Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 59 - The Return

As they both get attacked, I think to myself.

"what the hell happened?"

I focus my gaze towards the sky where the one that got lifted up into the air, and I recognize the same butterfly wings, I say to myself with a bit of relief.

"so she came back."

I cough and blood comes out of my mouth, I try to move, but I can feel that I have no energy left in me to pull that off, and then I think to myself.

"it's no use, I'm bleeding out and lost too much blood already, the only thing I can do now is to make sure I stay awake long enough for Ellena, if I pass out now there is no gurantee that I'll wake up."

as I fight off the sleeping feeling and my vision becoming blurry, I hear a distorted familiar voice.

"Relax. Collin. I have returned and I have some healing potions. here drink this."

I get assistance to swallow the potion, and a few moments from after drinking it, my vision slowly goes back to normal and I can already feel my stab wounds closing, and to my surprise I'm looking at Klein, who has a worried expression, I ask him.

"good to see you you again, did you manage to defeat that Gale person?"

he responds.

"unfortunately no, he was too strong for me."

"I saw Ellena flying while I was on my way here and I called out to her, and then she lead us back to you. so where did she go?"

I look up to the sky and replied.

"I think she took one of those assassins up into the air."

a few moments after saying that, a loud thud echoes through the air, we turn around and see the assassin on the ground mangled and covered in blood, Klein then says stoically.

"wow look at the poor guy, he couldn't do anything to stop the fall."

I ask seriously.

"is it weird that stuff like this doesn't faze me?"

he chuckles and replies.

"we've seen a lot of death, so I say it's pretty

normal for us to see something like this."

he then pauses and then says.

"I almost forgot, I didn't kill the guy I attacked, I'll go get him, so we can squeeze answers out of him."

as he heads over to where he left the guy, Ellena descends from the sky and says with a smile.

"looks like we've got to see each other much sooner than expected."

I think to myself.

"she could have just left without coming back to get me, she already has the information she needed from me."

I give her a smile and said.

"I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, you already got the information that you needed from me, but you still came back to help me."

she responds.

"now what kind of friend would I be if I just left you to die?"

And in the spur of the moment, I give her a hug and instead if pushing me away, she reciprocated, and a few moments later Klein comes back dragging the other assassin and then he asks us.

"am I interrupting something?"

we pull away and I awkwardly reply.

"no, I was just thanking Ellena."

he gives me a look of suspicion and then replies.

"right. sure. okay well here is the guy, now let's see what kind of information we can get out of him."

Klein sits him up and then I kneel down so I can be at eye level with him, he looks at me and says with a voice full of hatred.

"it doesn't matter what you do to me, because I ain't talking."

I reply coldly.

"look I already have alot of blood on my hands, and I've taken many lives without any hesitation."

I pause and inch my face closer to him and I say.

"so if you answer what I'm about to ask, then maybe I won't have to take another life."

he doesn't say a single word, but I ask him anyway.

"how far has the news spread about me being wanted?"

he smirks and says with c.o.c.kiness.

"every kingdom and every village in the human region, already know about you being a traitor and are to be executed when caught. so in other words you're completely f.u.c.k.e.d."

as he starts laughing, I sigh and think to myself.

"I guess I should have already known that the news about me has already spread that much."

Klein smacks him in the back of the head and says.

"shut it, we're not done yet."

I then ask.

"so is Gale working with you guys to hunt me down?"

he confirms my answer by just grinning, I follow up by saying.

"now listen to me if you don't say anything to my liking, I will not hesitate to kill you right now."

I then say menancily.

"you look young, so you must have a mom and dad back at home right, now if you tell me your name, then maybe your parents might see their little boy again, sure he'll be hurt but will still be alive."

he takes a nervous gulp and responds hesitantly.

"it's Trent Humboldt."

I then reply.

"well Trent Humboldt, you should thank your lucky stars today, because you get to live."

I then punch him and knock him out.

Klein then asks.

"is it really wise to leave him alive?"

I reply.

"yes did you not see him, the prospect of his parents not seeing him alive again, really put the fear into him, and then when he reports back to Gale and the other assassins, he will describe to them ln how dangerous I am, and hopefully this keeps them from attacking me so boldly."

Ellena then asks.

"so what's the plan now?"

I wonder to myself.

"if it's true that the news about me has spread every where in the human region, then what can I do?"

and then after a few minutes of thinking, I finally come up with an answer, I look at both of them and said.

"the plan of heading straight to Corpus desert is still on but..."

they both ask.

"but what?

I reply.

"when we get there, I'll be turning myself in."

they both look dumbfounded and reply in unison.

"eh. what and why?"

I reply with confidence.

"I'm going to try to get an audience with the king."

Ellena still baffled asks.

"the king, what are you hoping to accomplish?"

while Klein says.

"alright it seems like you have something up your sleeve, so we'll go with your plan."

I respond while Ellana is looking at both of us like we are crazy.

"good let's head out then."

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