Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 83 - Collin Vs. Selshruuk

Me and Selshruuk are now in positions, staring at

each other, and anticipating Ulrrek's announcement to begin the fight, I then think to myself.

"alright Selshruuk, will have the obvious advantage when it comes to physical combat, and experience, I can only hope that I can somehow outwit him, without using Wolf's Rage."

I then hear Felnor's voice shouting from the noisy


"you got this Collin!"

as I spot him waving at me, I notice Aktosh just sitting there, looking ashamed of sitting next to him, I then focus my attention back to Selshruuk as Ulrrek shouts.

"ready, fight!"

Selshruuk immidiately shows off how fast he moves, leaving me stunned on how I can barely keep up with his movements and I think to myself.

"damn, if only I can use silver eyes, then the speed he's moving at, wouldn't be a problem."

he throws a couple of quick punches, that I miraculously manage to block, and after feeling the power behind those hits, I think to myself.

"blocking won't do, his punches are just to powerful."

after that exchange I backstep, creating some distance between us, he then shouts with exhilaration.

"this is great Collin, you've exceeded my expectations!"

Selshruuk quickly charges me, not giving me any chance to get my thoughts together, he starts to strike me with a mixture of punch and kicks, and I react by parrying and dodging them, instead of trying to block them, and this exchange continues for a couple of minutes until I finally find a small opening and take the opportunity to go for it, with a counter punch to his mid section that I give with all of my strength, after my fist makes contact Selshruuk reaction was not what I expected, he shrugged it off and chuckled like it didn't do anything to him, he then says.

"if you've got more strength then you better use it

now or you won't beat me, with strikes like that."

I respond to him.

"if I do that, I'll end bad for the both of us."

he charges at me and says.

"well then, this is my win."

after multiple quick strikes, he lands a kick to my ribs that sends me staggering sideways, he then follows up with a punch that connects to my face and as I fall to ground, the crowd reacts by cheering and whooping, meanwhile Ulrrek shouts

through the public announcement system with excitement.

"this human has shown amazing resilience and strength, is this it for him?!"

I slowly get back up as I hold on to my ribs groaning in pain, and think to myself.

"at this rate Selshruuk will win, I was naive to think that I can beat a Dragonoid in physical combat without silver eyes."

Selshruuk points to me and says."

"it's been a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e fighting someone who hasn't bored me, but this is it."

still groaning I say to myself.

"to hell with it, I might as well test my limit with Wolf's Rage."

I then reply to Selshruuk with determination in my voice.

"I didn't want to resort to this, but don't say I didn't warn you."

he smiles as he replies.

"go for it."

I take a deep breath and chant.

"Wolf's Rage."

my body temperature rises and every muscle begins to bulge and tense up, I then charge towards Selshruuk, and I begin to through punches, but none of them connect to him, as he dodges until he parries with a punch I then think to myself.

"I need to land a hit on him quickly before, I experience the physical backlash of using Wolf's Rage."

I shake off his punch and go for a flurry of strikes but he ends up finding an opening and lands strong kick in my midsection, it staggers me for a moment, but I ignore it and continue with my assault, until I finally land a blow to his right shoulder, causing his whole body to spin and fly through in the air, he then comes crashing down to the ground, I then chuckle and think to myself.

"at least I got him good."

the whole crowd grows quiet, waiting to see of the match was over, Selshruuk stands back up, popping his shoulder back into place and as he charges towards me again, the familiar pain that I had experienced before crept up to me once again, causing me to fall on my back and scream

in agony, I then think to myself.

"the physical backlash that I experience seems to increase incrementally each time that I use it."

Selshruuk cautiously approaches me still gripping his shoulder, I manage to shout at him.

"I give up!"

"so you can't keep going?"

breathing rapidly I shake my head, fighting the urge to scream, he then shouts so that everyone can hear.

"he said, he gives up!"

the crowd cheer as Ulrrek finally announces Selshruuk as the winner of this round and there after the orc guards once again drag my limp body off of the fighting stage and make me drink a healing potion, and once the pain faded away, one of the orc guards looks at me impressed and says.

"you've got some crazy strength for a human."

I chuckle and ask as I stand up.

"you think so?"

he answers.

"yeah, there aren't many that can fight a Dragonoid in physical combat and hurt them like you did to him."

Selshruuk finally arrives to where I'm at and drinks a healing potion that an orc guard gave him, after finishing it he approaches me and asks.

"what was that all about?"

I respond.

"well that happens to me when I push my body to the limit."

he replies suspiciously."

"that's strange."

after thinking about it, he shrugs it off and says.

"but then again, I don't know how the body of you humans function."

I then ask.

"how does your shoulder feel?"

"much better."

he pauses and says fascinated.

"I wad very surprised that you managed to dislocate my shoulder."

I chuckle and then extend my arm towards him for a handshake, he looks at it and also does it, I then say to him.

"I don't know when we'll talk again, so I'll say it now."

he asks.

"what is it?"

I answer.

"it's was a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e fighting against you, so thabk you."

he responds.

"likewise, even though you are weaker than Arthur, you still carry the spirit of a warrior and for that you have my respect."

we shaking hands and then the guards escort him back to the room and they escort me to audience stands, and sit me in the same row as the ones who lost in the previous round, including Daurl.

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