Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 48 - Vampire Nest

As we get closer to the fort, all of us use the mana detection spell, and notice that there are many mana signatures inside the fort, I then signal everyone to get closer to me and I whisper.

"did all of you detect all the mana signatures in there?"

they all nod, and Rosie asks.

"what do you think it means?"

I reply.

"well Atlas mentioned having servants, maybe Abigail also has servants."

I then think to myself.

"or it could mean that she has vampire underlings, since Clyde said that ahe could be a vampire lord."

Rosie looks at me suspiciously and asks.

"Collin is there something you're not telling us?"

I think to myself.

"you might as well tell them what we are up against."

I reply.

"it turns out that Abigail is a vampire lord that recently woke up."

Klein Responds.

"doesn't matter what she is, I will fight by your side."

Gresnor nods and replies.

"Same with me, no matter what we face, I'll be by your side."

Rosie still shocked with what I said, asks me.

"what are ypu talking about Vampires are nothing but fairy tales to scare children, right?"

I reply.

"well Clyde seems to believe that she is one."

after saying that Rosie seems like she accepted it, and then she asks seriously.

"so how do we defeat vampires?"

I reply.

"well the tales say that all you need to do is to destroy their heads."

I then think to myself.

"well in my past life the vampires depicted in fiction were defeated by crosses and sunlight, but I don't think those rules apply to these vampires."

Rosie then asks.

"so what is the plan of attack."

I reply.

"we charge in there, defeat as many as we can and hopefully that will draw her out, and from there I'll take on Abigail, while you guys continue defeating the rest."

they all nod in agreement to my plan, we then make our way to the entrance of the fort, and we notice that there is one outside just standing, Rosie whispers to me.

"here I'll take it out."

she then chants.

"lighting bolt."

a six inch straight line of lighting comes out of her palm and it flies through the air, piercing whatever was standing there, right from the back of the head, and as it collapses to the floor, we approach it quietly, I then say.

"let's check it's mouth to confirm if it really is a vampire."

Rosie opens the mouth to check it's teeth, and it seems like she was shocked with what she has just discovered, she then looks to me and says.

"it really is a vampire, look it has sharp teeth."

I reply.

"be careful not to get cut with the teeth, we don't know what could happen."

Gresnor then says.

"well I'll be damned, Vampires actually exist."

I then look to eveyone and say.

"I want to wish you all good luck, and if we defeat these vampires and Abigail, maybe we will get recognized as heroes who took out a growing menace in this region."

Gresnor responds.

"well she and her partner Atlas already caused a lot of damage to my region, so for me this isn't about saving this region, but to get revenge for what she has done."

Klein replies.

"you already know why I'm here Collin."

Rosie sighs and responds.

"Well my duties as a magic knight dictate that I can't ignore an obvious growing threat that can bring danger to my kingdom."

I smirk and say.

"well it's time to go."

we didn't waste anytime going inside the fort, and as we stand at the center of the courtyard, we quickly get surrounded by many vampires,

Gresnor says.

"well shit, there sure are a lot of them here."

I reply nervously.

"yeah but we've been in tough spots before right?"

Klein Responds.

"yeah, I know that all too well, but I also know that everytime we are close to death, we somehow always make it."

"well if things go sour here, at least we will go down swinging together."

And before Rosie got to say anything, on of them says.

"well it looks like the king has sent more food for us."

I think to myself confused.

"wait what sending food, does that mean the king of Corpus is aware of the vampires existence?"

Rosie points at the Vampire and shouts.

"don't you dare say another word you vile creature!"

the vampire then shouts.

"it's time to dine on their blood, go and attack!"

I think to myself.

"I can't take any risks and just go straight into silver eyes."

as I chant and power up to my Silver eyes, I yell at Klein.

"don't hold back, you can transform!"

he laughs and instantly turns into a werewolf and starts taking out vampires left and right, Gresnor and Rosie also start fighting, I then think to myself as I kill a few vampires.

"it looks like these underlings aren't very strong, just like I suspected."

Rosie puts her back against mine and says.

"when you said Klein was a monster, I didn't expect him to be a damn werewolf, and It's funny that I used to think that vampires and werewolves were nothing but made up fairy tales, but here I am fighting with them presently."

two vampires rush me, and I make quick work of them with my kicks, I then say to Rosie.

"yeah I didn't know how to bring up that up to you, but it doesn't matter because you can see what he is now."

and as Rosie kills a vampire with her lighting bolt spell, she chuckles nervously and responds.

"well at least he is on our side, I wouldn't want to fight a werewolf."

before I got to respond, my attention gets thwarted by a lone figure wearing the similar looking hooded robe, that is approaching us, the hood gets pulled down and see that Abigail is standing in the distance, as I take off to Abigail's direction I turn Rosie and yell.

"she is here, you and the rest stick to plan!"

I close in on her at a very fast speed, I then swing my arm for a punch, but Abigail reacts to my punch by grabbing on to my fist, she then smiles and says elegantly.

"hello dear, it seems like we've managed to meet again."

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