As we walk, I ask Ellena.

"why are you doing this for me?"

shs replies.

"this whole time I've hung around you guys, I ended taking a liking to all of you."

I respond.

"even though we kidnapped you and held you against your will?"

she chuckles and says.

"well I did attack you guys, and you did let me go after Klein woke up from the paralylizing arrow I shot him with."

I give her a genuine smile and reply.

"thank you, there was no reason for you to stick your neck out for me, so appreaciate it."

she giggles and says.

"you should smile more often, that serious look you always carry doesn't suit you."

I respond.

"I'll keep that in mind."

a few moments later she asks curiously.

"you know it's rare for a human, to not have some kind of prejudice towards another race, so tell me, why is that?"

I respond.

"it's called, Don't judge a book by its cover."

she gives me a weird look and replies.

"huh I've never heard of that."

she pauses and asks.

"so what does that have to do, with you not showing any prejudice?"

I sigh and reply.

"it means that you shouldn't prejudge anyone's outward appearance, and only judge them on what value they have on the inside."

she gives me a wide eyed look and replies.

"you are strange guy."

I chuckle and ask.

"and why is that?"

she responds.

"we can't afford to think like that nowadays, maybe back then when the alliance was at is strongest, but way."

I think to myself.

"I can't blame her for thinking this way, in this world, the sins of the ancestors get carried over to future generations, in which past atrocities and genocides will never be forgiven."

I then reply with a smile and a question.

"well even though I gave you some rough treatment when we first met, we are still getting along great."

she rolls her eyes and says.

"I know, but when you kidnapped me, I did want to escape and kill you."

I chuckle.

"oh, and I don't blame you."

she continues.

"but after a while being around you and the others, I saw that you weren't a bad person, you were just concerned about your friend and were only keeping me around in case I lied to you about paralyzing him."

I respond.

"is that why you thought we could get along?"

as she shakes her head, she replies.

"no, of course not, after your friend woke up you set me free, instead of killing me, and even after letting me stick around with you guys, you didn't treat me like a threat. if anything I got the feeling you were treating me like a friend."

I chuckle and ask.

"and you managed get all of that with those interactions?"

she responds.

"you do know that we elves, have a very good intuition and can get a good read on living beings."

I then get a feeling like someone is watching us, I look behind is and then I whisper to her.

"I think we are being followed."

she whispers back.

"yeah, when we were talking I noticed some figures up in the trees, but I just shrugged it off as it being just birds or some animal."

she then asks."

do you want to confront whoever it is that's following us."

I reply.

"not yet, we'll just keep going until they make their move."

she interjects.

"that's if they make their move, because whoever is following us, may be tracking us down."

as she says that, I think out loud

"I think they've sent the assassin squad after me."

Ellena take notice on what I said.

"excuse me what?"

I reply to her.

"it's a few set of specially trained individuals, that are given the task of hunting down targets that are wanted by the Kingdom of Rozlania."

she asks.

"so does that mean, they don't want to arrest you anymore?"

I reply.

"I'm not sure."

I then tell Ellena.

"listen, I appreciate what you were willing to do, but you don't need to risk your life for me, you should leave while you still can."

she shakes her head and says.


I respond puzzled."


she replies.

"because what kind of person would I be, if I were to abandon a friend in need?"

I chuckle and said.

"so now we're friends?"

she responds.

"well back there when the gaurds were going to arrest us, you lumped me in with the others as a friend."

I take a moment to wonder about it and then reply.

"ah yes, I do recall labeling you my friend."

I continues.

"well, do as you wish, of you really want to stick around I won't stop you."

as we continue walking, we take notice that, the presence of someone following grows, I look to Ellena and I say.

"the effect of the green liquid is going away, so I'm going to confront this nuisance that is following us."

Ellena replies and points at a cave.

"hold on, before you try to take them on, let's set a trap in that cave."

I sigh and say.

"alright then let's do it."

we make our way inside the cave, and then I chant.

"mana shift."

I hide behind a nearby boulder, and Ellena hides behind another boulder, after a few minutes of waiting, a figure comes into view near the entrance, I then chant.

"silver eyes."

I think to myself.

"I need to make make this attack quick, before they get a chance to do anything."

as the figure gets closer to Ellena's hiding spot, I jump out quietly and rush towards them, and I manage to land a punch on their back, but instead of falling down, they react by doing a quick whirl that even I couldn't keep up with the movement, I then feel a warm sensation coming down from my stomach and I think to myself.

"shit, I've been cut bad and I'm already bleeding."

Ellena just stares at what happened in shock, and doesn't try to move as the figure rushes her with many sharp objects, I then block out the pain, and manage to stop them by wrapping my arms around their neck, and while I'm choking them out, I feel them stabbing me at whatever area in my body that they can reach, I then think to myself.

"ignore the pain Collin, if you let it get to you now, both you and Ellena will die."

after a few minutes of struggling, they stop moving, and as I let go, I ask Ellena while groaning weakly.

"are you okay?"

she replies."

"yes but don't talk, you are badly injured and of we don't do something you will die."

she sits me down and says.

"here let me take care of you."

I ask weakly.

"do you have healing potions?"

she shakes her head and starts taking off her clothes, confused on what she is doing, I ask.

"why are you taking off you clothes?"

she replies

"listen to me, I'm only doing this because you saved my life."

still confused I ask.

"what are you talking about?"

she ignores me and starts taking off my pants, Ellena then looks me in the and says.

"we elves have healing properties when we mate,

so consider yourself lucky, that I'm willing to do this to save your life."

but before I got to say anything, she gets on top of me, and the good familiar feeling that I felt when I first lost my v.i.r.g.i.n.i.t.y starts coursing through my body, and as we continue, my wounds start closing and whatever pain I had in going in my body went away completely, I then hug Ellena tightly and whisper to her with tears.

"thank you."

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