Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 75 - One Year

After stepping outside of solitary confinement, I collapse in pain, with my muscles feeling like they are on fire, and then I think to myself.

"this strength is amazing but, now I understand the physical backlash aspect of this power."

as I lay on the floor groaning in pain, a few orc guards approach me, and I can hear one them asking surprised.

"did he cause this?"

another one looks at me and asks.

"how did you do this?"

I respond groaning.

"yeah I think so."

they all look at each other completely baffled and then one of them says.

two orc guards carry my limp body through the hallway until we reach the interrogation room, they tie me up in a chair and inject me with the green liquid, I then think to myself.

"I'm in big trouble now."

the orc guards leave the room, but another one comes in and as he sits down across from me, he introduces himself.

"the names Ulrrek, and I'll be asking you a few questions about what you did to that steel door and if you cooperate with me there might be a way to work this out."

I nod and respond.

"yeah, I've got no other choice but to cooperate."

he grins and replies.

"good boy, now let's get started."

his first question.

I answer.

"that was not magic, it was all physical strength."

he laughs and says.

"good joke kid, but we all know that humans depend on magic so much, that they are not known for being physical."

I chuckle and reply.

"well I guess you've never met a human like me then."

he rubs his chin and then responds.

"either you found out a way to beat the lie detection magic or your telling the truth."

I then think to myself.

after thinking that, I ask.

"has anyone ever beaten, the lie detection magic before?"

he replies.

"you have a point there. alright next question then."

he then asks.

"why did you request to be locked up in solitary confinement?"

I answer.

"I was a danger to others and I don't wan to be responsible for deaths in here."

he responds sarcastically.

he continues.

"but didn't you also beat up another inmate who you put in a coma just last year."

I respond.

"he had it coming."

he chortled.

"now there it is, pretending to be a good person, but in the end you are just like all the other inmates in here, a bunch of savages that shouldn't be allowed to have freedom."

I look down not wanting to respond to his comment, and after a while of not noticing, something he said finally clicks in my head and I ask anxiously.

"wait did you just say a year ago?"

he replies.

I panic in my thoughts.

"a year has passed, damn it I didn't get a chance to warn Ellena, I can only hope that somehow my kid is alive."

I interrupt my own thoughts.

"what am I thinking there is no way that they'll let my kid live if it caused the death of a soon to be queen."

Ulrrek notices that I've grown silent and that I have a look of despair on me, he then asks another question.

"I have a request for you and if you fulfill it, we're willing to overlook this little incident. so o you want to listen?"

I respond disheartened.

"do I have a choice?"

he chuckles.

I ask.

"so what do you want from me?"

he replies wit a smirk.

"we are going start a fighting tournament this year, and I want you to be in it."

I respond.

"why me?"

he responds.

"because if what you say is true about your physical strength, then it's obvious that you'll provide great entertainment amongst all the guards and inmates."

I ask.

"don't you guys pick random prisoners though?"

he answers.

"yes, but we can't pass up the opportunity to watch a human with your physical power in action."

I reply.

"since I've got no choice, I'll participate."

he chuckles and says.

"I'm glad that you see it our way. now let's take you back to your old cell."

a few guards come in so they can untie me, and as they finish untying me, I ask to Ulrrek.

"I've got three questions, can you answer them?"

he replies.

"go ahead and ask."

I ask my first question.

"the whole time I've been locked inside solitary confinement, and as you can see I've been hurt badly. can you heal me?"

he takes a moment to think about and then replies.

"sure, we need you at one hundred percent, so you can be good to go for the tournament."

I follow up with another one.

"how long did you guys plan on keeping me in there?"

he answers.

"around two years or so."

I think to myself.

"what the hell that's an insane amount of time."

I then ask my final question.

"did anyone come visit me, while I've been in confinement?"

he responds.

"yeah the guards at the visitation center sent me a your visitors log, before you were brought to me, and it looks like a Lizardman named Gresnor came by two times, A Human named Celeste dropped in three times and An Elf named Ellena came the most out of all of them, and it looks like she came by last month."

as I hear that, I feel like a weight has been lifted off my c.h.e.s.t and whatever little hope I had, has been completely restored, I then think to myself.

"if she's alive, then that means she somehow survived child birth or."

I interrupt myself, as a dark thought came into my mind.

"or she somehow figured out that she was in danger and terminated our child."

I breathe in and out, trying to calm down and then I tell myself.

"relax Collin, your getting worked up for nothing, you'll get your answers, next time she visits."

Ulrrek then takes out a healing potion from a drawer nearby and then says.

"open your mouth."

I open my mouth and gulp down the potion, the wounds I had on my knuckles began to heal, and then my aching muscles return to normal, he then orders the guards.

"take him back to his cell, so we can announce the participants for the tournament."

the guards then me lead from the interrogation room, and back to my Cell, where Aktosh is sitting on the bed waiting, the cell door opens and closes behind me as I walk inside, he then says.

"a year later and yet you still have the same scary expression on your face."

I respond sarcastically.

"well I missed you too."

he then responds.

"alright enough joking around, what happened kid, are you feeling okay now?"

I answer.

"yes, but something is about to happen."

he asks curiously.

"what do you mean?"

and before I got to say anything, I get interrupted by Ulrrek's voice coming from a public address system and it echoes.

"listen inmates I've got an announcement!"

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