Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 44 - Back To Grezia

The door opens and I'm met with the sight of my dad, who is looking at me with a shocked expression, I then awkwardly wave as I say.

"hey dad."

he starts chuckling and pulls me in for a hug, as he lets go, he notices that both Klein and Gresnor are standing behind me he looks back at me and asks.

"are they friends of yours?"

I reply.

"yeah I met them on my little adventure."

he then lools at all of us and says

"well what are you waiting for, come on in."

the three of us walk inside, and we sit down on the couch, my dad says.

"wait here, I'm going to bring your mother."

he quickly makes his way to their bedroom, and I hear him say.

"Marie we have visitors, come and greet them."

both of them come back to the living room, and then the moment my mom saw me, she start crying tears of joy, and hugs me tighly, she then ask while bawling.

"Collin you idiot, why did you have to leave, well I guess it doesn't matter because you came back for good right?"

I reply with a serious tone.

"I don't know yet, I still have things that need taken care of before I make that choice."

she then lets go and as she wipes her tears, she asks with her voice filled with sadness.

"so this return was just temporary?"

I reluctantly respond.

"yeah unfortunately, I came by to see how you guys were doing, and to meet my little sister."

she then looks at both Gresnor and Klein, and asks while pointing her finger at them.

"is it because of them, are they forcing you to stay with them."

I chuckle and respond.

"no you got it all wrong mom, I dragged them onto my little adventure."

her tune changed and shakes hands with both of them exchanging pleasantries, and then she says to both of them.

"I'm sorry my son has dragged you both into trouble."

the both reply in unison.

"it's no problem."

my mom then says.

"alright lets go see your sister, but you have to be quiet because she is sleeping."

I reply.

"okay got it."

I then tell both Gresnor and Klein to wait for me at the living as I follow my mom to their bedroom, she slowly opens the door, we both silently walk in and then my mom whispers.

"here is you baby sister, Sarah."

I stare at her, and then memories of my old life start to manifest, it was a very similar to what's happening right now of when I first met my younger sister in past life, tears start coming down my eyes, my mom wipes the tears and asks.

"is everything okay, why are you crying?"

I compose myself and reply.

"it's nothing don't worry about it."

we then walk out of the room and head back to the living room, where my dad is welcoming in Rosie, and then as I look at both Klein and Gresnor, I say to them.

"alright it's time to go."

both my mom and dad look at me with sad expressions, as I go up to them to hug both of them, I then say holding back my tears.

"hopefully when I'm done, I'll come back again."

they both give me one last hug, and they say their goodbyes to all of us, then the four of us leave my house and start heading towards the carriages, and on the way there Rosie says.

"you know I wasn't expecting a letter from you, especially having it come from the lizardman region, since they were dealing with their civil war."

I reply.

"well I went there, once it was done."

Gresnor then replies.

"what are you talking about Collin, you helped resolve our conflict with the loyalists."

I shoot Gresnor a dead look, and Remy asks with concern in her voice.

"oh did he really?"

Gresnor responds.

"yup, Collin and the rest of his companions are considered war heroes amongst us lizardfolk."

Remy looks at me and asks.

"so you left home, so you can go fight in a war?"

Klein and Gresnor immediately quicken their pace, leaving me and Rosie alone, I take a deep breath and respond.

"well certain things happened while I was exploring and I just kinda got dragged in."

I look at her face and I see that she is mad, I try to say something, but she interrupts and the says obviously irritated.

"hmph I don't want to hear it."

we finally arrive and climb inside a carriage that is heading towards Grezia, the two day trip to the capital was filled with awkward silence, once we arrive, Remy says.

"alright that permit, should allow all of you to go inside."

I then ask.

"do you want to know why we wanted to come here?"

she responds annoyed.

"oh so now you want to tell me things."

I then reply with a bit of fustration in my voice.

"you know what fine, I'm sorry I didn't tell you that I was involved in a war, if you are going to spend this whole time together being mad at me, then why bother coming along?"

she responds with sadness in her voice.

"fine if you don't want me around then I'll go back home."

Rosie turn around and starts walking away, i then think to myself.

"damn it Collin don't let it end like this."

I go after her, I then tap her on the shoulder, and as she turns to me, I put both of my hands on her shoulder, I then slowly pull her towards me and I gently give her a kiss, she reciprocates and puts wraps both her arms around my neck, we kiss for about a minute, and then as we press our foreheads together I whisper to her.

"I'm sorry for everything, and I promise you that I'll tell you everything."

she sniffles and responds by whispering.

"and I'm sorry with the way I was acting, I should have been more understanding, I sure there is a lot of things you want to tell, but can't for some reason, so don't worry I'll be here to listen to everything that you want to tell me."

we then step away from each other, and we hold hands as we head inside Grezia, once we got into the city with no problems Rosie asks.

"so what are we doing here?"

I reply.

"I need to talk to the ones in charge of the magical academy."

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