Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 47 - Corpus Desert

The ride to Corpus Kingdom was a long one, we had to take rest stops in many villages and transfer from carriage to carriage, and in total we spent around a month traveling until we arrive at Hellion village the only one closest to the desert, as we enter the village we went through the same process of getting permits and explaining how Klein is tamed by my spell, having Rosie with us really helped due to the fact that she is a magic knight, and then after all that we found an inn to rent a room with two beds, I then say to everyone.

"alright this is it, we will rest here tonight and then make our way to the desert tomorrow."

Gresnor and Klein both lay down on one bed while me and Rosie lay on the other one, as the both of us lay down on the bed, Rosie whispers.

"so after you beat this Abigail person, will you return home with me?"

I whisper back.


as she closes her eyes, she replies.

"well if you don't plan to come back, I'll just tag along on your your adventures."

then before I got to say anything, I look to see that she is fast asleep, and as I stare at the ceiling, I think to myself.

"hopefully I'm strong enough to defeat Abigail."

"so are we taking a carriage to the desert?"

I reply.

"not exactly, the carriage will drop us off at the mountain pass that leads into the desert, and from there we will cross through it."

all of us make our way through the village, until we finally arrive at the outskirts where the carriages are at, and as we approach the coachman, Rosie asks.

"excuse me, how close can you get us to mountain pass."

the coachman looks at all of us, and replies.

"I can drop you off right by the entrance."

Rosie then says to us.

"come on lets gets go."

and we finally arrive at the entance of the mountain pass, Rosie pays the coachman and says thank you to him, and as we stand at the entance, Gresnor says.

"well I guess all thats left is to walk through here and then we are finally at the desert."

and as we begin walking through, I reply.

"yeah and hopefully Abigail is somewhere here."

I then turn to Rosie and ask.

"is there any structures that were built there that you know of?"

she responds.

"only one, and it's an abandoned fort."

I reply.

"alright we will check there, and if Clyde is correct with his information then we will most likely run into her there."

I then get close to Klein and whisper to him.

"I want you to only transform when things get really dangerous."

he whispers back.

"Okay got it."

We continue walking and by night time we arrive at the exit of the pass, where we can see sand dunes in the distance, I turn to Rosie and ask.

"do you know where the fort is at?"

she replies.

"it should be close by the exit and near the ocean."

I respond.

"which direction?"

she replies.

"east, towards the ocean."

and as we then continue walking, Rosie comes up to me and asks.

"you know ever since you beat Clyde, I've been meaning to ask you, on how did you manage to get so strong and how did you gain mana?"

I respond worried.

"If I tell you, I'm afraid that you will be scared of the truth."

she asks with a serious tone.

"did you have to do something awful?"

I reply seriously.

"not exactly, but it's something that completely changed me, and I'm afraid that if you know what it is, that you might look at me like some kind of monster."

she responds a bit nervously.

"come on, it can't be that bad right?"

I sigh and say.

"I promise I'll tell you everything, but right now i don't think I'm ready to tell you about that."

she gives me a smile and replies.

"well this whole time I've been around you, I haven't felt scared, if anything I feel safe and comftorable, so whenever you want to tell me, I'll be here always ready to listen."

she then holds my hand and we end up walking together. after walking for an hour, Gresnor calls out to me and Rosie, where we are lagging behind.

"I think I see the fort!"

we then hurry to climb up the hill and as we arrive to the top, the fort comes into view, Rosie says.

"this fort was once shared by the elves and humans when relations between our races used to be on good terms, but now it just sits there forgotten."

I ask.

"do you think relations between humans and the other races change into something better?"

Rosie replies.

"there has been many acts of atrocities that have happened in the past, that I don't think relations between the races will ever be good again."

Gresnor chimes in.

"to be honest, human and elves are way too arrogant and see the other races as lower life forms than them."

he looks at me and stutters.

"of course not you Collin, you are the very first human to accept me as a friend."

he pauses and says to Rosie.

"of course you too Ms. Rosie, you haven't talk down to me this whole time we've known each other."

she replies.

"any friend of Collin's is a friend of mine."

I then look at Klein and see that he wants to say something, I walk up to him and ask.

"what happened, did you see something?"

He responds with a serious tone.

"I thought I saw some movement outside of the fort."

I then think to myself.

"it must be Abigail."

I turn to everyone and say.

"it looks like it's time to check out the fort, is everyone ready."

they all nod, and we start heading towards the fort, ready for anything that comes our way.

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