After Klein woke up from the effects of Ellena's paralyzing arrows, we traveled back to Rozlania without many incidents, except that we had many eyes on because we were an odd group, a Human, a Lizardman, an Elf, and a monster that I had to repeatedly demonstrate and convince to gaurds of many villages, that Klein was under control with my magic, and that I had to return a fallen magic knight to their home so they can get a proper butial. As we take a carriage that is homeward-bound to Arce, Ellena curiously asks.

"I've been wanting to ask, but how did you end up being friends with a lizardman and whatever Klein is?"

I reply annoyed.

"because I just am, what's it to you? and why are you still here, I told you a while back that you you are free to go."

she responds.

"nothing I'm just curious on why a human would stoop so low and become friends with a lizardman, and I already told you, that I'm going to keep following you until you tell me what happened at the fort."

I reply irritated.

"you know it's attitudes like that keep tensions going between every race and only leads to more atrocities to continue to keep going, and I already told you what happened at the fort."

she replies with remorse in her voice.

"I'm sorry, maybe you're right, it's just surprising is all."

Gresnor chimes in.

"maybe you can learn a thing or two from Collin, Elf."

Ellena snaps back with attitude.

"don't call me elf, I have a name you know."

Gresnor replies.

"I'll call you by your name, when you show respect, Elf."

I Interrupt.

"now Gresnor, you chiming in with the same attitude doesn't help."

I then say to Ellena.

"if you are serious about following us, I'm going to need you to be on your best behavior when we arrive at Arce, it was bad enough having gaurd look at me sideways because of how unusual it is to have a human be around different races."

Ellena replies.

"okay I understand, I'll do my best to behave."

after a few moments of silence I ask curiously.

"so can you fly?"

she looks at me perplexed and responds.

"just because I'm an elf, it doesn't mean I can fly, only those that are related to the royal family by blood have the ability of flight."

I reply uninterested.

"oh so you're just normal and lame elf."

she replies.

"I don't understand you, there are times where you show kindness, but at other times you act like a total jerk."

I ignore her and just stare at the road, from the back opening of the carriage, I then hear Klein chime in.

"listen elf, Collin just lost a loved one, so of course he's acting like a jerk."

Ellena responds surprised.

"since when can you talk?"

he replies.

"since forever, I just choose not to talk. especially not with you, since you annoy me."

she responds.

"okay I'll overlook you calling me annoying just this who are we talking about?"

Klein points at Rosie's body and says.

"her, she lost her life while we were clearing out that fort."

she turns to concerned and says.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know you and her were romantically involved, I thought she was just a friend."

she pauses and stammers.

"either way you have my condolences."

I reply with my voice breaking a little bit, but still staring out at the road.

"thank you."

after a few hour pass by, we finally arrove at Arce, where I'm greeted with the similar gaurds that work with Rosie. I explained to them on how she lost her life and that I wanted to bring her body back to her parents, one of the gaurds asked me.

"please tell me her death meant something."

I replied figthing back tears.

"yes, she fought like a hero and upheld her duties as a magic knight."

he replies.

"I wish you good luck on bringing this up to her parents, I probably wouldn't be able to face them."

he pauses and then says.

"I'll bring this up to Clyde, he'll want to know what happened to Rosie."

I reply.


I think to myself.

"I don't like the guy, but he needs to know what went down with our fight against Abigail."

I then say to the gaurd.

"if anything comes up let me know, because I'll be staying until I hear something from Clyde."

he asks.

"you know Clyde?"

I reply.

"yeah, I met him before me and Rosie left."

he responds.

"alright of anything happens I'll come and look for you."

after recieving our permit papers, we all make our towards Rosie's house, where I'm met with her mom crying her eyes out and with her dad asking me.

"Collin please tell me her death meant something?"

I reply.

"yes, she died doing her duty as a magic knight."

tears start running down his face, and then I follow up by saying.

"I'll leave you guys alone, so you can mourn her, and if you need anything from me, I'll be at my parent's house."

as I leave their house, Gresnor asks.

"so what now?"

I reply.

"we are going to wait around at my parent's house, until I hear word from Clyde, there are some things I need to talk to him about, before we leave."

Ellena interrupts.

"oh, so I get to meet your parents, I wonder how they are like."

I respond.

"you'll see, just please behave yourself."

after a while we arrive at my parent's house, where both my mom and dad, are surprised that I'm back so soon. I explained the situation of why

I came back and what I'm waiting around for, they both took the news hard that Rosie died, but are relieved that I'm still alive. after both of them greet Gresnor and Klein again, they are more surprised that an elf was hanging around with me. my mom asks me.

"want to see Sarah?"

I nod and she leads me to the bedroom, where Sarah is in her crib playing with a stuffed toy, I walk up to the crib and I say with a smile.

"hey Sarah, It's me your big brother Collin."

Sarah looks at me and just makes baby sounds, my asks.

"so are you still planning on leaving?"

I respond.

"yeah, there are still things I feel like I need to do."

but before my mom got to say anything we are interrupted by dad barging in the room asking me.

"Collin what is going on, there are gaurds looking for you?"

I think to myself.

"oh it looks like they got word from Clyde now."

I head towards the front door, where I'm met with a group of gaurds and someone wearing the colors of magic knights, and before I get to say anything, one of the gaurds shouts.

"Collin Belfaust, from the orders of Clyde you are under arrest for the murder of Rosie Hesron and are to recieve punishment for being a traitor of to the Kingdom of Rozlania!"

I think fo myself.

"murderer and traitor, what the hell is going on?"

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