Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 89 - Training Regiment

The next day arrives, and I made sure that I woke

very early in the morning, so that I can ask King Tully if he can give me mana blockers that will last a for a whole day, because I want to make sure that when the others start training with me that they don't use any spells that could help them in any way, and as I get stopped by some guards who were standing watch in front of King Tully's room, I ask one of them.

"do you guys know if he's awake yet?"

he answers annoyed.

"yes he's awake, but he needs to finish getting ready."

I then sit down on the floor of the hallway, with my back against the wall, waiting for King Tully to come out of his room, and after what seemed like half an hour, he finally emerges from his room, with the queen by his side, I then to myself.

"this is the first time seeing the queen in person, she's way out of King Tully's league."

I stand up and bow as I ask.

"I don't mean to bother you, your highness, but may you lend me some mana blockers that last for a whole day?"

he asks.

"why do you need them?"

"so that the heroes experience my training without the assistance of magic, and with the mana blockers, I can be one hundred percent sure that they can't use magic."

the queen giggles.

"what an interesting fellow."

King Tully asks rubbing his beard.

"sure, but how are you going to have them consume the mana blockers?"

I answer with a devious smile.

"I'm going to put in cups of water, that I'll have them drink before we start."

he sighs and says as he points at one of the guards.

"alright he'll give you what you need, so just follow him."

"yes your highness I'm on it."

and as I'm about to follow the guard King Tully makes says with a serious tone.

"you might be getting what you want for now, but know this, the laws that you and that elf have broken will not go unpunished in the human region or in the elven region."

I don't say a word, and think to myself as I follow the guard.

"he's right, I may have temporarily protected Hope with this current deal, so I need to find a way to keep her safe after we eliminate the vampire lords."

we arrive at the dungeon, and the guard hands over a couple of tubes of mana blockers to me and says.

"these should last you until the end of the day."

I reply as I leave.

"thank you."

I make my way to the palace's kitchen, where I ask a couple of the king's maids if they can help me fill up twelve cups of water, before the heroes wake up. We fill up the cups in no time and I take the final step by putting a couple of drops of the mana blocker in each cup just in time as they enter the kitchen, I sigh in relief and ask.

"is everyone ready?"

they all nod, but they don't seem too keen on starting the training, I then point at the cups and say.

"before we go outside and start our training, I want everyone to drink the water that I had setup."

they all grab a cup and drink it without asking any questions, except for Katie and Ying who show their gratitude for preparing them some water, I then think to myself.

"oh man, they are making me feel guilty."

I scratch the back of my head nervously and respond.

"there's no need to thank me."

I look at everyone and shout.

"alright I want everyone to follow outside, so that we can stretch and warm up before we start our jog."

"is jogging part of our training?"

I respond with devilish grin.

"yes and if the whole group can't keep up as a group, then everyone will face punishment."

Katie asks.

"what kind of punishment?"

I then drop to floor and began doing push ups, planking, crunches, leg ups, and then finish it up with squats, they all stare at me like I'm crazy and James exclaims.

"that looks ridiculous, how will that benefit us?!"

I reply.

"I'm going to whip you all into shape, before we start doing heavy duty training."

I get interrupted by them noticing that they can't feel their man flowing, I laugh and say to them.

"all of you have consumed mana blockers, so that you can get through this training without the support of any magic."

Ying replies nodding in agreement.

"that makes sense."

James shouts.

"don't agree with that psycho!"

I just ignore him and begin leading everyone to the courtyard so they can stretch and warm up their muscles, so that we can start doing l.a.p.s around the perimeter of the courtyard wall, and while they all copy every stretch that I do, James makes an angry remark.

"why in the hell are we wasting our time doing this, let's start now!"

I take a deep breath and respond calmly.

"let everyone stretch properly and then we'll start."

"I'm not surprised that those who depend on magical offense, are not very physically fit."

a few more minutes of jogging, I take another look behind me and notice the everyone has stopped except for Ying, who is still keeping up with me, but he's also showing signs that he can't keep going, I then ask.

"you still good?"

he responds while breathing heavily through his mouth.

"yeah, I can go as long as you can."

I reply.

"well they can't seem to keep up, so we're going to go back to get them and do the punishment exercises."

we arrive where everyone has gathered to catch their breath, and I ask showing no signs of being tired.

"so how are we feeling?"

Katie complains.

"how are you not tired?"

I respond.

"because this is nothing to me, I spent a huge amount of time staying in shape."

I then take a look around and shout.

"alright since we couldn't stay together as a group we're going to start the punishment, and I will be doing it alongside all of you!"

I drop to floor and shout.

"do ten of each!"

I then do the push ups, crunches, leg ups, and

squats, they all do the same,

but some took longer when comparing others, and then I shout.

"we will hold the plank position for a whole minute and then continue our jog!"

they all groan as they do the plank alongside me, we then stand up and continue with our jog for an hour in total, not including the times we had to stop and do the punishment exercises, and as we finish I make a comment.

"make sure to stay hydrated and some get some well deserved rest, because we are going to do this again in the evening."

they all groan hearing me say that, except for Ying who asks with curiosity.

"will this actually help us get stronger?"

I answer.

"yes, but since time is of the essence to hunt down these vampire lords, I can't really afford to ease you guys into this training."

he then asks.

"how long did it take you to get as strong you are now?"

I respond.

"it took me years."

he looked surprised with my answer, and then I say.

"get as much rest as you can because, this training regiment will get a lot harder."

I then head back inside the palace and search for Ellena, who's still inside our room teaching Hope how to speak human, she doesn't notice me and I use this opportunity to hug her from behind and kiss her on the neck, she giggles and asks.

"how did it go?"

I reply.

"it went fine, they weren't really keen on having to do it again in the evening."

she then asks biting her lower lips seductively.

"so does that mean you're going to come back tired?"

I reply quickly.


after that little exchange between us I help Ellena teach Hope the human language, until the evening where everyone showed up to my surprise, and them we continued the same process that we did in the morning, and as we finish I makes sure to tell them that we will keep going with this routine for five days a week and only get two days off to rest, I then return back to

my room after taking a bath, and I'm met with Ellena wearing provocative fishnet clothes

I think to myself.

"where dId she get those s.e.xy clothes."

she slowly approaches me so that she can give me a kiss, and I whisper.

"are you sure this is okay, won't Hope wake up?"

she replies smiling.

"she didn't wake up the first night we did it together, so I don't see why she would this time."

I reply.

"you're very cheeky, but I love it."

we then get on the bed and make love the second time this week.

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