Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 61 - Ryan, King Of Corpus Kingdom

I wait around inside the small cage, for about an hour, until the gaurd who disappeared through the portal, re-emerges through the same portal, he then looks at me and says with a serious tone.

"the king has allowed you to be in his presence, and don't forget, if you try to harm him in anyway, your death will be quick."

I reply lackadaisical.

"okay I get it, but you don't have to worry about that, I only want to talk to the guy."

he stares daggers into me as he says.

"you will refer to him as your highness, and don't you dare disrespect him, sc.u.m."

as he drags me out of the cage, I reply sarcastically.

"oh yes, I'll make sure to bow to him and kiss his ring properly."

he didn't seem to see that I was being sarcastic and took what I said at face value, and replied.

"good as long as you conduct yourself in that proper manner than you have nothing to worry about."

we then go through the portal that was still up, and as we emerge right in front of the king in an instant, I think to myself impressed.

"wow this teleporting magic is amazing, I should really learn how to do this, so I don't have to rely on walking and carriages."

the gaurd that is escorting me, bows to the king and then kneels down immidiately after, but then he looks up and notices that I'm not doing it, so he angrily says.

"stupid mongrel, bow and knee down."

"so tell me Captain Landrieu, is this the one who dares, demand a talk with me."

Captain Landrieu quietly nods, I then thibl to myself.

"alright Collin, this it you might not get another shot at this, so don't screw it up."

I open my mouth.

"your high-."

he interrupts.

"did I say you can talk!?"

after saying that, he shows me a very smug look, like if he got some kind enjoyment out of it, I then

ask rudely.

"oh my apologies king huh, what was your name again?"

he responds angrily.

"know your place, lowly commoner, it's Ryan Cornelius, but you are to refer me as King Ryan."

I respond not trying to provoke him any further.

"so sorry King Ryan."

he replies with a question.

"alright Mr. Belfaust, what do you know about the fort?"

I look around the throne room and ask.

"do you trust everyone in this room?"

he nods his head and signals me with his hand to continue.

"are you familiar with name Abigail?"

his eyes opened wide and the smug look on his face disappears, and then he asks.

"I know many people named Abigail, who are you speaking of?"

I respond confidently.

"you already know who I'm referring to. it's that vampire lord you've been feeding criminals to."

he replies nervously.

"okay you have my attention, so what exactly are you trying to get at with this knowledge?"

I then give him a smug look and said.

"if I get caught, I want you to vouch for me, so that I get reduced to prison time, instead of getting executed."

he laughs and replies.

"and why would I do that, all I have to do is kill you right now and everything ends."

I then respond while laughing.

"idiot, you really think I didn't prepare for this scenario."

King Ryan, is angrily staring at me, because I called him an idiot, and as he's about to open his mouth to speak, I interrupt.

"shut up and listen, because if I die, people I know on the outside will spread this information for me."

Captain Landrieu hits me in the back of the head, but King Ryan shouts at him.

"stop it captain, if what he says is true then we are truly at his mercy."

King Ryan takes a couple of deep breaths and then asks.

"so you only want me to vouch for you so that you only serve prison time instead of being executed?"

I respond.

"yes, since you're King, your word carries alot of weight."

he sighs and asks.

"and how would I know that you won't release this information either way even If I do this for you."

I reply.

"you know I could have used this information to throw you under the bus and save my own skin, but that would mean the trust between the human kingdoms would collapse and a war would be inevitable, and I can't have that, especially since the Draganoids are still a very dangerous threat."

he chuckles and replies.

"you've got guts kid I'll give you that, but that doesn't solve the problem of a vampire lord residing in that fort."

I smile and reply.

"oh about that, Abigail is dead."

every gaurd in the room start murmuring and King Ryan gives me a baffled look and asks.


I respond.

"I killed her and all of her vampire underlings, and if you don't believe me, just send some of your guys ober there, and I'm very positive that they will find whatever burnt remains they find of her there."

King Ryan then frantically shouts an order to Captain Landrieu.

"take some guys with you and check out that fort now!"

I then say to King Ryan.

"your highness, if I may, there is one more person out there that knows about Abigail, but he is not a friend of mine."

he asks.

"will he be a problem."

I reply.

"yes a very big problem, his name is Clyde Fergus of Rozlania Kingdom."

he then asks.

"Mr. Belfaust may I request something of you?"

I reply.

"I'm all ears your highness."

he then asks menecingly.

"if I can provide you with proper help, can you dispose of this little problem?"

I ask curiously.

"and what will I get out of this?"

he replies.

"not only will I vouch for you, but I will fight tooth and nail so that you won't get executed, and maybe reduce the time you would spend in prison."

I respond.

"if you put it that way, I can get it done."

he responds.

"alright this deal will be on, once Captain Landrieu comes and confirms that Abigail is dead."

I reply.

"sounds good."

I then think to myself.

"so far so good, everything is playing out just the way I planned."

we wait around for a couple of hours and then Captain Landrieu return back through a portal, and he says to King Ryan while catching his breath.

"your highness, what Collin just said is true, we found Abigail's charred corpse by the ocean."

King Ryan gives me a devilish smile and says.

"it looks like our deal is on."

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