Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 73 - Hunger Pangs

today I believe that I turned seventeen, it's already been a couple months since I've arrived at Burmendak, Celeste dropped by on my second month here to inform me that King Ryan as not given up on trying to get me out of here and that if I had anything that would be helpful, and I ended telling her that there are still several vampire lords that have not awakened, and she told me that this information could hold the key to my freedom, and that she would keep my informed about if it was helpful in the months to come. But since I've turned seventeen, she hasn't returned, the only who has shown up is Ellena, keeping me up to date about her Pregnancy, and on how Klein keeps trying to convince her to come up with a plan to break me free, and also brought me news that Gresnor is dealing with another potential civil war in the Lizardmen region. I wake

up in the middle of my sleeping with pain coming from my stomach, I clutch my belly and think to myself.

"damn it, breakfast time needs to come faster, because this hunger is killing me."

I sit up and jump off my bed, trying to find a way to keep my attention away from my growling stomach, but the ever growing pain was overwhelming, I then ask myself.

"what hell is going on with my body?"

for the next few hours my mind kept wondering and remembering the taste of meat, until Aktosh wakes up and gives me a terrified look, his expression had me worried, so ask him concerned.

"um is something wrong?"

as stands up cautiously, he answers.

"I've seem that very same look, that you have, it's exactly the same look of a starving predator who is ready to tear apart their prey."

I think to myself.

"wow I guess I'm really hungry, but I don't understand why?"

he then follows up with another question.

"your not going to attack me are you?"

I reply still feeling the pain.

"no, I just need to eat and I'll be fine."

he sighs and replies.

"if you say so kid."

"I guess you were not kidding about being hungry."

as I finish the last bit of my bread, I think to myself.

"what the hell, I'm still hungry."

Felnor hands me over his bread and as I try to refuse it, he shakes his head and says with concern.

"sir Collin, don't worry about me, if this bread can help calm down your hunger, then at least let me do this much for you."

I quickly snatch the bread from his hand, and I reply as I stuff my face.

"thanks kid."

I make quick work of the bread, but even still my hunger was not being satisfied, Aktosh looks at me and asks.

"Collin, you still have that same look on you, and it's very worrisome."

"eat, meat."

I then mumble some incoherent words, and soon both Aktosh and Felnor's concern over me increases, but at this point, I don't hear a word that is coming out of their mouths as it seems like my hearing has gone mute, and thereafter, the same voice echoes through my head.

"eat, meat."

it starts off at a low volume, but it increase every time it repeats, until the point that, the words are being yelled at.


I manage to get a thought through.

"why is this happening to me, I was fine yesterday."

Aktosh who is looking at me with even greater concern, he places his arm on my shoulder, and for some reason I reacted by trying to take a bite out of him, he avoids it and asks shocked.

"kid what the hell has gotten into you?"

"oh this time I heard."

I then respond groaning.

"I'm not sure but, I'm having urges to eat meat."

he panics and shouts.

"well don't try to take a chunk outta me, I don't taste good at all!"

he looks at Felnor and says.

"it's been nice knowing you kid, but for Collin's sake, we will feed you him."

Felnor also panics for a few moments, but then he replies with a shaky voice, while he fidgets.

"if it's for sir Collin, I'm prepared for it."

"no I'm not eating anyone, but there is no doubt that there is something wrong with me."

Aktosh grins and asks.

"so is your inner werewolf coming out?"

Felnor chuckles and replies.

"come on Aktosh you must be joking, werewolves are nothing but made up stories to scare kids like me."

Aktosh replies.

"kid you don't know him, he's actually very dangerous, I mean look at his face right now, it's very concerning on how scary it looks."

he responds.

"I know he makes scary faces sometimes, but even then there is no chance that he would be a werewolf."

"Aktosh stop it, you can't be telling everyone what I am."

I then see Felnor start to look at me in fear, and then ask him.

"can you please keep this a secret for me?"

as he nods, I think to myself.

"damn that Aktosh, exposing what I am so casually. but then again I was so stupid in not denying it."

I then continue thinking.

"there must be a way to get my hunger under control, so I don't lash out and try to take a bite out of someone."

after taking a few minutes to think of solutions, I finally came up with one that might help, but it's something that could turn dangerous for me, I then stand up and make my over to an orc guard, I then ask him.

"is there solitary confinement available in this prison, and if so, can I ask you to put me in one?"

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