Come to The Peak

Chapter 550: : Go to sea

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"OK! Brother Luo Yu, if you can really kill this sea beast to solve this big trouble in our fishing village, then you are the benefactor of our entire village."

Gu Yuan made a fist gift to Luo Yu while he was holding his fist.

Luo Yu quickly went to hold Gu Yuan and laughed, "Brother Gu, don't say that, a sea beast is not as good as the fish soup made by Xiao Xiu Xunzi for me.

Gu Yuan and Xiaoxiu Auntie were all warmed up when they heard the words. Gu Yuan even gave Luo Yu a bear hug: "Brother Luo Yu, do n’t say more, thank you."

Then Gu Yuan let go of Luo Yu again, and took the short young Shan Su who was still in shock, and Luo Yu and Xiaoxiu Auntie were waiting here.

A few hundred fishermen arrived here a few moments later, with men and women.

Luo Yu and Xiao Xiu went out.

When these fishermen saw Luo Yu, they immediately started to riot.

"Ayuan, is this the Ningyuan Realm you said?"

At this time, a burly old man in a gray robe asked that although he was old, he looked trembling and had eyes, and the blood and blood radiating from his body had eighteen heavens.

"Yes, the village chief, this brother Luo Yu, who has been living in our house, is a strong Ningyuan realm," Gu Yuan said quickly.

The gray robe old man was suspicious when he saw Luo Yu being so young.

Luo Yu smiled faintly when she saw that everyone didn't believe it. Suddenly, the fire attribute in the body was really agitated, the body surface was really entangled, and a powerful momentum overwhelmed everyone.

Everyone shrouded in this momentum shivered, and the cold sweat behind him looked at Luo Yu in horror at the same time.

Under the influence of this momentum, they all developed a feeling of suffocation. It seemed that the young man was going to kill them only by turning his hands.

However, this is indeed the case, and now Luo Yu can indeed kill hundreds of people who are too weak.

When Luo Yu saw the horror of everyone, seeing that his own effect had been achieved, Zhenyuan had all recovered from Dantian, and had no momentum.

Suddenly everyone felt relieved, and no one dared to doubt Luo Yu.

"Old man sees the lord, and it is so strange to offend the lord just now!"

At that moment, the old man in gray robe opened his respectfully fist.

"Meet your lord!"

Suddenly hundreds of people saluted together.

"Oh, you are welcome. I also lived in the village for a few days. Brother Gu treats me like a brother. You can call me Luo Yu."

Luo Yu lifted the old man and smiled kindly to everyone.

Luo Yu was also very handsome. The smile was very sunny and kind. It immediately made everyone feel good about him, and at the same time he got up and relaxed.

And some girls in the village who did not leave the cabinet even looked at the handsome young man who smiled as if the sun was warm, and a little deer bumped into his heart.

"Sir, Gu Yuan said that you would help us to kill that sea beast?" The old man in gray robe said.

"Yes, because I want to go to sea myself, so I can help the village to solve this scourge, and it can also be repaid to Brother Gu for the grace of containment these days," Luo Yu nodded.

"That's great. I don't know how much money you want, we will raise it immediately."

Others also looked at Luo Yu. There was a gloom in their eyes. They were ordinary fishermen. They were afraid that Luo Yu would make a big opening, otherwise they would not be able to afford too high remuneration costs.

Luo Yu smiled and shook her head, "I said that I was in return for the asylum of Brother Gu. I do n’t want your money, and Xiaoxiu's fish soup is so delicious. I haven't paid for it. "

"What! Don't pay, this ..."

The old man and hundreds of fishermen were surprised and happy when they heard that. At the same time, I looked forward to Gu Yuan and Xiao Xiu.

If it weren't for Gu Yuan and Xiaoxiu Xunzi, they would be able to take advantage of the strong in Ningyuan Realm without compensation.

Gu Yuan and Xiaoxiu Bianzi looked to Luo Yu with gratitude. It is estimated that the most proud thing they have done in this life is to contain a strong Ningyuan Realm.

"Thank you, Lord!"

Suddenly hundreds of people bowed to Luo Yu again.

"Well, village chief, please find someone to take me to the area where the sea beast is active. I will kill you this sea beast today"

Luo Yu said directly.

"Today! OK ... OK," the village chief nodded, and then nodded quickly.

"Brother Luo Yu, let me take you there. I am familiar with the areas where sea beasts inhabit, and I have the best water in the village. I am the highest except the village chief. Maybe I can help you."

Gu Yuan stepped forward and said.

Luo Yu nodded and said nothing, then a group of people crowded Luo Yu towards the pier on the coast of the fishing village.

Unlocking the boat ropes on the pier at the pier, Luo Yu and Gu Yuan jumped into this small fishing boat that was five or six meters long.

"Master, beware of you"

"Brother Yuan, Luo Yu, you have to be careful"

At the dock, everyone said to Luo Yu and Gu Yuan.

"Xiao Xiu, please rest assured, I will bring you back to you in peace," Luo Yu assured, standing on the boat.

"Xiaoxiu, rest assured, I believe in the strength of Luo Yu Brothers"

Guyuan also said.

"Xiao Bai, you are waiting for me in the village, Brother Gu, let's go"

Luo Yu told the ancient beast Bai Ze, and then said to Gu Yuan.

Gu Yuan nodded, and raised his oar with both hands to row the boat towards the vast sea.

Gu Yuan is also a Wu Zhongtian warrior. His arms are thousands of pounds in strength. This moves the boat pulp. The speed of the boat is very fast. Like a large fish, it disappears in the sight of everyone soon. Up to sea level ...

"Yuan brother, Luo Yu, you have to be good ..." Xiaoxiu put a pair of jade hands in front of her chest in anxiety, and murmured to them as they watched disappearing.

Luo Yu and Gu Yuan appeared in the sea on the other side of the sea after half a hour of sailing.

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At this time, they estimated that they were tens of nautical miles away from Yucun.

"Brother Luo Yu, almost, this sea area is the area where sea beasts infested, and it is also a must for us to fish or go to other sea areas."

Gu Yuan was not in the boat, stopped and said to Luo Yu.

Luo Yu nodded, and at the same time frowned, a pale golden halo invisible to the naked eye radiated from him.

The consciousness sank into the bottom of the sea dozens of meters deep, and at the same time radiated a distance of more than 800 meters.

Since his cultivation reached the great consummation of the Ningyuan Realm, the power of the soul has also increased, and it can radiate a range of 800 meters, which is comparable to the intensity of the consciousness in the later period of spiritual activity.

Luo Yu only found countless sea fish, but did not find any sea beasts.

Luo Yu frowned, then said to Long Huangque: "Second brother, you are here to protect Brother Gu, let's go and see nearby"

"Know your brother"

Dragon Phoenix nodded, and then flew to Gu Yuan's shoulder.

The golden wings behind Luo Yu broke through the robes and bounced off. The wings flew up into the air, then flew to the mid-air at a distance of seven or eight meters from the sea, and flew to other places to continue the investigation with the gods.

"Is this the Yuanwing of the Ningyuan Realm?"

Gu Yuan looked at the soaring Luo Yu, all eyes were envious.

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