Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 58 - Outnumbered

Many days have passed by since we left dead pass forest, and while we were leaving, a group of bandits attempted to rob us, but me and Ellena took care of them, without any problem. Ellena says to me.

"Collin, let's take what they got on them."

I reply.

"I don't know how to feel about this...stealing their things, it's like we are no better then them."

she sighs and asks with fustration.

"look, we need supplies and food, because I'm pretty sure we won't be able to enter any human village to grab some without leading our pursuers to us, right?

I now and reply.

"yeah your right, by now they probably have already spread the news in every village of Rozlania, and maybe soon...every kingdom in the human region."

she uses this as an excuse.

"then maybe we should skip your training, because we will just be wasting valuable time."

I say with a serious voice.

"no if anything, this means that the level of danger has increased and you need this training now more than ever."

she sighs and replies defeated.

"I hate how reasonable your idea sounds."

we manage to find a week's worth of food in a bag that one of the bandits was carrying, and as we continue to walk, Ellena asks.

"so what do you think happened to Klein?"

I reply with uncertainty.

"if he somehow managed to escape from that Gale person, I'm guessing he'll probably try to follow my scent."

Ellena shudders and replies.

"I still can't believe that you and him were, werewolves this whole time. with you there was no way I could tell."

she follows up with another question.

"but why would he sacrifice himself to save us?"

as I look up to the sky, I reply.

"I think he feels like, he needs to keep his promise to a friend of ours, that he would keep an eye on me."

I look at her and say.

"and since they were already planning to kill him, even if I turned myself in, he probably thought that, he was left with no other option but to do what he did and because of that he bought us some time, but right now I'm just hoping that he somehow made it out."

as I finish talking, Ellena points behind me and says with a worried voice.

"Collin look, there is about five of them wearing the same masks similar to the one that attacked us."

I turn around and see all five of them standing with weapons ready, I whisper to Ellena.

"get out of here, I'll stay here and try to give you much as time as I can."

she whispers.

"but what if you get hurt?"

I whisper back.

"It's fine, I'm tired of running anyway."

she gives me a puzzled look, as I continue to talk.

"you know it's been good getting to know you better, hopefully if I survive, I'll come and look for you one day."

with sadness in her voice she says.

"and I'll be looking foward to meeting you again."

she says something in elvish, and wings that look like those of a butterfly, appear on her back, and she takes off flying, I then think to myself."

"wow, and I thought she was lying when she said that she was royalty."

evem though Ellena took flight, all five of them didn't seem to pay any attention to her, and we're only focused on me, after staring each other down for a couple of minutes, I take a deep breath and shout at them.

"for assassins you guys aren't very smart, to be standing out in the open, where we could see you!"

one of them yells back.

"you killed one of our comrades, so instead of using our usual tactics, we are going to kill you and enjoy every expression you make when you die!"

I think to myself.

"that's dumb, if they would have kept themselves concealed, they could have killed me easily, but this is fine, at least If I go down, I can do it putting up a fight."

I chant.

"silver eyes."

I then shout to them.

"alright come at me however you like!"

one of them disappears right before my eyes, and I think to myself.

"shit, is it some kind of invisibility spell?"

the other four start throwing knives at me, with incredible speed, I respond with.

"mobile magic barrier."

but it did me no good, because to my surprise the knives pierce through my barrier, and I manage to dodge the knives from making any contact with me, and as shout.

"dual triple fire shot!"

a sharp pain runs through the side of my body, I take a quick glance and see it was the same person who disappeared earlier, they managed to get a good stab and at that exact moment my instincts kicked in and I elbow them in the face, shattering the mask, the guy gives me an expression of disbelief, and then he chants.

"Invisible shroud."

but before he got to disappear, I tackle him down and take the knife away from him, and just as he is about to chant something else, I stop him and as I stab him in the throat, I say menancily.

"you should have used your magic when you had the chance."

I get up, holding the bloody knife in my hand, I then point to all four of them and yell.

"one down, four to go!"

but they dont seem to react to what I said, so I think to myself.

"of course they aren't going to be fazed by that, these guys are used to seeing death."

one the yells.

"Ice blade storm!"

a cloud appears above me, and starts raining ice in the shapes of sharp blades, respond with.

"mobile magic barrier."

and at the sane time that's happening the other one chants something and forms a circle in the ground, in which the other two jump inside of it. meanwhile my barrier holds up against the barrage of ice blades, but then a circle appears behind me, and the two who jumped in earlier, come out of the circle, rushing me, I think to myself.

"shit I think that was teleportation magic."

they rush me slipping through my barrier, and they stab me at the same time at my sides, I yell out in pain as my barrier disappears, they notice and try to get away so that they don't get hit by any of the ice blades, but I shout in anger.

"oh no you don't!"

and with whatever strength I can muster, I grab both of them by the neck and pull them closer to me trying to use their bodies as cover. they took many of the hits that were meant to for me, but I still couldn't avoid all of them, and then as the ice blades stop falling, the one casting yells out in horror.

"oh shit, I'm sorry!"

as I lay on the floor unable to pull any strength to get up, I feel alot of blood leaving my body, and I can feel that I'm no longer in my silver eyes mode, I think to myself.

"this is it, my second life is over."

the two that are left, approach me, and one of them says.

"what is this guy, I know they told us that he was strong, but this level of power was insane, it was almost the same strength of those born with the Hero's Blessing."

the other one replies.

"well we could have just killed him like all of our other targets, and this could have been avoided."

he replies.

"what's done is done, let's finish him off."

and right before my eyes, one of them gets attacked from the side and the other one gets lifted up into the sky.

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