The three of us stare at the elf confused, and then Gresnor whispers.

"what the hell, why is there an elf here?"

Klein responds.

"well there is an elven kingdom a few miles across the ocean from here."

I chime in.

"but it's still strange for an elf to be here, especially in the human region."

Gresnor points at her a bow and replies.

"be careful it looks like she has an enchanted bow."

I nod and say to both of them.

"for now we'll listen to what she says, if she shows any intent on killing us, we'll fight."

the elf still pointing her bow at us, slowly starts moving foward, and then stops at a good fifteen feet away form us, she then shouts.

"I detected a huge amount of monsters in this area, what hell happened here!?"

I then think to myself.

"I can't let any information about what happened be found out by anybody, I might have to fight this elf."

all three of us look at each other and stay silent,

she looks very irritated that we didn't answer her, she then points her bow at Klein and shouts.

"no answer huh, it doesn't matter, because it looks like you guys missed one monster."

she fires her bow, and Klein responds by chanting.

"magic barrier."

her arrow covered in the green mist, fly through the air and pierces a hole in his shield, Klein shocked on how it managed to go through, gets hit on the shoulder, he immidiately collapses to the ground, the elf then aims her bow at me and shouts.

"he is paralyzed, and the same will happen to both of you, if you dont answer my question!"

I gently put down Rosie's body, and then I chant.

"silver eyes."

she takes notice of the color of my eyes changing and fires an arrow at me, I respond with.

"mobile magic barrier."

my shield deflects her arrow and then I think to myself.

"good it looks like my shield is strong enough, I'm going to charge her straight on."

I then rush towards her and with my shield deflecting every arrow she shoots at me, i then close in on her and throw a punch, she tries to block it with her bow, but I end up breaking it, and then I follow up with another punch that knocks her out, I then wonder.

"that was easier than I thought, and here I was thinking she was going to be a tough fight."

as I power down, I look to Gresnor and say to him.

"she is going to be our prisoner, find something to bind her hands and feet."

he nods and asks.

"why do you want her alive?"

I reply.

"I got some questions for her, and depending on hownshe answers, will determine if I will let her live or if I will kill her."

he responds.

"okay will do."

after a while of waiting Gresnor, comes back and says.

"I couldn't find anything in this desert, but it's not so bad, we can use my shirt."

I reply.

"she will just easily rip it off, if we use a shirt."

he chuckles and says with confidence.

"maybe if it was your human made shirt."

I ask curiously.

"what do you mean?"

he gives me a smile and responds.

"because the shirts that us lizardmen wear are made of material that doesn't get ripped up by our scales."

I reply a bit skeptical.

"alright let's go with that the, tier her up nice and good, I'm going to bring over Klein and Rosie here."

after picking both of them up and bringing them to where the Elf and Gresnor are at, we then wait for a while and finally the elf wakes up, I then tell her menancily.

"you will answer my questions, and if give cooperate with no problems, I'll let you live."

she replies.

"and why would I want to do that.

I reply.

"the fact that you're still alive, is because of my generosity, if I really wanted to, you would have been dead long before I had you tied up for questioning."

she clicks her tongue and replies.

"fine I'll answer your questions human."

Gresnor chimes in with anger in his voice.

"she just clicked her tongue, are you going to let her disrespect you like that."

I reply.

"it's fine, it didn't get to me."

I then ask.

"what's your name?"

she gives me a puzzled look and responds hesitantly.


I then ask.

"alright Ellena, what are you doing here in the human region?"

she responds.

"I was sent to investigate what you humans were hiding in that fort."

I reply.

"oh, well you got nothing to worry about we just finished clearing out a monster infestation in there."

Ellena then asks.

"is that all?"

Gresnor chimes in.

"of course that's not all, he still has more questions."

I then say.

"actually that is all I wanted to know."

they both look at me confused, and Gresnor asks.

"but didn't you say you had a few questions for her?"

I reply.

"not really, I just wanted to know what she was doing here."

Ellena then asks me.

"I have a question though, what is a human and a filthy bogcrawler doing hanging together."

Gresnor looks absolutely livid ith that remark, but I interrupt him from saying anything.

"well that is none of your business."

she then asks.

"so am I free to go?"

I reply.


she angrily responds.

"you said that you will let me go."

I respond.

"I said I would let you live, I never said anything about letting you go, especially after what you did to my buddy, so for now you will be our prisoner until he wakes up."

as I pick Rosie and put her over my shoulder, I tell Gresnor.

"pick her up and carry her, and I'll carry Klein and Rosie."

Ellena then yells.

"where are you taking me!?"

I then say to Gresnor.

"shut her up please."

he knocks her out by punching her, he then asks.

"so what now?"

I reply.

"the same, we'll drop Rosie off to her parents so theu can give her a proper burial, and then we'll go off on our own and train ourselves to become stronger."

he responds.

"sounds good to me."

we then continue walking through the desert, taking our next step on our journey.

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