I kneel down, next to Ying, and say to him without trying to panic him.

"it's all good, the healer will fix up right now."

he coughs up more blood and he manages to ask while still groaning.

"Collin that's some scary power you got."

and as I'm about to say something, a familiar pain runs through my body, and I think to myself.

"oh shit here comes the physical backlash."

I collapse to ground also feeling my silver eyes fading away as I scream in agonizing pain,

the healer finally arrives and begins to quickly fix up Ying, I then think to myself.

"I went overboard again."

the healer finishes healing him up, and as she starts to work her healing magic on me, Ying looks down to me and says.

"I guess we're going to do your training regiment."

"you won't get any complaints from me when we start training."

the healer gets done with me, and then Ying offers his hand to help me stand up, and as I stand up everyone makes their way over to us, except the kings, who are stunned by my display of power, Katie says thrilled with what she witnessed.

"that's some scary punching power you got there Collin."

I reply flattered.

"thank you, but I did go completely overboard with the amount of power I put into it."

Ying asks.

"so are you saying that the punch you threw at me was much stronger than what Abigail had?"

I reply rubbing the back of my head as I chuckle nervously.

"her punches were much weaker than what I threw at you."

"he might have lost this match up, but that doesn't mean that I will participate in your training regiment."

I then respond.

"suit yourself."

and right before he's about to say something, I interrupt as I raise my voice so that everyone can hear me.

"to those who don't want to join along with my training, I won't force you, but I will say one thing."

I pause and stare at all of them with intensity and continue talking.

"if you happen to find yourself fighting a vampire lord who overwhelms you physically and are on death doorsteps, you will regret not going through my training regiment."

the twelve of them, stare back at me not knowing how to answer what I just said to them, except for Ying, who bows his head in front of me and says.

"like I told you earlier, I will go through your training with no complaints."


and then after Ying's declaration of joining me, the rest of them slowly follow his lead and also pledge to join in on my training, I then think to myself.

"it looks like Ying has a lot of respect and influence amongst them."

I look over to James and see him standing on his own, I then ask.

"so what's it going to be, are you going to join us or are you gonna skip out."

he answers visibly annoyed.

"fine I'll join your stupid training."

I take a couple of deep breaths and say.

"alright for today I want you all to get proper rest and to stay hydrated because training will start tomorrow."

they all nod and start heading back inside the palace, and just as I'm about to do the same, King Tully calls out to me.

"Collin may I have a word!?"

I turn back to him and respond.


I then think to myself.

"he's probably going to ask me about the physical power I displayed against Ying."

I walk towards King Tully and ask.

"you need something?"

he answers.

"before you head back to your quarters, I need you to take the aptitude test, so that I can measure your power, to see if you don't possess the Hero's Blessing."

"is it because of what I did to Ying?"

he replies.

"yes, since he is the strongest human of our generation, I was shocked that you managed to break through his strongest defense and to cause the level of damage that you did."

I respond.

"okay sure I don't mind taking the aptitude test again, but if your hoping to find that I have the Hero's Blessing, then you'll be disappointed."

he asks curiously.

"you took the aptitude test before?"

I answer.

"yes when I first tried to enter the magical academy, and I failed to get past the aptitude test."

"that can't be true, someone with the level of power that you possess, would have passed that test with flying colors."

he continues to ask many questions, surrounding me and how I ended up growing stronger, but I only told him vague things that could sound true, like finding legendary books that helped boost my mana, while we waited for someone to bring the see through round orb, that measures an individual's mana pool level. Minutes pass by and someone finally arrives holding the transparent orb, King Tully looks to me and says.

"go ahead Collin, let us see if what you just told me is true."

I place my hand on the orb, and it begins to shine a blinding white light, and then I pull my hands away from it, as the King Tully exclaims.

"what in the hell are you Collin!?"

I respond.

"even I'm not sure your highness."

I then think to myself.

"it must be the werewolf's blood, but I can't tell that to him."

I sigh and ask.

"is that it, your highness?"

he responds.

"yes, you may leave."

I then head back to palace and back to my room, where I'm greeted with Hope running towards me with her arms open for a hug and shouting with joy.

"daddy! daddy!"

my heart melts with happiness as I hear her calling me daddy, I pick her up and hug her tightly, I then look at Ellena who's smiling and ask.

"did you teach her that?"

she answers.

"yeah, that's the only word she knows right now."

she approaches me and gives me kiss, Hope sees her do this, and also gives me a kiss but on the cheek, I then think to myself.

"this is crazy, I never expected that I would have a family of my own, even back in my previous life."

Hope then says something to me in elvish, and the Ellena says.

"she is asking if you want to see her wings?"

I ask surprised.

"can she really fly now?"

she answers smugly.

"well of course, she carries my royal blood in her."

I reply.

"okay tell her, that I do want to see her wings."

Ellena speaks to her in elvish, after nodding to Hope proceeds by chanting to herself and then her beautiful translucent purple butterfly wings appear on her back, I then think to herself.

"It's hard to believe that a six year old can already

do something this impressive."

her wings begin flapping and she starts flying around the room, and as I stare in awe at my daughter, Ellena holds my hand and whispers.

"I don't need to tell you this, but she's special."

I ask still in awe.

"can kids her age, pull this off?"

she responds.

"no, we usually don't have our wings until we turn sixteen."

we continue to watch Hope fly around until she tired herself out and falls asleep on the bed.

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