Rosie looks at me confused and asks.


I reply.

"I believe they could have information on someone I'm looking for."

she responds intrigued.

"is this something you can talk to me about?"

I respond with a question.

"so were you serious about tagging along with me?"

"yes I intend to stick by you."

I sigh as I ask.

"do you know who Atlas is?"

she looks at me in surprise when I mentioned his name, she then responds.

"yes I know him, but I'm just curious on how you know him?"

I reply reluctantly

"I hope you don't get mad, but I ran into him."

she exclaims.

"what you ran into him, where, when and how are you still alive if you ran into him?"

"Rosie relax, and take some deep breaths."

she does it and says impatiently.

"well go ahead tell me how you managed to survive your encounter with that monster."

I respond hesitantly.

"alright don't freak out, but I fought him and deafeated him."

Rosie looks at me in shock, like if I said something unbelievable, she then turns to Klein and Gresnor, in which Gresnor says.

"yeah it's true, Collin turned Atlas into a pile of bones during their fight."

she chuckles nervously and asks.

"you are kidding right?"

"you wanted me to tell you everything right, well this is why I need to talk to the higher ups n the academy, because there is someone else involved with Atlas, and I want to know if they have any information on that person."

she says frantically.

"hold on this a lot to take in, because if this is true then you already stronger than most of the magic knights."

I then ask Rosie.

"since you are a magic knight, is there anyone that is high up in the academy that you know that will talk to us about this?"

she replies.

"yes there is one, but you won't like him though."

I ask.

"and why is that?"

"well he proposed to me."

I feel my blood boil in anger, and I think to myself.

"calm down Collin, don't get angry, just focus on your goal."

I reply gritting my teeth.

"well that doesn't matter, if he can help, then let us go talk to him."

she smiles and says.

"aw you don't need to get jealous, I already have someone in mind that I want to marry."

I reply with a smirk.

"and who is this lucky fellow, am I familiar with him?"

"of course you know him, idiot."

she then gives me a kiss on the cheek.

Gresnor interrupts.

"I get it you two are getting all lovey dovey amd stuff, but we got things to do."

I think to myself.

"damn it Gresnor, you moodkiller."

we arrive at the entrance of the academy, where Rosie told us to wait at, while she went inside, Klein asks me.

"so how long do I have to pretend to follow your orders?"

I reply.

"once we leave Rozlania, why are you tired, of not being able to talk when Rosie is around?"

he nods and says.

"alright then."

we wait for about half an hour and Remy comes back to us and says.

"alright Collin I told him what you told me and he wants to talk to you."

Remy leads the way and we enter the Academy, I look around and my breath gets taken away by how amazing the inside looks, I then ask Remy.

"is this the lobby?"

she nods to my question, and says.

"come on, we are going to meet him at the duel arena."

we walk through many hallways that have doorways to the classrooms and then we go through a doorway that is somewhere in the back of everything, and as I walk through, I notice that this arena looks like a colosseum, and then a voice echoes through the air saying.

"ah so you have arrived."

a man comes jumping down from the stands, and then he approaches us, I take a good look at him and see that he is around twice my age, with a buzz cut, brown eyes, mustache and beard, he then extends his hands, I hold out my hand and shake his, and he then says.

"Clyde Fergus, p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet you."

I reply.

"Collin Belfaust."

He responds.

"Rosie here tells me that you have defeated a former magic knight named Atlas, but I find that hard to believe."

I ask.

"and why is that?"

he responds with a serious tone.

"because you are an unknown, that has no magic knight training."

I respond.

"if you don't believe me then why bother talking to me about it."

he replies.

"to show Rosie that she has been decieved by your story."

I ask with a serious voice.

"so you want to fight me?"

he chuckles and responds with a question.

"well if you really defeated Atlas then beating me should be no problem."

Rosie says to me.

"Collin you don't need to fight him."

I smile at her and I say.

"it's fine if he really wants to fight me, I'll give him a fight."

Clyde then says.

"Rosie, you and Collin's companions can go up on the stands, and watch from there."

me and Clyde wait until they find a seat, he looks at me and says.

"back out now kid, this is your last chance to give up before I embarrass you."

I reply with anger.

"shut it and get ready to fight."

we then stand ten feet apart from each other, and Clyde says.

"when I say go, the fight will officialy start."

I nod.

we stare at each other for few moments, and then he shouts.


I chant to my self.

"Silver Eyes."

he then yells.

"ice spike barrage!"

as I charge at him, I respond with.

"mobile magic barrier."

all the ice spikes bounce of my barrier, once the last one bounced off, I deactivate it, and I keep charging him, he notices and panics with.

"ice wall!"

a six foot tall and wide ice wall appears in front of him, but then I keep going and shatter the wall as I punch through it, Clyde looks at me in horror like if I did something that was impossible, and before he got to say another spell, I quickly close in on him and I swing a punch at him as hard as I could to directly to his gut, in which the force of my punch sends him flying up and crashing onto the stands, I then turn to Rosie to see that she is staring at me completely stunned, but Gresnor and Klein are clapping and cheering, I then think to myself.

"well that was quick."

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