Comeback 1992

Chapter 1007: Rocket

  Chapter 1007 Rocket

  Xingfei Industry is developing a mainline aircraft Xinzhou C190. This mainline aircraft can carry 190 people. It has been approved for development since 2004. It has been five years now.

  The engine that Han Songlin sees in front of him is the engine specially developed for Xinzhou C190.

   This engine is newly developed by Fuxing Aviation, named Dong-10.

   The research and development cost of Dong-10 has always been quite high, and it is simply impossible for ordinary companies to bear it.

  Of course, ordinary companies do not have this technology to develop Dong-10.

  If Fuxing Aviation had not obtained a large amount of aviation technology and materials from Eastern Europe, it would not be able to do this by itself.

   "Boss, after several years of research and development, Dong-10 has finally come to the final step of testing on the machine."

  The so-called on-board test is to install the engine on the aircraft for testing.

   No matter how good the ground test data is, the air test is also indispensable.

  Dong-10 research and development is a key project within Fuxing Aviation, and research and development funds have never been lacking, and as many applications as there are are approved.

  Xinghai Group focuses on R&D talents, Fuxing Aviation Development still has a period of talent shortage at the beginning, but as time goes by, the problem of R&D talents in Aviation Development has been solved.

  Han Songlin looked at the engines being tested. There are a total of three engines being tested here.

   It costs a lot of money just to consume fuel every day.

  In these years, all kinds of tests have not stopped.

  If it weren't for Tianheng Petrochemical in his hand, he really couldn't hold it.

   "When will it be finalized?"

  Luo Ping thought for a while: "If the test goes well, it will be ready for production next year."

  Han Songlin nodded involuntarily.

   The development of Xinzhou C190 is now stuck on the engine.

   Now the new boat C190 is undergoing test flight, and another engine is in progress.

   It’s just that this is temporary, just wait for the Dong-10 engine to be finalized and produced!

  In this way, MAC190 will formally apply for the airworthiness certificate.

   "That's right, we need to hurry up on this point."

   After Han Songlin visited Fuxing Hangfa, he went to a new place.

   Engines are also developed here, but they are not developed for automobile engines or aircraft engines.

   developed a rocket engine!

   Yes, rocket engines.

   And it is still developing a high-thrust rocket engine.

  Although Huaguo does not use high-thrust rocket engines at this time, Huaguo will definitely use them in the foreseeable future.

   Space station construction, lunar exploration, and Mars exploration programs will all use high-thrust rocket engines.

   In addition to studying rocket engines, other engines are also studied here.

   All are engines used in space.

   For example, the Hall thruster.

  Hall thrusters are used above the ground, the kind that definitely look useless.

   After all, its thrust is too small, and the United States is the most advanced, with a thrust of only 5.4 N.

  But if you go to outer space, the Hall thruster will be of great use.

   Here, Xinghai Exploration Co., Ltd. is a purely research-oriented company.

   It was officially established in 2004. Before that, it belonged to the research laboratory of Star Academy.

   Research on rocket engines is now a project that only loses money.

  With an annual R&D investment of 20 to 3 billion, there are naturally many results.

   "Boss, this is our newly developed high-thrust rocket engine, with a thrust of 120 tons."

  120 tons of thrust sounds pretty good.

  Han Songlin asked curiously: "What is the engine thrust of the Saturn 5 rocket in the United States?"

  Whether the technology is advanced or not can only be known through comparison.

   There is no doubt that the Saturn 5 rocket is the strongest rocket in the history of human spaceflight.

  Even Americans can’t make this rocket by themselves now.

  The Saturn 5 rocket was designed and developed by Werner von Braun and his Hansland rocket team.

   This man is definitely a genius, known as the father of modern aerospace.

  Xinghai Exploration's chief designer Tang Junhong faced Han Songlin's question and sighed, "The single thrust of the first-stage main engine reaches 6700-6909 kN."

   If you convert it, the thrust will reach 683-704 tons.

  The United States was able to develop such a powerful rocket engine in the 1960s. To be honest, it was really too scary.

   This gap is a bit big!

  Of course, Han Songlin didn’t think that the country of Mi is so powerful, but the country of Hans.

  Really, old cow.

   So many talents have been taken away, and now they are still leading the world in industry.

   This has to be convinced.

  Han Songlin touched his chin: "What's the name of this engine?"

   Tang Junhong hesitated for a moment before saying, "Di Jiang!"

  Di Jiang? Han Songlin thought he had heard it wrong, and looked at Tang Junhong as if confirming it, to be sure that he had heard it right.

   "This is called Dijiang, do you have any idea?"

   Tang Junhong smiled and said, "It was given by the young people in our team."

  Han Songlin also laughed, young people, that's what they like.

  The name or something is not important.

   What Han Songlin pays more attention to is the follow-up research and development of rocket engines.

  Since we know that there is a gap between us and people, Xinghai Exploration does not mean that we will stand still and stay where we are.

  The development of rocket engines with greater thrust is also underway.

  The 300-ton thrust rocket is under development.

   "We strive to develop a rocket engine with a thrust of 600 tons by 2025."

  600 tons of rocket engines!

  Han Songlin thinks of the global situation in the next ten years, the mainstream will be the game between China and the United States.

  First tentative games, then direct conflicts, the third stage seems to die down, entering a new mutual competition.

   Then, space competition will inevitably become a direction.

  Han Songlin nodded approvingly: "Very good!"

   Who are you competing with?

  Han Songlin really didn't think about this matter. His idea is very simple. To explore outer space, a powerful engine is essential.

  He is also curious about the starry sky.

  Tang Junhong waited for a while, seeing that Han Songlin had nothing else to say, she felt a little anxious in her heart.

   "Well, boss, if we want to study the follow-up rocket engine, our current strength alone is not enough."

  Han Songlin thought for a while and said: "If someone wants money, you can file a report and the group will try their best to support it."

  The research and development of rocket engines cannot just get money from Xinghai Group.

   Xinghai Group's annual net profit is indeed a lot, but it can't afford to invest in such a bottomless pit.

  Xinghai Group is already adjusting some projects, such as the research and development of basic technology, and now more funds are coming from the Star Science and Technology Award Fund.

  The research and development of rocket engines can also be funded from the fund.

  At this time, the amount of funds of the Star Science and Technology Award Fund is quite huge. Tang Yan and Chen Xin, two rich women, are the largest donors of the Star Science and Technology Award Fund.

  (end of this chapter)

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