Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 64 - What's Next?

We exit the portal and enter King Ryan's throne room, where Celeste approaches him and as she kneel to him, she says.

"our mission has been completed your highness."

he asks.

"was the body brought along?"

she nods and responds.

"yes, um Master Collin is carrying him."

I also approach King Ryan while still holding Clyde's body, and then I ask.

"so what do we do with the body?"

King Ryan showing me that he's pleased that I actually went through with killing Clyde, he then says to me.

"leave him with Celeste and join me for a meal, while she handles disposing the body."

I drop him on the floor and follow King Ryan, where he leads me into a long hallway, and I notice that there are many statues and paintings of him, I then say to him awkwardly?

"you got some fine art here."

he chuckles and responds.

"I'm starting to like you more, Mr. Belfaust you've got some excellent taste in fine arts, just like me."

he continues talking.

"as you can see, I've managed to find the best artists out there to make artwork of myself."

he continues to ramble on about every piece of artwork we came across, but I would just tune him out and think to myself.

"you should've just stayed quiet Collin."

we finally arrive to a large dining room, where there's all kinds of various foods layed out on the long table, King Ryan approaches the table and takes a seat on the end, and then says to me.

"Collin, sit down near me."

I sit down on the side, and pick the seat closest to the end of the table where King Ryan is at, to where he says me while eating some

"alright Collin I won't be beating around the bush here and get to the point, I want you to stay here in my kingdom and have you officially work for me."

I take a sip of tomato soup and ask curiously.

"and may I ask you why?"

he responds while taking a bite of chicken.

"it's simple really; first of all Celeste is Calling you Master Collin and she never does that unless it's someone who has impressed her, or it's usually those who were born with the Hero's Blessing."

I finished taking a couple of spoonfull of tomato soup and ask.

"is that the only reason why?"

he replies.

"of course not, this will also benefit both of us."

I reply.

"go on."

he continues.

"if you work for me, I can gurantee that you won't get executed and maybe get those charges away from you, so you don't have to serve prison time."

I rub my chin and respond.

"I see what you want, this offer you have for me, is meant to keep me eyes on me."

he chuckles and replies impressed.

"you're very perspective Collin, I'm honestly quiet impressed by this."

he then asks.

"so what do you say?"

I reply.

"I have to respectfully refuse your offer King Ryan."

Intrigued with my response, he asks.

"so what is making you refuse my offer if I may ask?"

I reply.

"because I think I still have a chance of changing things around to my favor, and I want to be able to walk around in my village without being hunted down."

he sighs and asks.

"how are you going to pull that off?"

I respond.

"I'm going to have a little talk with Gale."

King Ryan interrupts.

"kid that sounds like an idiotic idea, but if you've already made the decision to do this, the only thing I can ask of you, is to avoid getting captured and if you do get caught, make damn sure to keep your mouth shut and let me handle the part where they don't have you executed."

I reply.

"sounds good enough. now if you'll excuse me your highness, I need to handle some business."

King Ryan replies menancily.

"Collin I'm being serious when I say, to keep your mouth shut no matter what."

I respond.

"I'm well aware of it, there's no point in repeating it."

I stand up from my seat and leave the dining room, where I run into Celeste, who asks me.

"are you leaving already Master Collin."

I reply.

"Oh, hey Celeste I was about to look for you and yeah it's time for me to leave."

she asks.

"did you need me for something?"

I reply with a question.

"can you open a portal to Hellion Village or me?"

she responds.

"yes I can do that or you."

she opens up a portal for me and before I entered it, she asks.

"will I see you again Master Collin?"

I reply.

"if everything goes the way I planned, then yes we'll meet again, and start training together."

she smiles and replies.

"I'll hold you to your word, Master Collin."

her smile completely caught me off gaurd and broke whatever composure I had, and I think to myself.

"oh my god, that smile is so cute on her."

she invades my mind.

"thank you Master Collin, I will accept this compliment."

completely embarrassed I just walk through the portal back to Hellion Village. I finally leave the village and arrive at the same spot where Ellena and Klein are still waiting for me, Ellena notices me and as she approaches me, she asks.

"so how'd it go?"

I reply.

"it went good, now all that's left for me to do, is to go and confront Gale."

Klein asks.

"you sure it's a good idea to do that, because Ellena was telling me that we can go and hide in her kingdom."

I reply.

"no can do, I need to do this."

Klein sighs and replies.

"well either way I've got you back."

Ellena gives me a crazy look and says.

"please Collin, you don't need to do this."

she grabs on to my hand and says.

"come with me to my kingdom, I promise I can give you safety."

I then think to myself.

"she's acting weird, what the hell happened?"

I then ask her.

"are you alright, why are you so worried about me?"

it looks like she wants to tell me something, and she answers agitated.

"forget about it, just don't do anything stupid that will get you caught."

I then ask.

"the way your talking, it's like your going back to your kingdom now, but why?"

she replies.

"right now isn't a good time to answer that, for now just do what you need to and I'll tell you when you get back."

I hug her and say.

"alright then, we'll meet again when I'm done."

Ellena and Klein exchange goodbyes, and then once she leaves and disappears in the ditance, Kleinl asks me.

"so how are we going to confront Gale?"

I reply.

"follow me I got an Idea."

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