Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 67 - I'm Not Done!

I silently stare at Gale's unmoving body, and then Celeste invades my mind.

"good job Master Collin, you really are very strong."

I then ask her in my head.

"can I ask you for a favor."

she replies asking.

"sure Master Collin, what can I help you with?"

I respond.

"get Klein to safety, because I don't think this fight is over yet."

she replies reluctantly.

"I don't want to touch that thing."

I ask her.

she responds.

"of course I can Master Collin."

I turn back and see that Klein is no longer there, I then say to her.

"thank you, I owe you one."

I focus my attention back to Gale, who is struggling to stay standing, I then shout at him.

"Gale it's over, now let's stop and have a proper conversation!"

he shouts back.

"not a chance, I still have a duty to turn you in!"

I yell back.

he shouts at me with detemination in his voice.

"I'm not done!"

I then think to myself.

"alright Collin, all you gotta do is just put him down without killing him, and you can't have that happen, because you'll have no choice but to take King Ryan's offer."

I give a serious look and say to him.

"you don't need to get hurt any further let's stop right now."

he chuckle weakly and responds.

"oh but it's not me who going to be hurt, it's going to be you, who will beg for me to stop."

he then shouts.

Gale stands still as he gets covered by wood in the shape of a mech suit, that stands about nine feets tall, I then wonder to myself.

"what the hell, is this real. a mech suit made out of kloon wood."

Gale's voice booms through the air.

"I didn't want to resort to using my ultimate magic, but you've given me no choice Collin!"

he continues.

"now prepare yourself!"

immidiately after he points both his gauntlets at me and shouts.

"thorn barrage!"

I react by chanting.

the needle like thorns stick onto the surface of my barrier, I keep my barrier up as I move in closer to his mech, and after taking a few more hits my barrier goes down, I then use this opportunity to punch it, but Gale saw my punch coming and parties it to counter punch me, in which lands on my c.h.e.s.t sending me flying backwards in the air, until I slam hard against the muddy and soaked floor, and as I groan in pain I think to myself.

"damn that mech suit has some serious power behind it, I can't do anything with my dual triple fire shot, because all the wood magic he uses is all Kloon wood and I'm only left with using my own physical strength."

I slowly get up while holding onto my c.h.e.s.t to ease the pain, I then hear the s.u.c.k.i.n.g sounds of his footsteps go through the wet mud as he approaches me, he pulls out a whip that looks like a vein, from the back of his mech, his voice then booms and echoes through the air.

"face it Collin, you can't beat my ultimate magic!"

I shout back.

"shut up and just fight!"

he responds by angrily yelling and swinging his vein whip at me, I shout.

"mobile magic barrier."

my barrier goes up, but his vein whip slices through my barrier, like a knife going through butter. the whip slaps across the left side of my face vertically, I collapse on the muddy floor screaming in agony, I clutch my face with both hands and I already feel blood coming out. a few seconds later I recieve multiple strikes with his vein whip all across my body, I couldn't do anything but lay there defenselessly, just receiving countless strikes with no end in sight, I then think so myself.

a familiar voice then comes into mind.

"Master Collin, don't give up just yet."

I reply.

"Celeste why are you still here?"

she responds.

"just in case I need to save you, so get up and fight back, you can still do it."

I answer back.

"well hearing you motivate me has given me a second wind, I feel like I can keep fighting forever now."

she audibly laughs in my mind and asks.

I stand up staring down the mech that Gale is in and ask.

"after this whole ordeal is done, let's go do something together, does that sound something you would like?"

Gale yells again as he swings the vein whip again, I put up my arm and use it to catch the whip and wrap it around the arm, I then grab on to the whip and pull it with all my might, that cause Gale and his mech to come hurling towards me, I can hear him screaming in disbelief, and as he inches closer, I give him a roundhouse kick while he is in middle of the air sending him flying backwards, Celeste then replies in mind.

"yes I would like that, Master Collin."

I then take a few steps foward and suddenly collapse to the ground, I yell out in pain and can tell that I'm no longer in silver eyes, I try to move but my muscles cramp up and I can no longer move around, Celeste then invades my mind.

"Master Collin what's wrong?"

I reply.

"I can't move."

she responds.

"don't worry, I'll come get you right now."

I reply.

"no, get out of here, and tell King Ryan that I've failed and that I'm expecting him to hold up his end of our deal."

she begrudgingly replies.

"okay Master Collin, just don't say anything stupid, that will get you executed on the spot."

after minutes of just laying on wet mud and rain falling down, Gale approaches me, but he's not in his wooden mech suit and also seems like he's having trouble breathing properly, he looks at me as he wipes the blood off of his mouth and asks with a terrified voice.

"damn you Collin, what in the hell are you?"

he then takes out a syringe with the green liquid inside of it, and tries to keep his shaky hand steady as he injects it in me, Gale the says to me.

"it's time to turn you in Collin, as much as I want to kill someone who is as dangerous as you, I want King Tully and Clyde to witness your execution.

I weakly reply.

"if that's what you wanted, then you shouldn't have sent assassins after me."

he replies agitated but with a hint of fear.

"shut it."

he then shouts.

"pick him up, It's time to head back home!"

the assassins reveal themselves and pick me up while another one opens a portal and then we all enter it.

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