King Ryan asks me curiously.

"you've got a lot to lose if you do this yourself, so why are you willing to do this and to someone from the same kingdom as you?"

I reply.

"he's the reason why a manhunt of me is happening."

he responds.

"well it wouldn't have happened, if you didn't commit the crime."

I reply agitated.

"I was falsely accused, I didn't commit the crime."

he then asks.

"it won't prove your innocence, if you kill him, you know that right?"

I respond.

"yeah I know, but me doing this ends working out for you."

he scratches his gray beard and asks.

"how so?"

I replied.

"Clyde is high up, and I'm not exactly sure how well connected he his, but for sure if an individual kills him it would be considered high treason."

he asks curiously with a smirk?

"so tell me how would it work out for me."

I respond.

"it would get rid of someone who knows too much about Abigail, and if I do this myself, you have something to hold over my head, in case if I ever release the information about Abigail."

he chuckles and asks.

"so even knowing all of this, you are still willing to do this?"

I reply.


intrigued on my response he asks.

"tell me Collin how old are you?"

I tilt my head slightly up, making a thinking face and answer unsure.

"I think, I'm either sixteen or seventeen."

he chuckles and responds like he is imprsessed.

"it seems like there is more than meets the eye when it comes to you."

I respond with a question.

"so who is going with me?"

King Ryan snaps his finger and shouts.

"Celeste front and center!"

a female dressed in red and yellow robes makes her way from the back and kneels in front of King Ryan asking.

"how may I be of service your highness?"

he replies.

"you are to lend a hand and keep an eye on our new friend."

she replies.

"it will be done your highness."

She then gets up and says to me sternly.

"alright let's and go over our game plan."

I ask.

"what already?"

King Ryan replies.

"the sooner the better so get going."

Celeste turns to me and says.

"follow me."

I now and think to myself.

"a bit bossy, but even then she's cute."

as I follow behind her, I find myself checking her out, and continue to think.

"black hair is not my thing or either short either, but she still looks cute."

she quickly turns her head back to me and says with a serious face.

"stop staring at me, don't think I can't tell that your doing it."

I cough nervously and wonder.

"how could she tell, is it women's intuition or something?"

she replies to me in my head.

"no I'm using mind reading magic, so stop it."

I reply to her.

"it's not cool listening to someone's mind you know."

she responds.

"you did blackmail my king, so don't expect any friendly interaction between us."

I reply.


she asks with a cute but serious expression.

"what does that mean?"

I sigh and reply.

"It's nothing, let's just go with whatever plan you have."

she keeps leading down a hallway, until we reach a door that she opens, and then says.

"we'll be discussing our plan here in my quarters."

I step right in, and as she closes the door behind us, I ask.

"so tell me what is your plan of attack?"

she responds angrily.

"don't talk, just listen."

I take a step back and she continues.

"I'm not going to babysit some weakling, so I'm going to have you fight me so I can see what kind of use you will be for me, on this mission."

I reply confused.

"alright. if you say so."

she readies herself, and says confidently.

"come at me however you like."

I chant to myself.

"Silver Eyes."

after I did that, her confident expsession changes to a more serious one, I then charge foward, and as I instantly come face to face to her, she tried to chant something but didn't get a chance to has my fist makes contact to her gut.

she collapses to the floor with blood coming out of her mouth, I then think to myself.

"I may have overdone it."

I approach her and ask.

"where is your healing potion?"

as she points and answers while groaning in pain.

"I keep them in that drawer."

I grab one of the potions from the drawer and help her drink it, I then ask her.


she responds with a question.

"are you even human?"

I laugh nervously and reply.

"of course I am, what makes you think I'm not?"

she replies.

"because only Lizardmen, Orcs and Dwarves fight physically."

she gets up from the floor and continues.

"and even if you learned the physical magic that the dwarves do, it doesn't explain how freakishly strong and fast you are, unless."

I ask curiously.

"unless what?"

she asks.

"were you born with the Hero's Blessing?"

I shake my head and reply.

"no, this strength is my own."

she replies astonished.

"but that's not possible, you must have been born with it, only people born with it are naturally stronger physically than us normal people."

I smile and insist to her.

"I got this strength with dumb luck, and hard work."

she then extends her hand to me, and I also do it so that we can shake hands, she then says with an apologetic demeanor.

"I don't normally shake hands with my opponents, but you were the first person to beat me in a fight who doesn't have the Hero's blessing."

I respond jokingly.

"it wasn't really a fight."

she doesn't answer and only gives me a cold stare, that feels like daggers piercing my skull, i chuckle awkwardly and say.

"let's go over the plan, so we can get a move on."

she replies.

"well there's not much to it, I'm going to open a portal closest to him and conceal our mana once we arrive there."

I reply.

"that's not much of a plan, and besides how do plan to open a portal to him, how does that even work?"

she replies.

"I'm to use my mind reading magic and have you visualize a place where you think he might be at and then I'll open a portal there, so we don't have to walk."

I sigh and respond.

"I guess It's a better plan than anything I can think of."

she then says.

"alright then let's get going master Collin."

I furrow my brows and think to myself.

"Master Collin?"

she replies in my head.

"yes because you beat me fair and square in a fight and therefore decided that I want you to be my master."

I respond.

"I never agreed to that."

she ignores what I said and says.

"okay Master Collin it's time to visualize a place."

I sigh defeated and I start to think about Clyde's office inside of the magical academy, and the moment I remember it, Celeste open up a portal and says.

"alright Master Collin our mana should be concealed now, Let's go."

the both of us then step inside the portal.

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