Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 68 - The Verdict

The assassins carry my exhausted body as we exit the portal, with Gale is at the side keeping an eye on me, I chuckle and weakly ask him in a taunting manner.

"what's wrong, it looks like you've seen a ghost."

Gale replies with a small hint of fear in his voice.

"shut it, you mutant freak."

I ask.

"why would you say that."

he replies but what ever fear he had in his voice changed to fustration.

"because you weren't born with the Hero's blessing, but yet you were able to match my strength."

I then think to myself.

"I probably should stop talking, before I say something that I might regret saying."

after a few minutes pass by Gale tells one of the two gaurds who are in front of the throne room's door to get some chains to tie me up properly before we appear before the king, I then think to myself.

"hopefully Celeste can inform King Ryan in time, before King Tully decides to execute me."

"you may all rise now!"

Gale stands back up and says.

"I've brought you the criminal, your highness."

he scratches his beard and asks while looking at me with disdain.

"what say you Mr. Belfaust."

I chuckle and reply.

"so you want my opinion?"

I sigh and continue.

"I say this is bullshit your highness, I've been wrongly accused of killing Rosie."

"an obvious answer a criminal would give to escape justice."

I reply agitated.

"why are you even keeping this facade up, you've already decided my fate the moment we walked through those doors."

he chuckles and says.

"you're right, but we're just waiting for Clyde to arrive, he wants to witness the execution of the man who murdered the woman he loved."

I then think to myself

"it looks like they are not aware that Clyde is dead."

after a few hours of waiting, a gaurd comes up to King Tully and whispers something in his ear, and then afterwards he addresses the throne room.

"we seem to be having trouble contacting Clyde and because of this fact, it looks like I'm going to be deciding the fate of this young man alone."

"lock him in a cell, and get him ready for a public execution tomorrow."

everyone kneels down and shout.

"yes your highness!'

they stand back up and then the assassins hand me over to some gaurds that dragged me downstairs into the King's dungeon, where they locked me inside the cell, and with nothing to do, I lay down on a dirty and old blanket that's placed on top of the cell concrete with the chains still binding me, I then think to myself.

"this situation is out of my control, my life depends on Celeste and King Ryan now."

I then stare at the ceiling until I fall asleep.

A few hours pass by and then I'm woken up with a gaurd yelling.

"hey it's time to wake!"

startled by this sudden outburst, I ask myself.

I then shout at the gaurd.

"what's happening?

he replies.

"King Ryan of the Kingdom of Corpus, has come on your behalf, and after a long discussion with King Tully, and they've made a decision on your fate, so I'm bringing you up to them so you can know what will happen to you."

he opens the cell door, and leads me back to the throne room, where King Ryan and King Tully are at, I the ask.

"so what's going on?"

King Ryan replies.

"don't worry kid, I convinced King Tully to not have you executed."

King Tully interjects.

King Ryan adds n

"I'm sorry kid, but that's the best I could do for you."

I reply.

"It's fine your highness, I'm sure you did your best.

I then look at King Tully and ask curiously.

"so how many years will I spend in prison."

King Ryan clears his throat and responds.

"twenty years at Burmendak Prison."

I respond confused.

King Tully responds.

"King Ryan may have convinced me to not have you executed, but you still killed our fellow countrymen of Rozlania, so you still have to pay for that."

I reply.

"I only killed those assassins in self defense."

he responds.

"it doesn't matter for what reason it was, you still did it."

I reply.

"so what's stopping you from getting me executed for killing them?"

he responds.

"because King Ryan, has told me that, you're very useful fellow, and it would be a waste to execute you."

he sighs and continues.

"also from what Gale has told me, you almost defeated him even though you don't have the Hero's blessing, so explain yourself Mr. Belfaust."

I reply.

"I trained really hard."

even though it's partly true, I can't reveal that the source of my power originates from being a werewolf, intrigued with my answer he responds.

"is that all?"

I nod and reply.

"yes your highness."

he responds.

"well anyways, after serving your twenty years in prison, you'll come back and we'll have you train our young magic knights in the magical academy and mold them into stronger people, in which will benefit our kingdom."

King Ryan coughs and King Tully adds on.

"this also includes you helping out King Ryan and his kingdom as well."

I then think to myself.

"thus is good, it could've been worse, now the only thing I've gotta do is to survive an orcish prison."

after all that the gaurds put me back in the dungeon cell, where King Ryan and Celeste pay me a visit, King Ryan says to me with an apologetic tone.

"I did the best I could Collin, if I tried to press him too hard, a serious conflict could've arised between our kingdoms and I can't have that."

I respond.

"it's fine, you kept your word, and now I'll keep mine."

he waves goodbye and leaves the dungeon, but Celeste stayed behind, just staring at me silently. after a few minutes pass by, I break the silence.

"I guess we won't be able to go out and do something together now."

she gets closer to the cell with her forehead pressing the bars, showing how dissapointed she was with the outcome, I then approach her slowly and plant a kiss on her forehead and ask.

"but let's do something together when I get out yeah?"

she giggles and replies while amiling.

"yes I would to do that when the time comes."

we say our goodbyes and then she leaves to take King Ryan back to Corpus, and as I sit down on the floor, I think to myself.

"don't worry Collin, twenty years is nothing."


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