Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 74 - Wolf's Rage

The orc guard granted my request to be put into solitary confinement without asking me why I wanted it, and I figured that being put into one wasn't going to be pleasant, but the moment I was put into one, I could already overwhelming feeling of isolation in here, as the orc guard closes the steel door behind me, the darkness of the room overtook whatever little light that was present, I then think to myself.

"at least I won't have to worry about attacking others while I'm in here dealing with whatever is going on with me."

I blindly move around trying to find the bed, and after bumping into the wall many times, I finally find it and as I sit down, I ask myself.

"so what could be causing my hunger?"

after minutes of thinking, I remember the remark that Aktosh said.

"is your inner werewolf coming out?"

I then answer myself.

"that must be it, there's no other way to explain it."

"I may have gotten silver eyes, but that in itself didn't turn me back into a human, all it did was mask my presence from a monster and into a human."

in with that in mind, I made sudden realization that had me terrified for Ellena's safety.

"shit this is not good, I was so caught up with joy when she told me the news of her pregnancy that I totally forgot that females get killed during childbirth by the werewolf baby."

the feeling of my stomach sinking creeps into me, I then collapse on the bed sideways unable to move and I say to myself.

"Collin you f.u.c.k.i.n.g idiot, how can you be so stupid?"

I then shout in fustration.

"god I've never felt so helpless!"

after calming down my nerves, I think to myself.

"I need to warn her, once I get out of solitary confinement."

same voice creeps back into my head repeating the phrase.

"eat, meat."

but I wouldn't let it influence me, by distracting mind by inflicting as much pain as to I could to myself, by punching the concrete walls, even though I can't see anything, I only catch glimpses of my badly damaged knuckles when light goes through, the food slots of the door, when the guards bring me food. It has been a while since I've been locked in here, and I have no way to tell on how long it's been, but I did start to meditate so that I can ease my mind, and to my surprise the voice in my head started to subside, that also includes my hunger pangs, but there are still some days where the pain is very intense. Time and day has become meaningless to me because I no longer know how long I've been locked solitary confinement but it has felt like a life time, but having nothing to do here, meditation has become a regular routine for me, so as I finish eating the food they gave me, I sit down on the bed and focus on meditating like I usually do, and as my mind gets lost, a voice I've heard before whispers.

"hello again."

I ask.

"who are you?"

it replies.

"you already know who I am, I'm just wondering on why I'm still around and haven't disappeared into your subconscious."

I ask unsure.

it responds.

"yes, and for some reason I'm still around."

I ask.

"so what does that mean?"

it replies.

"it probably means that my job isn't done yet."

it sighs and continues.

"I guess I'm still sticking around until you unlock the full power of a werewolf."

I then ask curiously.

it responds.

"yes, and I'm glad you did, because if you would've gave in on you temptations on consuming meat, you would've regressed in power."

I then think to myself.

"good thing I made the right choice about getting locked into solitary confinement."

the wolf's voice echoes into my voice.

"it seems like you have gotten stronger and have gained a new power."

I ask curiously.

"so what is this power?"

it replies.

I ask.

"what does it do."

it answers.

"this one quadruples you physical strength for a few seconds, but at the cost of stamina instead of mana and physical backlash after execution."

I then think to myself disappointed.

"great more physical strength, I was hoping for a projectile type attack."

the wolf then says.

"well that's all for right now, so for now continue to grow your strength, and when the hunger pangs return that will be your sign that you body is evolving for the next power to manifest."

I then ask.

it replies confidently.

"yes, it looks like that's going to be the case, so just keep up the hard work, and I'll talk to you next time."

my hunger pangs have completely disappeared, and after opening my eyes I notice that I still can't see a thing, but even so I stand up and think to myself.

"so does that mean I can use wolf's rage without consuming mana?"

I face palm and reply to myself.

"damn it I should have asked the wolf."

it sounds good and all but I've never heard of any magic powers being activated without mana, I then think to myself.

"I guess there's no point in asking questions, I've got nothing to lose by if I try it out."

I feel around the room until I find the door and then I take a deep breath and reluctancy chant.

"wolf's rage."

and in an instant my body temperature rises and every muscle begins to bulge and tense up, I then

swing my arm with all my might and punch the steel door, breaking it in half and sending it crashing against the wall in the hallway, alarms start blaring and echoing through the hall, I then think to myself shocked.

"what the hell."

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