Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 85 - The Meeting

The Rozlanian knight escorts me to a very fancy looking carriage, I then look at all the magic knights and think to myself.

"this is truly something special, to have the knights from the different kingdoms to work together once again like they did before and during the great war."

I step inside the carriage and then one magic knight from each kingdom follow me inside of it and as the carriage starts to move I attempt to fill the silence that was lingering around, by asking awkwardly.

"so how are you guys doing?"

a magic knight wearing the yellow and grey colors of the Telpon Kingdom, answers sternly.

"quiet, we are not required to talk to you."

I sigh and think to myself.

"this is going to be a long and boring trip."

since I didn't have much to kill the time, I began to come up a way to convince the kings to grant special protection to both Ellena and Hope, by using the situation with the vampire lords to my advantage, and if for some reason I can't pull it off, I'll go back with the original plan I made with Ellena to disappear together with Hope and live the rest of our lives hidden away. The trip continues with the sound of the wheels of the carriage rolling over the dirt path and with no talking, until one of the magic knights takes off her helmet and says with a condescending voice.

"I still don't understand why we this sc.u.m is considered a high priority by our kings."

I give her an intimidating stare and remark.

"it's none of your business on why I'm important."

she completely loses her mind and shouts.

"you dare talk to me like that, if it were up to me I would kill you right now!"

I then remember that I no longer have mana blockers flowing in my body, and then I chant to myself.

"silver eyes."

and as a familiar power surge from within rises once again, I respond with a raised voice.

"go ahead and try it bitch."

her face turns pale, and she responds with a more respectful tone.

"I said too much and I apologize."

as I power down from silver eyes, I reply.

"Me too, I also let my temper get the better of me."

after that small exchange, the journey back to the human region was long and uneventful, until we arrive at Grezia the capital of Rozlania, where I'm greeted with the sight of more magic knights outside the city walls and on the streets of the inner walls, the carriage then comes to a complete stop in front of King Tully's palace walled off courtyard, I then think to myself.

"this is it, hopefully I can get them to give Ellena and Hope special protection."

the magic knights that rode along with me, exited the carriage first and waited for me to get out, and then they escorted me from the front gates of the palace, all the way until we arrive inside the main hall, where the four kings were waiting for our arrival, and as the magic knights bow to them, King Ryan says something to me.

"Collin Belfaust, it's a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to see you again."

meanwhile the other kings just stare at me with disdain, I let out a nervous chuckle and reply.

"likewise your highness."

I then clap my hands and hold them together as I ask looking at all of them.

"so are we going to start this meeting?"

King Ryan replies.

"yes we've got no time to waste for this urgent matter, we shall start the meeting right away."

he looks to King Tully and says.

"lead the way."

as we walk through the hallways, Celeste's voice pops into my head.

"I'm sorry master Collin, they caught me with Ellena and Hope before I got a chance to explain the situation and now they have them in their custody."

I ask her in my thoughts, while still following the kings.

"are they hurt?"

she responds.

"they are fine, but a bit shaken up."

we enter a room filled with magic knights, I then take a deep breath and think as grit my teeth.

"for now I'll play nice as long as they are both unharmed, because if something happens to then all hell will break loose."

the kings sit down around a round table that's in the middle of the room, and once they've settled in their seats, one of the kings speaks up.

"my name is Frederick and I'm the king of Arcadia."

the other one begrudgingly adds on.

"and I'm Alexander, King of Telpon."

I slightly bow and says.

"a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet both your Highnesses."

I raise my head and continue.

"My name is Collin Belfaust, you may already know me, but it doesn't hurt to introduce myself to you properly."

King Ryan speaks ups.

"alright now that we got all of the pleasantries out of the way, let's get down to business."

King Tully interjects with slight anger in his voice.

"before we get to that, let's address the elephant in the room."

the three kings sigh together, and then King Ryan says.

"you're right let's handle that situation first."

King Tully keeps looking at me with disgust as he asks.

"Collin did you betray your kind and procreate with an elf?"

Ryan, Frederick and Alexander intently stare at me as I answer with no hesitation.

"yes, but I did not betray my kind."

King Tully then yells.

"the audacity of this sc.u.mbag!"

my calm attitude completely drops and I'm staring at King Tully with full of hatred as I answer with a raised voice.

"if anything happens to them, you can forget getting help from me!"

King Tully surprised with how I replied, responds angrily.

"you don't get to decide if you help us or not."

I then chant.

"silver eyes."

immediately after that, all the magic knights point their weapons to me and prepare to attack, while King Tully, stares at me terrified and then he stammers.

"you dare act like this to royalty?"

still holding my ground I respond.

"I don't give shit about royalty!"

King Ryan stands up and interrupts.

"let's hear him out Tully."

he then looks at me and says nervously.

"Collin, please don't do anything that you'll regret."

I reply.

"nothing will happen, as long as both of them are safe."

the other kings nod including Tully, I then power down from silver eyes and as I do that, King Ryan


"you have our assurance that they will not be harmed."

I then say.

"that's not good enough."

they all stare at me dumbfounded except King Tully who's still looking at me petrified, King Ryan then asks.

"what do you mean it's not good enough."

I respond.

"I want them placed under royal protection and only then will I help you hunt down the vampire lords."

the room grows silent, and then the kings gather closer together and begin discussing in whispers, taking only few minutes before King Ryan answers.

"sorry we can't do that."

I clench my fists and I reply.

"I wish you all good luck with taking out the nine vampire lords."

and just as I'm about turn around to walk away, King Ryan asks shocked.

"there's nine of them?"

I nod and respond

"yes that's what Abigail told me before I killed her."

he looks around nervously and remarks to himself.

"Celeste never told me how many, she just told me that there were several others."

I reply.

"because I never mentioned how many there were to her."

I then continue talking but with my voice full of malice.

"and when they all wake up and find out that one of their own was killed by a mortal, hell will come raining down on all of us and all of you will be helpless to stop them."

I pause and continue.

"unless you give both them your royal protection."

they once again gather close together to discuss it, and then King Tully says with a shaken and defeated voice.

"we agree to your terms and will grant them royal protection just as long as you help us."

I calm myself and answer.

"yes I'll help."

the tension that was lingering in the room has lowered a bit and I use this opportunity to ask

"can someone take me to them?"

King Ryan answers exhausted.


he points at one of his magic knights and says.

"you, take him to them."

the magic knight responds.

"yes sir."

I then follow the magic knight to the dungeon where they are being kept, and once we arrive I'm met with the sight of Ellena's beautiful green eyes and light brown hair, and next to her is a kid version of Ellena, with the same beautiful green eys, but she has black hair instead of the light brown hair, I then think to myself with tears streaming down my face.

"is that my daughter?"

the guards open up the cell, Ellena notices me quickly approaching her, she gives me a warm smile as I embrace her, she wipes my tears and says.

"who would have thought that a human would make my heart throb like this."

she wraps her arms around me and gives me a sweet kiss.

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