Collin's Otherworld Adventure

Chapter 93 - Uneasy Alliance

Even though the Elven Kings and Human kings are all in this room because of the outburst I had back at Riswa, out of sheer desperation, so that I can keep my family together, I'm completely baffled on how civil they are acting, and as I listen to them talking back and forth about the current operation we got running that involves us hunting down the remaining vampire lords, King Tully says to me.

"Collin since you were the one that brought the attention to them, explain them your plan to combat these things."

Ellena's father, Lexur adds on.

"you already told me about Abigail, but can you please go into detail with the rest that aren't fully informed."

The other six elven kings who were only told that about the existence of the vampire lords, but weren't aware on how I managed to kill one, closely pay attention to me, as I begin to talk.

"well as you're all aware, I'm the one who defeated Abigail and I'm responsible in leading a group of highly powerful people, to hunt down the remaining vampire lords."

one of them asks a question with curiosity.

"in stories the vampire lords were always described as unkillable beings, so how did you defeat one?"

I respond.

"I'll tell you all eventually, but for now, I'll keep that s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e information for myself."

I then think to myself.

"I can't reveal how I did it just yet, I need to keep as much leverage as I can, until I can figure out a way, to secure my safety and my family's."

they don't seem to care that I'm withholding that information from them, but at least they seem to believe that the existence of Vampire lords were not just a legend, Lexur then says to the human kings.

"we're willing to lend a hand to hunt down these vampire lords, but this means that we are now involved in these matters and all information about them, must be shares with us, and we also want to include the top elves of our continent to join in on Collin's vampire hunting squad."

I think to myself.

King Tully, Ryan, Alexander and Frederick, look at each other and spend a good few minutes talking amongst themselves, and then finally King Tully shifts his attention to me and asks.

"so what do you think about adding more help to your group?"

I reply looking at all elven Kings

"I don't see why not, but you have to make it clear that if they are going to be part of my group, they have to do the same rigorous training that rest are doing."

they all nod in agreement to the conditions of having their top elf magic knights join my squad of vampire hunters, King Tully looks at me and

signals me to sit back down, I look down at the floor and think to myself.

"wow humans and elves working to together once again to face a threat, this whole situation has got me a little excited to be able to witness."

"now that I got Ellena's dad to listen to me, maybe now I can try to convince him to not separate us."

I struggle to keep myself awake as they continue to drone on about the small details about this alliance, and they kept at it for a few more hours, until they finally reached to an agreement where all the parties involved were satisfied, they stand up so that they can shake hands, I think to myself.

"oh thank goodness it's finally done, I was getting so bored out of my mind."

and as I also stand up so that I can leave, King Tully calls out to me.

"Collin may have a word!?"

I let out an annoyed sigh and make my to where he's standing, and he doesn't look to pleased with me, like usually, and he scolds me

"you know this whole ordeal didn't need to happen, but you had to open your stupid mouth."

I respond by whispering to him, trying to sound like I have his best interests in my mind.

"look at the bright side to this, if they get involved, the loss of lives on our end will be greatly reduced, and not only that, we get to measure their strongest people's power with my training regiment."

"you have a point there, but still the idea of working with elves makes my stomach turn."

I respond trying to sound apologetic, even though I wasn't.

"well it was my fault that they know about the existence of the vampire lords."

he then dismisses me with a hand gesture and again as I'm about to leave the room, he makes one last comment.

"the other kings are starting to loser their patience with you, except Ryan, so I would suggest to you to start bringing in tangible information on these vampire lords or things will turn ugly for you."

I nod to him and reply to him in my mind while, walking out of the room.

"I know that, I just don't any Idea where to start looking."

I stand out here in the hallway all by myself, contemplating, whether if I should just disappeared with Ellena and Hope when I had the chance, because of this situation turning out to be a lot more complicated than before, and then I get interrupted by a sudden bumping sound at the nearby window, I chant to myself.

"mana detect."

I notice that all mana signatures are inside the palace but nine on the outside, I then hurry my way to the window, and open it to take a look outside of it, to see if there was someone out here, but it wasn't for someone to be out here, because I'm currently on the third floor of the palace, I then turn my head upwards, and manage to catch a small glimpse under the moon light, of someone in black robes running on the roof, and as pull my back inside, someone taps my shoulder, I turn around and see Ellena's dad, King Lexur, I ask curiously shrugging off what I just saw.

"can I help you with something?"

he answers.

"yes I would like to speak to you about this relationship you and my daughter having."

I reply.

"sure let's talk about it then, I love your daughter, plain and simple."

he responds.

"at first when you told me that on the way over here, I was skeptical, but then when they revealed that wouldn't help unless both my daughter and your daughter were under royal protection, even though it breaks the interspecies breeding laws that us elves and humans have in place."

he let's out defeated sigh and continues.

"I believe you, but that doesn't mean that I will allow the relationship you two have, keep going."

"why not?"

baffled on my question, he answers.

"she will become queen, and we can't have the people in our kingdom question her."

I remark.

"then maybe she shouldn't become queen."

he responds.

"no, I'm getting too old, by the time her younger brothers become of age to do missions, there will be no one to succeed my throne."

I reply mad.

"that's selfish of you, what about her happiness?"

"you don't think I know that! I also want her to be happy, but her kingdom needs her, and if you really want things to change, you need to let her do that in that position of power, not running around with you."

I stare in silence not knowing what to say, but he continues talking in a more sympathetic tone.

"for now I'm allowing you two to spend time together until we eliminate those vampire lords, so go enjoy while you can."

he departs and leaves me speechless in the hallway where I think to myself.

"I may not like it, but he has a point about her changing things in a place of power."

I then head back to my room where Ellena and Hope are sitting down waiting for me.

I then think to myself.

"well at least he's a bit more open minded about me and Ellena than I initially thought."

me and Ellena hug, to comfort each other, as we prepare to ourselves to get some sleep.

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