Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 60 - Interrogation

as we arrive at Hellion village, Ellena exclaims.

"Collin we've managed to make it here undetected, let's just go straight to the desert so you don't have to go through with your plan."

I reply.

"if I don't try this, then I can never see my family again. I need to at least do something about it."

she responds.

"look I understand what you want to do, but if things don't go the way you planned, then there won't be much we can do to help you out."

I reply.

"I know, but it's something I'm willing to risk for."

I look to Klein say to him.

"please listen, don't come for me, you already risked your life for me, you don't have any obligation to keep doing that."

he responds.

"I'll try not to go in to save you, but I can't promise anything though."

I take a deep breath and then say to both of them.

"remember if for some reason something bad happens to me...let everyone know about what happened in that fort."

they both nod and I continue.

"well wish me good luck."

I start walking towards a nearby gaurd tower, and I think to myself.

"hopefully the Corpus kingdom's gaurds don't automatically try to kill me as soon as I tell them who I am."

a gaurd approaches me cautiously and asks me.

"need help?"

I breathe in and out a couple of times and then I calmly respond.

"my name is Collin Belfaust and I'm turning myself in."

it takes him a while to register what I just said to him, and he quickly react by shouting.

"hey, I think I got that one wanted guy from Rozlania, I need back up now!"

I slowly raise my hand and I calmly said.

"look I'm not looking to fight or anything, I'll turn myself in quietly."

he aggressively responds.

"alright but keep those hands up, and don't move a muscle or I will kill you, right where you stand."

I reply keeping my composure.

"yeah I get it."

the rest of the gaurds arrive and as they surround me, one of them gets closer to me, holding the syringe with the green liquid and says nervously.

"alright there, Mister Belfaust, don't try any funny business or things will end bad for you."

I slowly extend out my right arm, so that he can inject me with it, and then I wonder.

"step one is almost done, now all I've got to do is convince these guys to get the king to pay me a visit."

he cautiously grabs my arm and injects me with the green liquid, and then one of the gaurds shouts an order.

"tie him up, and take him in for questioning."

soon after my wrists get bound together with rope and they all escort me inside their gaurd tower, where I got thrown into a snap cage, I then ask.

"is this where I'm going to be kept, don't you guys have a proper jail?"

the gaurds bangs on the bar with his sword and shouts.

"shut it, we are getting a transport, to take you there, but not right now!"

in my mind I said.

"I guess they plan to interrogate me here in this cage, instead of doing it at the jail."

after waiting around for what seemed like hours, someone finally approaches my cage and sets a chair in front of it to sit down, he then asks.

"so Collin. criminals usually run off and try to disappear, so why did you want to turn yourself in, are you having a guilty conscience about your actions?"

I respond.

"no because I didn't kill Rosie, and I'm here because I want a word with the King."

he rolls his eyes as he replies sarcastically.

"oh yeah, I'll bring him over right now."

he turns around and says to another gaurd while chuckling.

"you hear this guy, he wants to have a word with the king."

the other gaurd begins to chuckle alongside this one, and after a few moments he stops and responds to me with a serious voice.

"and so why would the king want to have a word with a criminal like you?"

he stands up from his chair and continues.

"here is the answer. he wouldn't, waste his time on someone as unimportant as you."

I smirk and he angrily reacts.

"what's so funny huh?"

I reply.

"how would you know, does the king consider you as someone he trusts?"

he responds curiously.

"what are you getting at?"

I calmly reply.

"well does he?"

he answers confidently.


I then ask him.

"then are you aware of what is going on, in that fort that is at the desert?"

he opens the cage door and hits me in the stomach, with the pommel of the sword and angrily says.

"shut it, or you will die if you say anymore."

as I chuckle while groaning in pain, I respond.

"if I die here, people I know will start spreading information of what is in that fort."

he takes a couple of deep breaths and then asks defeated.

"okay, so what do you want?"

I reply.

"like I've been saying this whole time, I want a word with the king."

he shows obvious signs of fustration, as he asks.

"what are you trying to get, with talking to the king?"

I ignore his question and ask impatiently.

"can you set up a meeting with me and the king?"

he responds.

"yes I think I can."

I then say to him.

"when you tell him about me. say to him that ai know what is in that fort, and if I don't get a talk with him, I will release all the information and he'll find himself in bigger trouble, then anything he could imagine."

he clenches both of his fists in anger and replies with disgust in his voice.

"how dare you threaten my king like that, you lowlife bastard."

I reply straight faced.

"just get it done, time is ticking."

he shouts an order to another gaurd.

"open a portal for me so I can pay visit to the king!"

he then turns to me and says.

"I'll be back and let you know what the king says."

he then disappears inside the portal and I think to myself.

"I'm one step closer to what I need. I just hope my good luck keeps going."

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