Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 63 - No Struggle

Celeste and I step out of the portal, finding ourselves in Clyde's office, she then asks inside my head.

"there's no sign of him Master Collin, should we go track him down?"

I reply in my mind.

"no I don't think it's a good idea, the way I see it, we should hide and when he comes in here, you'll open a portal to a isolated location and I'll drag him inside the portal."

she gives me a thumbs up and responds.

"sounds like an good idea let's go with yours Master Collin."

I asked baffled.

"so we're going with my idea just like that, what kind of plan did you have?"

she replies.

"well since I'm an assassin, I was going along the line of tracking him down and killing him where he stands."

I reply nervously.

"you know what you're right, let's go with my plan,

yours sounds suicidal and risky."

she responds.

"oh but I already accepted the consequences of this mission."

I answer back.

"well I don't plan on getting caught killing this guy, so we are abandoning your plan.

she responds.

"like I said Master Collin we're going with yours so you dont have to worry about it."

we wait around for an hour and there's no sign of Clyde showing up yet, I then ask Celeste.

"that portal magic seems useful, do you think you I can learn that?"

she replies very matter a fact.


she didn't even use time to think about it, I ask keeping hope that she'll change her answer.

"is there a reason why?"

she answers.

"only those who become assassins get access to certain spellbooks."

I curiously.

"what other ones are there?"

she replies.

"other than portal magic there's; area mana cloak, Ice blade storm, and self destruct."

I think to myself.

"I've heard of area mana cloak before, Remy has that spell and told me that it was hereditary."

Celeste invades my mind.

"I've heard of Remy before."

I asked.

"really what do you know about her?"

she replies.

"there was an assassin with that name, she was an amazing one too, but one day she went missing, and after a while she came back different and was perceived as a threat to the point that she was hunted down."

I then say.

"yeah I think we might be talking about the same person."

she asks anxiously.

"Master Collin if we are indeed talking about the same person, would you take me to her?"

but before I got to answer, the office door swings open, and Clyde walks in, Celeste asks me telepathically.

"Is that our target?"

I respond.

"yes get that portal open when he has his back turned."

Clyde murmurs to himself as he closes the door, he then sits down behind his desk, and says to himself with fustration.

"that damn Collin is still alive out there."

he slams his fists on the desk and shouts.

"how in the hell did he kill five assassins?!"

Celeste opens a portal behind Clyde, and I take the chance by chanting in a low voice.

"Silver Eyes."

I quickly put him in a chokehold and drag him inside the portal without a struggle. we both end up at a very familiar location, Corpus Desert, after realizing this I quickly knock him out, and as he falls to the floor Celeste comes oit feom the portal and says impressed.

"wow Master Collin, you work fast."

I answer back.

"I didn't kill him yet, he's knocked out."

she asks confused.

"then what are you waiting for?"

I reply hesitantly.

"I don't know, it's hard to explain."

she sighs with fustration and says.

"well if you can't explain and you are not going to kill him, then I'll do it Master Collin."

she pulls out a dagger from her side, but I put my hand up to stop her and say.

"hold on, it's just this guy caused all the trouble I'm in, and he's right here getting a quick death with no struggle."

she responds.

"I think I understand what you're trying to say, you were hoping that he would put up some kind of fight for his life, where we struggle to kill him?"

I reply.

"I wouldn't say hoping, more like I was expecting it to be much harder."

she responds.

"well that's what us assassins do, we take out targets without them knowing about it."

I reply.

"I don't know about that, the assassins I killed didn't try to kill me when I wasn't paying attention, if anything they revealed themselves and wanted to take me on in a fight."

she replies confidently.

"but then again you're like a freak of nature, and you most likely took out young assassins, they are usually very arrogant and overconfident with their strength and abilities."

I then think to myself.

"so if it was experienced assassins, I could've died without knowing."

she invades my mind again.

"don't underestimate yourself Master Collin, I've experienced your power and in my opinion you're around the same strength as those who were born with the Hero's Blessing."

I ask unsure.

"you really think so?"

she nods and answers.

"yes very sure Master Collin."

after a few moments of pondering, I extend my hand and say to Celeste.

"here I'll finish him off before he wakes up."

she gives me her dagger and says.

"if that's what you wish to do, then here you go."

and as I kneel down, Clyde opens his eyes and asks sluggishly.

"is that you, bastard Collin?"

I drive the dagger straight into his heart and say.

"after this I might never have my name cleared from being Rosie's murderer, but at least you won't be alive to enjoy my capture, you piece of shit."

and with his dying breath he replies.

"you won't get away with this, after you die as well, I'll see you in hell."

and as he takes his final breathes, I respond coldly.

"yeah and I'll kill you in hell all over again."

after minutes of silence, Celeste breaks it.

"wow Master Collin you sounded very scary there for a moment."

I reply.

"oh I did. huh I don't really pay attention to how I say things."

she imitates me.

"yeah and I'll kill you in hell all over again."

I respond embarrassed.

"oh god did I really sound like that, It sounded much cooler in my head."

she replies straightforward.

"I'm being serious when I say this, the way you said it sent shivers down my spine, it was like you were a different person."

after that, I ask her.

"so what now?"

she replies.

"grab him, we're going to take him to King Ryan, so he can see that we eliminated the threat."

I then pick up Clyde's body and follow Celeste through the portal back to King Ryan's throne room.

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