triple fire shot!"

the usual baseball sized fireballs are now three times in size, and they fly through the air at a much faster speed towards Atlas, he quickly shouts.

"corpse shield!"

the fireballs explode on impact, and catching all the bodies surrounding him on fire, i think to myself.

"even the fireballs improved, and it looks like Atlas is completely bewildered on what's going on, alright it's time to add more to his confusion."

as I get closer to him, I chant.

"mana shift."

I hear yell in fustration.

"undead arms!"

"huh so he can activate it at many different areas at once, well that would have worked if he could actually see me, I'm guessing those flames that are still burning must be messing with his vision and detection ability."

I take this chance and maneuver myself behind him, he reacts to my actual presence and turns around, he then shouts.

"Corpse sh.'"

I didn't let him finish casting his shield, as my kick cuts his midsection in half, his upper half and lower half, fall separately on the floor, he yells in pain.

"you bastard what did you do to me!?"

As I approach him, I quickly crush both his shoulders with my feet seperating his arms away from the rest of his body, he then screams in agony, and shouts at me.

"please I beg of you stop!"

I gently plant my foot on his head and I reply calmly.

"so even though you're a skeleton, you still feel pain huh?"

"I'm sorry please stop."

I laugh at him and I reply.

"do you remember what I said earlier, that I wasn't going to show you mercy even if you beg."

I then take my foot of his head and crush all of his ribs on the right side of his body, he screams in more pain, I then say with anger in my voice

"and now that I know that you can feel pain, I'm going to make sure that you don't get a quick death."

I then stomp on the ribs on his left side, he keeps screaming in pain, I then put my foot on his head again and I ask.

"got any last words?"

he replies with pain his voice.

"no just end it already."

I then crush his skull turning it into dust, and right as I'm about to walk away, a female voice says elegantly.

"oh dear, It seems that I have arrived a bit late."

I turn around and I see a pale looking woman wearing the same robes that Atlas was wearing, I then take a few steps back as she approaches the remains of Atlas, I think to myself.

"I guess this is the partner Atlas was talking about, I need to prepare for another potential fight."

she kneels down and asks.

"oh Atlas my dear servant, how did you manage to fail me?"

she turns to me, I then see that she has red glowing eyes, and then she says to me elegantly.

"the names Abigail, it's a shame that I'm pressed for time, or I would have stayed to get us more well aquainted."

as she stands up to walk away, she waves goodbye and then says with a posh tone.

"we'll get to know each other better next time, but for now I bid you farewell."

I think to myself.

"Don't go after her, just let her go for now, there is no telling what she is capable of."

she then makes a lot of distance between us and disappears from under the night sky, I let out a sigh of relief and as I return back to Remy and the rest, the sun starts rising, and then I think to myself.

"for now let everyone recover before we start searching for that Abigail person, because it seems that this is not over yet."

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