Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 92 - Ellena's Father

After a long journey we arrive at the Elven continent, that resides about twelve miles across the ocean from the coastal desert in Corpus, and on my immediate arrival the local elves and military personal that reside in the port city of Rusllyyn, already held hostilities toward me, even with the presence of princess Ellena, I hold Hope closer to me, preparing to protect her with my life, and as we continue to walk the streets with kingdom's elven magic knights escorting Ellena while leaving us outside of their little protective perimeter, not letting me interact with her, I then think to myself.

"they probably have orders to only protect Ellena."

we arrive at a military base, where they have a blimp ready for take off, and I think to myself amused.

"holy shit, the elves have blimps?"

we board the blimp and take off into the air, after finding seats to sit together at, we stare at each other silently, while Hope was just enjoying the sight of the city through the window, and after a couple of hour pass by Hope puts her head on my l.a.p so she can sleep, and then I break the silence by asking Ellena.

"what do you think, your dad will do to us?"

Ellena stares out the window and replies.

"honestly I don't know, he just said that he wanted to see both of you."

I coldly stare at the elven magic knights who are completely covered in gold plated armor and while also carrying an elven great shield, and I respond with a raised voiced so that they can hear me.

"well hopefully he won't try to harm our daughter, because if that happens, blood will be spilled."

all of them stare at me with intensity, while Ellena replies nervously.

"no, father wouldn't do that, to me, I even expressed my love for both of you."

even though I have my doubts about her line of thinking, I still have look at this situation with some optimism and hope that he only wants to meet us with no ulterior motive, after falling asleep and getting a few hours of sleep we finally arrive at the capital city Yuren, named after the elf that became the first king of Riswa Kingdom, the blimp finally lands at another military base, and as leave the area, we were once again separated from the protective perimeter, not allowing us to have any kind of interactions, and as we pass by many elves admiring and bowing to Ellena, I then think to myself.

"well I guess it's a good idea to keep her separated from us, so they don't get the wrong idea about their future queen."

"I don't know of its just me, but royalty seem to have very similar looking palaces."

we approach her dad, an older looking man, already showing signs of age catching up to him, with his gray long hair that dr.a.p.ed over both of his shoulders and a nicely trimmed beard, and after seeing us he quickly signals us to follow him, he leads us down a large hallway silently, passing by many doors until we arrived at his private quarters, where he locked the room and chanted a spell in elvish, I whisper to Ellena.

"what did he do?"

she whispers back.

"he chanted a spell that prevents sound from escaping from a barrier he formed."

he then interrupts us, by angrily shouting at Ellena in elvish, causing her to look down at the floor with shame and also making Hope cry, in which caused me to yell at him in anger.

"what hell did you say to her, look you made your granddaughter cry, you heartless old fool!"

Ellena sniffles.

"please don't anger father."

"look what you have done to my daughter, you human filth, not only have you ruined her life, but you also brainwashed her and took her away from me!"

Hope starts crying hysterically, causing my heart to break, and I reply resentfully.

"why the hell did you want to meet us if this is what you had in mind."

he responds.

"this is a father's job to scold his children when they have done something wrong, especially one who's supposed to succeed my throne after I pass."

I angrily stare and listen to him as he continues to talk.

"either way, she has done amazing job with her mission and has proven that she's ready to be queen, but your existence is preventing that."

Ellena is holding on to Hope, as they are both sobbing together, he proceeds to talk.

"anyways this meeting is meant for me to tell you that, you and that abomination of a kid to disappear from her life, so that Ellena can assume her role as queen and marry a worthy elf that I have chosen."

to kick this old man's a.s.s, so I don't make the situation worse, he then says.

"now the two of you may leave, but don't think about ever coming back or even try to stay in contact with Ellena."

I think to myself.

"no there must be something I can do, I don't want to lose my family."

he focuses his attention to his crying daughter and says.

"if you proceed with your duties and become the queen, I will then forgive you for what you have done."

I desperately try to think of anything that can help me, and I finally come up with one.

"old man, I have a proposition for you."

he asks.

"and what is it?"

I respond.

"that vampire nest that Ellena found, is only the beginning."

intrigued with what I said, he asks.

"the beginning you say, and what gave you that idea?"

I answer.

"there was a vampire named Abigail there, and apparently she is only one of many vampire lords that exist."

he looks at Ellena, who nods with confirmation with what I said, and then he follows with another question.

"so what does that have to do with anything?"

I respond.

"well before her death, she had plans of raising an army to take over, but she was stopped and because of this we've assembled a group of humans to hunt down these vampire lords, because the strength they possess is very scary and have a real danger of overwhelming every kingdom in this world, including the Dragonoids."

he asks.

"if what you say is true, then I must prepare for that upcoming threat."

I respond.

"or you can come along with us and participate in this potential world ending together."

he takes the time think about it and asks.

"and you have the power to involve us?"

I reply.

"yes, since I was the one who killed Abigail, they have been listening to my requests, including providing their royal protection onto Ellena and your granddaughter."

he looks at both of us and sighs as he says.

"alright, let me contact the other elven kings and we will indulge you and if it turns out that what you're saying is true, then a temporary alliance between humans and elves needs to be formed to eliminate this threat."

he leaves the room and says.

"stay here, while I go and contact them for a meeting."

As he leaves, Ellena quickly hugs and says.

"you didn't have to that for me."

I kiss her and reply.

"yes I did, this is the only thing I could think of that would keep us together as a family."

she kisses me back and responds.

"I love you."

I reply.

"I love you too."

Hope and Ellena both hug me to comfort themselves as we wait for Ellena's dad to return.

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