Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 84 - Five Years

five years have passed since the end of the tournament that I participated in, and the last time I talked to Selshruuk, which is a shame because I've been wanting to ask about the burning question I had on who was the alleged fourth hero that helped win the great war. I continue to work away mining iron ore inside a massive network of mines locates inside the mountain that past prisoners have built, and as I finish loading up my wheelbarrow, an orc guard approaches me and says.

"you're done for today, when your replacement relieves you, fall in with the rest."

I nod my head and as he leaves place lean my pickaxe against the wall and just stand around until a prisoner finally tells me that he's taking over, I then make my way down and fall in with the rest who are heading back to their cell blocks, and as the last one arrives, we finally leave the mine that has a long stone corridor that leads back to the prison, and once we step into the courtyard, I'm greeted with another orc guards who says.

"prisoner number seven, zero, two, nine, seven you've got a visitor."

I perk and think to myself.

"I hope it's Ellena, she's always a bright spot everytime she visits, mostly because she has been sharing stories about the growth of our daughter Hope."

the orc guard then escorts me to the visitation center, and once I sit down I get surprised by Celeste who hasn't visited me in years, I then ask


"what are you doing here?"

baffled with my tone she responds in my head.

"did I do something wrong master Collin."

she looks around and then continues saying in my mind.

"speak to me through your thoughts."

I then respond.

"you don't come visit me for years, and leave me in the dark about what's been going on about being released early."

"I'm sorry, but that's why I'm here, I came with great news."

I then ask.

"okay what's the good news then?"

she responds.

"you're leaving tomorrow."

surprised by this statement, I ask.

"what do you mean, what happened?"

she replies.

"well you see once I told King Ryan about the existence of other Vampire lords, he gathered the kings from other kingdoms and informed them about this potential threat."

"but didn't he want to keep the existence of Vampire lords a secret?"

she answers.

"yes but he thought that Abigail was the only one in existence and didn't know that there were others, and since this was brought up he revealed everything to them."

I ask in anticipation.

"what did he reveal?"

he responds.

"about how you killed Abigail, and how she had a nest of vampires at the fort in the desert coast, and the sudden disappearance of Clyde."

she pauses and continues.

"it took a while to convince them about this but when they were finally convinced, they wanted you released immediately so that you can lead the charge against the vampire lords, but King Tully wanted you to spend more time due to Clyde's assassination and since the other kings were feeling that this issue was urgent they finally agreed on pardoning you on your crimes and having you released."

"so is that why I'm leaving tomorrow, and are the orcs aware of this?"

she answers.

"yes as of right now the kings of Rozlania, Telpon, Arcadia, and Corpus are already requesting your release, and when you leave tomorrow you will be escorted back to Rozlania and have a meeting with all the kings on how to deal with this eventual threat."

I take a deep breath and I say out loud to her.

"thank you Celeste and I'm sorry for the way I talked to you when I saw you especially for doing so much for me."

she smiles and replies.

"it's no problem master Collin, I understand it hasn't been easy for you to be locked in here and serve time that for a crime that you believed you didn't commit."

after a few moments of silence she says while scratching her cheek.

"and besides, you promised that you would take me out to do something."

"ah I remember that."

I then feel a sense of guilt come over me as I get reminded about Ellena and our daughter Hope, I then sigh and have a long chat about in these last few years that I have a daughter and how things are still up in the air about the relationship I have with Ellena, and after explaining this situation to her she replies disheartened.

"it's okay master Collin, things like this are bound to happen."

she then asks.

"would you still train me?"

I respond.

"yes of course."

and as the orc guard let's me know that my time is almost up, I then ask Celeste.

"can you do something for me?"

"you want me to get a hold of Ellena and let her know about what's going on and have her and your daughter waiting for you at the kingdom?"

I nod and reply to her in my thoughts.

"yes but there's one little detail that you need to know."

she asks.

"and what is that?"

I prepare myself for the worst.

"Ellena is an elf and my daughter is half elf."

she looks looks at me shocked and says.

"master Collin, what you told me will get you killed, but I will grant you this request, but you have to explain that to the kings."

"don't worry about that I think I have something that I can use to my advantage to protect my family."

we then say our goodbyes and she is escorted out, the orc guard escorts me back to my cell where Aktosh is waiting, he then asks.

"you look happy kid something good happened?"

I reply.

"tomorrow I'm being released."

he laughs lightly and replies.

"that's funny kid, you still got fifteen years to serve."

I respond,

"that's fine if you want to laugh about it, just don't act surprised when I leave tomorrow."

he continues laughing and lays down dismissing what I said. A few hours pass by and an orc guard taps on the cell bars and says to me.

"prisoner number seven, zero, two, nine, seven I'm here to inform that you're being released tomorrow."

Aktosh stands up after hearing that and asks me.

"is that really it your just leaving like that?"

I respond.


after a few moments of silence I ask.

"can you do something for me?"

he responds

"uh sure."

I then say.

"I won't be able to tell Felnor, so let him know that I've been released."

he replies.

"yeah sure I can do that."

I respond.


I then re-adjust myself on my bed and say.

"I've been working the mines today, so imma get some sleep."

he sighs and says.

"alright then goodnight."

after getting some good sleep, I wake up with orc guards waiting outside my cell, I stand up and say goodbye to Aktosh as the door cell opens, the orc guards them escort throughout the prison until we reach the courtyard, where I'm greeted by Ulrrek, who says to me.

"you really are interesting human, not many prisoners have powerful backing and pushing for early releases."

I smirk and say.

"just say you'll miss me and I'll come back and visit."

he chuckles and replies.

"not only interesting, but also keeping a sense of humor."

the two massive steel doors slowly open and I think to myself.

"I'll come back to check on Felnor to see how he is doing."

I then step outside and I'm greeted by many magic knights wielding enchanted weapons and wearing colored armor from their respective kingdom, one of them in the Rozlania's colors of white and blue approaches me and says.

"Collin Belfaust, It's time to go."


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