Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 76 - Participants

after hearing his voice Aktosh's eyes light up and he says with joy in his voice.

"this is great, we only hear Ulrrek's voice when there is an upcoming tournament."

I ask.

"and you like it?"

he replies.

"yes, and besides mining for a Iron there's really nothing to do here to kill our boredom, you should already know this."

I reply.

"mining Iron is no big deal, it provides me with a good amount of exercise when we do it."

he responds.

"but of course you would say that, because you're more of a monster then an actual living being."

before I rebuttal Aktosh, Ulrrek's voice booms.

"the fighting tournament is returning this year, so prepare yourselves, just in case you get chosen."

I then think to myself.

"alright, as long as I participate in this, I won't have to face any punishment for what I did to the steel door."

"prisoner number seven, zero, two, nine, seven is the first pick!"

I then think to myself.

"did he really need to pick me first?"

after he announced my number I climb to the top bunk and as I sit down, Aktosh comes up to me and asks.

"how do you feel being chosen first and right after returning from solitary confinement."

I reply annoyed.

"it doesn't matter how I feel, especially since there's not much I can do about being chosen."

he sighs and asks.

"you've got a point there, but still don't you want to at least hear the rest who will participate."

"not really, and besides it's not like I'm going to see who they are."

he replies.

"alright suit yourself, I'm going to pay attention and hope I don't get chosen."

he stops talking and as he stares at me, he says.

"I especially don't want to end up facing you."

he the returns to the cell door and listens attentively as Ulrrek continues to announce the rest of the participants, I think to myself.

"right now the tournament is not something that my mind is focused on, if anything my attention is on Ellena and how she is doing."

Ulrrek finally finishes up announcing the participants for the tournament, and Aktosh returns to me with a relieved expression on his face as he says to me.

"this is good, I'm not going to be fighting."

"good for you, at least one of us will enjoy the tournament."

he then responds with confidence.

"don't worry kid, you'll do great in this tournament, I can see you going all the way into the finals."

I ask.

"you don't know who the rest are, so what makes you say that I'll make it that far?"

he replies.

"because you have an unnatural physical strength that the rest of the inmates don't have."

he pauses and takes a moment before he says.

"well except for one but I'm sure he'll be no problem for you."

"so how do you know if this guy is even in this tournament, did you recognize his prison number?"

he nods and answers.

"yes, I've met him only once, because he's at another cell block from us."

I interrupt.

"but that doesn't answer my question though."

he clears his throat and continues.

"I was getting to it, before you rudely interrupted me."

I reply.

"my bad, then go ahead and tell me about this guy."

"his name is Selshruuk and he is a Dragonoid."

this immidiately caught my attention, and I ask him.

"how did a Dragonoid end up here?"

he replies as he shrugs his shoulder.

"I don't know, but as far as I know he's the only Dragonoid I've seen in this prison."

I then think to myself.

"that's crazy, but couldn't he just escape from here by flying when he's out in the courtyard during recreation."

I say to Aktosh.

"why is he still here then, he doesn't need magic to fly."

"well the thing is, he doesn't have any wings."

I then think to myself.

"the guards must've removed his wings at some point."

if my thought process is correct about his wings being removed, then that means his people will never allow him to return. In their culture, the loss of wings for a Dragonoid is something that is frowned upon, and due to their unapologetic nature they treat wingless Dragonoids harshly, even if they lost their wings during battle, I then ask Aktosh.

"so what do you think about him not having wings?"

he responds.

"it sucks to be him, because even he gets out of here, he can't ever return to his people."

I nod and reply.

"yeah I was thinking the same."

the prospect of meeting an actual Dragonoid, has got me looking foward to participating in this tournament, but there is also a thought in my mind.

"can I actually defeat one."

because during the war between the alliance and the Dragonoids, it took magic knights from the human side that were born with the Hero's Blessing to turn the tide of the war, and from there the legendary three heroes Malika, Arthur, and Isaac, who stood out the most out of all of them, were the ones who led many outstanding victories until a peace treaty was signed and the war was finally over, I then think to myself.

"at least there's a positive about this tournament, and hopefully that he lives up to some of my expectations."

Aktosh then interrupts my thoughts.

"hey kid the guards are on their way over here to collect you already."

minutes pass by and one of the orc guards barks an order to have the cell door open, he then directs me out of it, and then he escorts me outside of the cell block, and eventually he leads me into an empty room where Ulrrek is at, and with the company of other guards, in which includes fifteen other inmates standing around, and in my mind I think.

"they must be the participants."

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