Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 66 - Collin Vs. Gale

the rain is coming down hard slapping against our faces, I ask Klein.

"how did you see the assassin?"

he replies.

"I didn't see him, but I did smell him."

I respond.

"Oh I see."

he then asks.

"has your smelling ability really gone away?"

I chuckle and reply.

"yes Unfortunately."

"well don't worry, I'll be your nose."

I respond.

"okay then, now let's get ready to fight."

I quickly chant.

"Silver Eyes."

and quickly after that, I noticed that my vision has changed, at this moment I can see the heat signatures of everybody, I then say to Klein completely baffled.

"I think my vision has improved."

he asks curiously.

"and why is that?"

"I'm seeing everybody's body heat, and that's including the assassins who are invisible."

He replies.

"that's good, I guess that means I can transform now."

Klein begins to transform, but he starts screaming in pain, I kneel down and ask.

"what's wrong."

he responds groaning.

"I don't think I'll be transforming, I felt pain deep inside my bones."

I then remember what Sid told me, that if transforming too many times can lead to permanent damage to our bodies, I then gently pat Klein and say to him.

"it's alright, you can sit this one out while I take care of Gale."

"I'm sorry Collin."

I reply.

"don't worry about it buddy, just get yourself to safety."

and as I say that two invisible assassins are getting closer to Klein, I react by overwhelming both of them with my strength, Klein says to me.

"thank you."

I then turn back to Gale and yell at him.

"let's settle this just between you and me, because of you send more of your boys, they will end up just like those two!"

Gale still standing five feet away, yells back.

"sounds good, I'd rather not lose more of my guys!"

"fall back, I'll handle him!"

I see the rest of the invisible assassins retreating

behind Gale, he then says to me.

"your quiet impressive Collin, I've always wondered how strong you must be, if you managed to tame a werewolf, so for me this will be interesting."

I answer.

"I guess you'll find out."

after a few seconds of staring silently at eachother, unmoving even with the rain falling, Gales theb makes the first move, by shouting.

"Branch entanglement!"

I think to myself.

the same tree sprouts near me and the branches start moving around trying to grab me, as I move around at a speed that it can't keep up, so I use this opportunity to start breaking the branches and the tree, meanwhile Gale seemed unfazed with what I did, just chants.

"multi branch entanglement."

now this time multiple trees sprout near me and all them try to do the same, but no matter how many more branches they are, it was still nothing to me as I broke all of them, including the trees, he then shouts to me.

"very impressive, now I can see how you managed to tame that werewolf, but let's see if your stronger than him or about the same strength as him."

but I respond by holding out both palms shouting.

"dual triple fire shot!"

the fireballs fly towards him at a blinding speed that even surprised me, he chants something and gets completely surrounded by many trees, the fireballs explode on impact, but for some reason they don't catch on fire, I then think to myself.

"is that kloon wood?"

from what I learned in this world is that there's wood that won't catch on fire, but due to how useful it was to construct buildings and houses kloon trees are no longer around, I then shout at Gale.

he shouts back.

"excellent observation!"

I then think to myself.

"I really need more projectile magic spells, just having my dual triple fire shots isn't going to cut it anymore."

I then speak under my breathe.

"I guess fighting with my fists is all I can do."

I then begin to charge at Gale, pulling my arm back getting ready to punch him, he reacts by surrounding himself with wood, I punch it multiple times, chipping away his defense, and as I start seeing skin through a hole I made, he yells out.


I then feel a huge amount of mana suddenly appear from behind me, I turn around and see a seven foot humanoid tree staring right at me, I then say to myself shocked.

"holy shit."

Gale shouts.


then spriggan opens it's mouth and a swarm of bees come out of it, I react by chanting.

"mobile magic barrier."

the swarm begin to crash against my shield, as they try to sting me but failing to do so, I then rush the spriggan and start throwing punches, breaking it apart like nothing, I take a step back and then the spriggan regenerates all of its broken parts, I then hear Gale shout.

"multi branch entanglement!"

multiple trees sprout from the ground again, with the branches swinging around trying to grab me, I dodge and move around while breaking the branches, and then the back of my head gets grabbed, and I think to myself.

"shit I forgot about the spriggan."

The spriggan smashes my face against all the sprouted up trees, breaking them, and then it slams me down to the floor, and in my head I say.

"what the hell this spriggan has monster like strength, did Klein also fight the spriggan?"

with my adrenaline flowing through me, I ignore the pain and swing backwards breaking the arm that has the iron like grip on me, I then create some distance between me and the spriggan, I look at the spriggan and say to myself.

"it has around the same strength as me, but it's easy to break it apart, the only problem that I see is it can regenerate."

after thinking for a few seconds, I come up with an idea and chant.

"mana shift."

I make sure to spread the mana signatures around the general area of the spriggan, and then it begins to attack signatures, confusing it, I then hear yell at the spriggan.

"what the hell are you doing idiot!"

I take this chance to rush Gale, and right at the moment he notices me, it was too late as my punch makes contact to his head, sending him flying and crashing into the spriggan.

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