Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 71 - Pleasant Surprise

As we make our way to the visitation building, I think to myself.

"well at least, they allow us to have visitors."

I then ask the guard.

"how many visitations are we allowed to have?"

he answers annoyed.

"you only get one per month, so don't get your hopes up about this being a daily thing."

I reply.

"okay I get it."

the orc guard opens a door and says to me.

"go ahead and sit down, another guard from the others side of the steel fence will escort your visitor to you."

I look around and see a row of seats with a gap of about two feet apart from each other and facing the steel fence, including the ones from the visitor's side, I then sit down to the only empty seat, in between an Orc and a Lizardman, where I sat quietly for a few minutes, until a guard escorts someone I didn't expect to come see me, and as she sits down, I ask with a smile.

"Ellena what are you doing here?"

she smiles at me, but then immediately after doing so, she puffs her cheeks and turns her nose up to me and replies sulking.

"I've never met anyone so idiotic and stubborn in my life before."

I try to get a word in but she continues.

but I just give her a genuine smile and reply.

"you don't know how glad I am to see you."

she blushes and replies with a slight stutter.

"idiot don't say nice things, when I'm scolding you."

I chuckle and tease her.

"at least you were worried about me enough to come and visit."

still blushing, she replies.

"obviously I'm going to be worried about you, it's like you've said before, we're friends right?"

I respond.

she replies.

"jeez, don't sound so excited then."

I smile and insist.

"I'm serious, I really needed this."

she then stops sulking and as she smiles back I ask.

"so what was the thing you were going to tell me?"

and with her face bright red she starts to fidget nervously and asks.

"can you lean closer to the fence?"

I then think to myself.

I lean to the side so that my ear is up against the fence, and thereafter, Ellena whispers softly.

"Collin, I'm pregnant with your child."

as I slowly turn to face her, the word pregnant echoes and vibrates throughout my head, I stare at her speechless, unable to utter a single word because of the shock, but then she asks curiously.

"so how are you feeling about this?"

I try to compose myself and stammer an answer.

"are you one hundred percent sure that."

I stop to look around and I think to myself.

"I've gotta be careful, I can't let anyone find out that she's carrying a human's baby, or this situation will turn bad."

I lean close to the fence again and I signal her to do it as well, and then I whisper.

she whispers offended.

"you don't believe me?"

I whisper back with excitement.

"no it's not that, if I'm being honest, this shocking news has been the best thing I've heard in my entire life."

her face brightens up and she tries to hide her embarrassed expression behind her hands, and then I continue to whisper.

"but the only problem is, that if anyone finds out about this, there will be huge problems that we'll Have to deal with, like hiding the fact that our child is half human, and half elf."

her expression changes to a more worried look, but I just continue to whisper.

"you should already know that half breeds, get hunted down without any questions being asked."

her eyes start to water and she whispers to me.

she begins to shake and whispers.

"I'm not sure that can deal with it by myself."

guilt begins to hit me, and I think to myself.

"damn you Collin, this what you get for being so idiotic, none of this should be happening."

I angrily punch myself in the face and say to myself inside my mind.

"get your shit together Collin, there is no point in dwelling about the past, It's Ellena who is going to have to deal with the hardship of raising a half breed child alone, she's the one who needs reassurance right now."

I take a couple of deep breaths and whisper to Ellena.

"you won't have to deal with this alone, but I need you to do something for, but this needs to be done as soon as possible."

she wipes her eyes and ask.

I reply.

"I've got a friend named Celeste in Corpus Kingdom, I need you to look for her and get her to come visit me next month."

Ellena asks.

"why a month?"

I respond.

"because we're only allowed to have one visitor per month."

she nods and replies.

"okay, got it, I'll make sure that she comes visit you."

as she stands up from her seat, I find myself captivated by her and in my mind I say.

"was she always this beautiful, or was I too blind and dense that I didn't notice before."

she notices me staring at her and she asks embarrassed.

"is something wrong Collin?"

I respond.

"yes there is."

she asks curiously.

"and why is that?"

I reply.

"it's just that I'm hating myself for being stuck on this side of the fence, instead of being on that side with you."

her jaw drops open, while her whole face turns bright red with embarrassment, she stammers as she replies.

"idiot stop saying embarrassing things."

but I just give her the same genuine smile, Ellena takes a couple of deep breathes to compose herself, she then says while blowing a kiss.

"I'll see you again soon, papa Collin."

my whole face burns completely hot and I think to myself.

"wow she got me with the papa Collin, I can't believe out of all the things to be embarrassed that is what did me in."

Ellena then waves goodbye as one of the orc guards, begins to escort her out, and then a few moments later an orc guard starts to lead me back to my Cell block, and as I wait for cell door to open, I think to myself smiling ear to ear.

"what a pleasant surprise that was."

my cell door opens and closes behind me when I walk inside, I then lay down on the top bunk and ready myself to get some sleep.

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