Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 51 - Unforgivable

In blind anger I yell out.

"Silver Eyes!"

as I charge in, I think to myself.

"I don't care if my arm is numb right now, I need to immobilize Abigail and get Rosie out of there."

I rush Abigail and unleash a barrage of punches, and for some reason she didn't try to block them, but instead started to fire the grey mist from her mouth, and as it makes contact to my skin I begin to feel like my energy is being drained from me, I then think to myself.

"Now it makes sense on why Klein got overwhelmed while in werewolf form."

I quickly shout.

"dual triple fire shot!"

my projectiles make their way through the mist and blow up around her face, covering her vision,

Immidiately after I follow up by chanting.

"mana shift."

Abigail still blinded, yells out in anger while swinging wildly around her area, I charge in and dodge stray punches, and I land a powerful kick to her side that sends her flying backwards, I then turn back and start running towards Rosie, as I kneel beside her, I gently turn her on her back, she smiles weakly and says softly.

"I'm sorry Collin, I guess I was too weak."

I shush her and reply.

"please don't speak, I'm going to give you a healing potion."

I look around making sure that Abigail isn't around and then I ask.

"where do you have your potions."

she points at the satchel that is on her side, I quickly open it and grab a healing potion, and as I help her drink it, I ask.

"will this help?"

she finishes drinking it and replies.

"yes and no."

I ask confused.

"what do you mean?"

she replies.

"it won't fix the hole in my c.h.e.s.t, for that I need a healer, the healing potion will only stop the bleeding and delay my death for a short while."

I panic and respond with a question.

"well how many more do we have?"

she replies.

"only one more, and even if I drink that, we won't make it back in time."

as tears start falling down my cheek I say with my voice cracking.

"don't talk like that, you're going to make it."

I then get interrupted by Abigail yelling.

"you human trash, I'm going to make sure that your death will be painful and slow!"

I angrily turn my attention to Abigail and notice that she is no longer in gargoyle form, I then yell.

"except it is you who will die a slow and painful death.

she laughs, and replies with confidence in her voice.

"you silly little boy, vampire lords don't die, we are immortal."

I respond with anger.

"I guess we will see about that."

I rush in for a head on attack, and Abigail responds by chanting.

"wind blast."

I throw caution to the wind and just keep charging, the wind pressure hits me but it didn't send me flying backwards like before, I then think to myself.

"good her magical abilities is weakening."

Abigail has a shocked expression as I brush off her attack, I then get closer and throw a punch to her gut, she whinces in pain, and after that she bites my shoulder, I scream in pain and start punching her, hoping that I can loosen her tight grip on me, I then think to myself.

"damn it, she is not letting go no matter how many times I punch her."

after a few minutes of non stop punching, I begin to feel a little woozy, and then I think to myself.

"shit, she is drinking my blood and she is draining my energy."

as I keep punching her, I think to myself.

"calm down a little Collin, you can't waste energy on random punches, you need to focus on doing powerful attacks on certain areas of her body."

I then use my elbow to strike her shoulder and after many blows I hear a crack, and her bite grip loosens a bit, I then think to myself.

"good I think, I broke her shoulder, now all I just gotta is to do the same thing at various parts of her body until she finally lets go of me."

immidiately after that, I focus on one of her kneecaps and continue attacking until I hear a loud snapping sound. Abigail then let's go of me and starts screaming in agony, she then yells at me.

"this means nothing, you can do all the damage you want to but you won't be able to kill me!"

she immidiately starts laughing uncontrollably, I then think to myself.

"alright I managed to immobilize her, now I need to check up on Rosie."

I quickly run to Rosie, and as I kneel beside her, I ask her with worry in my voice.

"how are you holding up?"

she groans and weakly responds.

"I feel very cold."

I reply.

"our you out of healing potions?"

she replies.

"yeah, and I told you that the healing potions wouldn't heal me, it was only delaying the inevitable."

I gently c.a.r.e.s.s her cheek and said.

"please you can't die."

My voice break and start crying, I then slowly pull her towards me to hug her, Rosie reciprocates and asks.

"so what was the thing you wanted to tell, but you thought it would make me afraid of you?"

as I wipe my tears, I respond.

"I became a werewolf, and even now I'm still one."

she chuckles and asks.

"so is that why you have those beautiful silver eyes?"

I nod and ask.

"so how do feel about me knowing that?"

she responds with a smile.

"I think that I still love you, and I'm happy that you shared that with me."

her eyes close and her shallow breathing stopped, I then put my fingers on her pulse, and can no longer feel one, and as I gently lay her down on the floor, I start crying uncontrollably and think to myself.

"in the end you weren't strong enough Collin, you are still weak, first you failed Sid, and now you have failed Rosie."

I angrily look back to Abigail and I yell at her.

"what you have done is unforgivable, and now you're time has come to die!"

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