Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 69 - Welcome To Burmendak

The ride to Burmendak Prison has been a very long and uncomftorable journey so far, mostly because I was still covered with wounds and mud from my fight with Gale, I look around this cramped prison transport carriage and see an assortment of different races with me, Elves, Humans, Dwarves, Lizardmen, Orcs and Demi-Humans, and I think to myself.

"I'm going to prison, this is actually happening."

I look up at the night sky, through the gaps of the iron bars and take a deep breaths as I think to myself.

"at least, I don't have to worry about cannibals preparing to eat me, like when those Mauri Cultists kidnapped me an imprisoned me."

we then hit a bump on the ground that ends up shaking the whole carriage, sending a few of us bumping into each other, and because of this I get elbowed at my side, where immidiately after a timid voice squeaks.

"I'm sorry sir."

I look to my left and see a kid demi-human, with cat ears, and I think to myself.

"amazing these Demi-humans actually look like humans but with animal features."

I respond with assurance.

"don't worry about it kid, it wasn't your fault."

he stumbles over his words.

"no really sir, I apologize."

I reply.

I sigh exhausted and think to myself.

"there's no helping it I'll just accept his apology, O don't want to offend anyone this early and even if the demi-human is a kid, he must have done something that got him imprisoned."

an hour passes by since that little incident happened, and then I say to the kid in a friendly manner.

"My name's Collin nice to meet you."

the kid nervously replies.

"Felnor sir."

I then ask.

"have you been to prison before?"

he replies.

I wonder to myself.

"well he's still a kid so that answer makes sense."

he fidgets and asks.

"what about you sir, is this your first time?"

I respond.

"not exactly, but this would be my second time being a prison."

he lowers his head and stares at the ground as he stammers.

"oh I see."

I then think to myself.

I then gently push him with my shoulders and say to him.

"Felnor, listen don't let anyone see you being weak, or else they will take advantage of that and make your life a living hell in prison, so pick your head up kid."

Felnor slowly raises his head and stops quivering, I the say to him.

"good job kid, now just keep that composure and you'll be fine, hopefully."

he replies.

"thank you, Collin sir."

I ask puzzled.

"for what?"

he responds.

I ask still confused.

"why would I not treat normally?"

he stumbles as he responds.

"well you see, I'm a slave, Collin Sir."

I wonder to myself.

"I see, so that explains why he's like this."

I turn ask him curiously.

"if your a slave then what are you doing here?"

Felnor replies.

he stops talking and his eyes start to water, and then I think to myself.

"damn since he's still alive, he probably witnessed the stalker tear his master apart."

I then remember what happened when General Aktosh sent a pack of stalkers to destroy our encampent back when Sid was still alive and I think to myself.

"yeah those stalkers are relentless killing machines any normal being in this world would shake in fear if they ever come face to face with one."

I then ask.

"you managed to escape, and so what happened afterwards?"

he replies with tears slowly coming down across his cheeks and whiskers.

"well since it's a illegal for a slave to be alone without their master, we get punished and sent to prison for commiting that crime."

I think to myself.

and if I remember right about the orcs history, is that they rebelled against the king, prominent royals and nobles that had the working class orcs oppressed until one day they had enough, they rose up and went on a brutal rampage, mercilessly killing every royal and noble who sided with the king, even those who were innocent and because of this result a group of orcs are elected to represent and establish laws for everyone in the orc region. the one law that they brought back since every king in every region completely abolished was slavery, and I think to myself.

"even though they gained freedom from oppression, they brought back something worst than class oppression, that even kings saw as repulsive."

I then say to Felnor.

"listen kid, it doesn't matter what orcish law says,

I don't see you as a slave, I see you as another individual."

Felnor smiles and asks curiously.

"you're a very kind human, Collin Sir, but why have you been imprisoned?"

I respond.


he asks nervously.

"were they bad guys?"

I reply.

"some, but others were just doing their jobs."

I then think to myself.

"even though I didn't murder Rosie, I still have blood on my hands, the Mauri cultist, the Lizardmen Loyalists, The Assassins, Atlas, Abigail and Clyde."

even though there was nothing I could do with certain individuals, there are others that I chose to kill on my own free will, and with this fact I know I'm not a saint and in no way would I be considered a good person, Felnor then says with a quiver in his voice.

"even though you have done that, I can tell your not that bad of a person."

I chuckle and reply.

"thanks kid, even if that's a lie, I'm glad to hear that either way."

and so me and Felnor continue to make conversation and I found out that, him and his family were slaves for generarions, under the same orc family and that in all of his life he's never been outside of the orc region, and I also learned that slaves are given a stronger green liquid that permanently blocks their mana flow, so they never get to use magic, and so I ask myself.

"so there's different potencies to this green liquid?"

we continue making small talk until the stagecoach shouts.

"alright convicts it's time to shut up!"

The gaurds that were escorting this prison transport carriage, open the gate and usher us out through the back, and once the last prisoner finally gets out, one of the orc guards shouts.

"welcome to Burmendak!"

The carriage that was blocking our view departs and we our find ourselves staring at several impressive and massive structures surrounded by concrete walls, and then I think to myself.

"what hell is this a prison or a stronghold?"

the guards begin shouting at all of us.

"get a move on convicts!"

we all start moving and the sounds of chains rattling echoe the night air, and then we finally arrive at the entrance, where two massive steel doors swing wide open, and we walk in I say to myself.

"just twenty years and you'll be out Collin."

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