After we were done, I said to Ellena.

"you didn't have to do that for my sake."

she replies.

"well you saved my life, so it only made sense to save yours."

I then ask.

"so what happened, why were you shocked and why didn't you move?"

she responds.

"I was shocked on how fast you two moved, I didn't know how to react."

I reply.

"but you've seen how fast I move when we first met."

"yeah but that was in open space, and this was in an enclosed space."

she pauses and continues.

"either way, everything happened in a blink of an eye, and I was just frozen in shock."

I think to myself.

"I guess that makes sense."

I then ask her.

"is this okay, though?"

she replies.

"what do you mean?"

"well I'm a human and your an elf that is royalty."

she interrupts.

"right now that doesn't matter, you and me are still alive and breathing, we will deal with those things later."

I then think to myself.

"but she9 just pushed aside our differences and just had s.e.x with me so she can heal me, and is treating this like it was nothing, or am I making this a bigger deal than what it actually is."

I sigh fustration and said to myself.

"of course it's not a big deal, Rosie is still the girl that you love, Ellena just did this to heal me."

Ellena gets up and starts putting her clothes back on, I stare at her and ask curiously.

"do you have someone special back home?'

she turns to me, and I couldn't help but look away blushing as she says.

"no, I don't get a choice when it comes to marriage, because once I'm set to succeed the throne, a suitable husband will be chosen for me by my dad."

she stares at me and and says in a teasing manner.

"why so curious about that huh, are you already falling for me, just by this encounter?"

I clear my throat.

"of course not, It's just I'm not experienced when it comes to these types of situations."

she then asks.

"how old are you?"

I stare at the ceiling and answer unsure.

"I think I'm sixteen, and going on seventeen pretty soon."

"wow so young, are you sure your sixteen."

I shrug my shoulders and reply.

"I don't know, I'm either sixteen or seventeen, why are you asking?"

she responds.

"well it's because I'm forty years old."

I respond.

"you're an elf so being forty years old, means that you're still pretty guys live up to two hundred years right?"

she sounds defeated as she says.

"I know, I'm just in disbelief, that I offered myself to such a young human, and here I was thinking you were in your mid twenties or early thirties."

"well technically if I combine this life and my previous life. I say I'm about forty years old."

she continues to mope around, still not getting over the fact that I'm so young, I give her few moments to herself and then I tell her.

"you know there as been something on my mind, that I've been wanting to know."

she asks.

"and what would that be?"

I ask.

"if you are a princess, then why did they send you to investigate the fort? don't you royals usually just send some goon to do the dirty work?"

she looks offended with what I said and rebuttals.

"just so you know, before us royals can become King or Queen of our kingdom, we have to do many missions and have them completed, so we can show everyone that we are capable of being the leader."

"sorry, I wasn't aware of that."

I the follow up with a question.

"so how many missions have you completed?"

she responds hesitantly.

"um this is my first mission."

as I stand up and put my pants back on, I ask.

"what would happen, if you die on a mission."

she replies.

"the burden would fall on the next sibling, and in my case, I had two older brothers who have died on their missions, and if I die the responsibility will go to my two younger brothers."

I then approach the dead body of the assassin, and take of the mask they were wearing, and a young female with short light orange hair is revealed, I turn back to Ellena and said.

"she might be dead, but I don't think she will be the last one, who will be coming after us."

Ellena looks at me and asks.

"Collin, what was is the magic you use that causes your eyes to turn silver?"

I think to myself.

"should I be honest with her about me being a werewolf? would she still help me out if I tell her?"

I reply.

"it increases all of my magical and physical abilities, like agility, strength, speed, and projectile magic."

she asks.

"how did you come across it?"

I reply.

"to be honest, I came across it, because I'm a werewolf."

she gives me a cold stare as she says.

"I knew you weren't normal, when we first met, but to think you're a monster and not a human."

I sigh in fustration as I say to her.

"listen, I was born a human, but after I left my village, I ran into some werewolves, they took me in and turned me into a werewolf."

Ellena expression changes into a more serious look, but I continue either way.

"after a certain incident, I gained a power that caused my eyes to turn silver, in which led to me not being able to be detected as a monster, but just as a normal human."

still baffled about my explanation, she asks.

"so what are you?"

I give the same serious expression and respond.

"to be honest, I'm not exactly sure what I am, but I do know one thing."

Ellena listens intently as I continue talking.

"human or not, I won't let that destroy the bonds I've formed with the people in my life."

she starts laughing and says with a smile on her face.

"I know I've say this already, but you really are a strange one."

I chuckle and respond.

"well not as strange as you."

she asks.

"what do you mean by that?"

I tease her.

"we barely knew each other, and you had s.e.x with me so you can save my life."

she teases back.

"look who is talking, coming from the guy, who held me tightly and started to cry"

I just chuckle lightly, and then after a few moments of silence pass by, I say in a serious manner.

"you know, I cried because I got caught up in the moment."

she listens to me earnestly, as I continue.

"since I've been through so much lately, I just got to enjoy the a good moment in life, even if you did that just to save my life, I'm still grateful."

she smiles and responds.

"I'm glad that I was right about you being a good person."

we then finally leave the cave, leaving behind the body of the assassin that came after us, and as we continue walking, I say to Ellena.

"okay, I've made up my mind, I'm going to train you to fight hand to hand."

she gives me a look of disbelief and replies.

"you don't need to do that, I already have my magic to defend myself with."

I respond.

"yeah and look where that got you. stuck with me, and a broken enchanted bow that you can no longer use."

she retorts.

"but you were the cause of this."

I reply.

"I know and I'm sorry about that, but I have a bad feeling that things are going get worse before we

arrive at the desert."

I don't let her talk and say with sincerity.

"and besides, if things ger more dangerous, even I'm not sure that I can protect you, so I want to teach you to the point that you don't need rely on your magic alone."

she sighs and says with a defeated voice.

"fine then, I'll do your training."

we finally leave dead pass forest, and continue our journey back to the desert.

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