after spending a few days in this prison, the first few things I noticed is that this is completely different than those prison doc.u.mentaries I used to watch back in my previous life, first of all there is no such thing as lights out, so it's pretty hard to get some sleep when other inmates are still up having conversations like if it was still day time. second of all, the orc guards don't care whenever inmates fight with each other or when one gets killed by another, if anything they just sit back and use these incidents to entertain themselves. third of all, the food we get to eat for breakfast and dinner is soup with some random chopped vegetables within it, a piece of stale bread and a cup of water, even though I've only been here for a few days, I'm already growing tired of the tasteless food that are provided to us. the fourth and last thing is that there hasn't been any successful escapes in the history of this prison, mostly due to the fact that inmates have no way of using magic, meanwhile the guards are allowed to use their magic, and also have permission to kill inmates. As me and Aktosh are

having a casual conversation in our cell, a guard shouts.

"breakfast time!"

as the sound of buzzing and doors sliding echoes throughout the cell block, Aktosh says eagerly.


I ask.

"how can you be so eager to eat what they serve us?"

he chuckles and answers.

"kid when your hungry, the food they serve us becomes heavenly."

I then think to myself.

"oh god, I hope, I don't turn out like that, being eager to eat the food here."

we leave our cells and line up at the bottom floor joining up with the rest of inmates, and as we wait for an orc guard to escort us to cafeteria, I think to myself.

"it's strange to see that with so many of us here, that no one has tried to attack any of the guards."

we wait in line for the rest of the inmates to fall in

with us, and the moment everyone has gathered at the bottom floor of the cell block, the guard starts to escort us to the cafeteria, where me and Aktosh grab our food and as we search for a table to sit down at, he says to me.

"when you got here, you wanted to kill me, but look at us now, hanging around like pals."

"no I'm not your friend, if anything I'm just tolerating your presence."

he responds.

"aw come on don't act so cold."

and as soon as we sit down, I hear a familiar voice whimpering.

"sorry sir It was an accident."

I look around and see that there is an orc inmate holding Felnor up above the ground with one hand, he then shouts at him.

"sorry isn't going to cut it kid!"

I look to Aktosh and whisper.

"I'll be back."

"don't get involved kid, it wont end well for you."

I don't answer him, but I do think to myself as I stand up.

"this kid doesn't deserve to be here, so the least I can do is to help him out here."

I haven't seen this kid since we first got here, and now I have a chance to talk to him again, and I just sit back, that orc is going to kill him, I then slowly make my way to them and as I approach them I say to the orc with an intimidating tone.

"let go of the kid, or you and me are going to have


as the orc drops Felnor to floor, he snarls at me and gives me a look of contempt as he says with malice his voice.

"well I guess we're going to have problems then."

I then ask maliciously.

he responds by laughing as he points his finger at me.

"you're a weak human, without your magic powers, you don't stand a chance against me."

Felnor grabs onto my arms and pleas to me.

"sir Collin, you don't have to get involved with my problems."

I look back to him and respond with a smile.

"don't worry about me kid, just stay back so you don't get hurt."

as he lets go of my arm, I turn my attention back to the orc and say.

"you're not very bright, you could've taken me out the moment I took my attention off of you."

he replies with a attitude.

I reply.

"well then it's time to for you to get some sleep."

he makes the first move and tries to punch me, I parry it and counter him with a haymaker that lands on his nose, making blood spurt out of his nose like a faucet, he the squeezes his nose so he can stop the bleeding, and I use this chance to land a punch to his gut, that makes him collapse to the floor on all fours, I then reach for a nearby tray and start hitting him with it, at the back of head, until I bent it out of shape, and as he falls flat on his stomach, I kick in the side and spit on him, as I give him a warning.

"if I find out that, you've been messing with this kid again, I'll beat you to death next time."

I then take a handful of napkins and place it on the floor next to his face and said.

"now clean yourself up, your face is a goddamn mess."

I look to Felnor who is just staring in shock, of what I did to the orc, I then say to him.

"let's go kid, come and sit with me."

he nods and follows me to where Aktosh is sitting at, I then introduce them to each other.

Felnor bows his head and says.

"nice to meet your sir Aktosh."

Aktosh looks at me and replies.

"oh at least he's respectful, unlike a certain someone."

I respond with a sharp tongue.

"because he doesn't know you the way I do."

he looks at Felnor and says.

"ah don't listen to him kid, I'm a nice guy."

I roll my eyes, and I say to Felnor.

he responds with a question.

"why are you doing this for me?"

I take a while to think about it and then I respond honestly.

"since you haven't done anything wrong to be on here, I decided that I wanted to protect you."

Aktosh chimes.

"oh Collin, how noble of you."

I glare at him and reply.

"shut it, or I'll do you like what I did to that orc."

I then say to Felnor.

"if you ever see us at breakfast or at dinner, come and join us."

he nods and answers.

"thank you sir Collin, I was right in my assumption about you being a good person."

I take a bite out from the stale bread and think to myself.

"well now that I've gotten into a fight, I have a feeling that my daily routine might turn out different."

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