Comeback 1992

Chapter 1008: unseen future

  Chapter 1008 The Unseen Future

  By the time I got home, it was already evening. Liu Yuyan was busy in the kitchen, and Tang Yan helped.

   A few small dishes were quickly fried, and this dish was hard enough.

  Sausage and bacon!

  The sausage and bacon are produced by Tianmu Company, which is completely produced in accordance with the tradition of Sichuan.

  This tastes delicious!

  The family had dinner around the table, and when Han Songlin talked about the exploration of the Xinghai, Tang Yan said helplessly, "Uncle, do you really want to go to the moon to find Chang'e?"

   Every year, the Xinghai Group invests two or three billion in Xinghai Exploration. As for the return?

  Maybe until he dies, he won’t be able to see the time when star sea exploration can produce rewards.

   Outer space exploration is a future business, and it is impossible to obtain any monetary benefits now.

  Liu Yuyan, Han Xuan, and Han Yufei all looked at Han Songlin. They didn't believe that there was Chang'e on the moon. It was just a legend.

  Han Songlin: "With you all, what else would I look for Chang'e! Can she be as beautiful as you? Just kidding."

   Tang Yan giggled, Liu Yuyan rolled her eyes at Han Songlin, and said angrily, "The children are still there!"

  Han Yufei spread her hands: "Just pretend that we don't exist."

  Han Xuan nodded in agreement: "Yes, we are all used to it."

  They are immune to their regular behavior of throwing dog food.

  Han Xuan is now ten years old, and basically understands everything he should know.

  Han Xuan set a small goal, to be like his father.

  Han Songlin ignored the two little guys, but said: "The future of mankind is not on the earth. The earth cannot accommodate the future of mankind. We must go out of the earth and march toward the stars and the sea."

  Tang Yan said casually: "Everyone knows that the future of mankind is not on the earth. But, can mankind go out of the solar system?"

  The solar system does not only have nine planets, no, the solar system now has eight planets.

  Many people may be subconsciously absolute, as long as the eighth planet Neptune orbits, it will leave the solar system.

   Actually, this is wrong.

  How big is the solar system?

  With the advancement of human science and technology, the solar system that people recognize is gradually becoming larger.

  For example, the limit of the sun's gravity: the Oort cloud.

  This is the outermost layer that really belongs to the solar system, and humans know very little about it.

   The Oort Cloud hasn't even been actually observed.

   Very "chilling", isn't it!

  The size of the solar system is predicted to be 2 light-years in diameter.

  2 light years, the solar system is much larger than human imagination.

   2 light years in diameter, 1 light year in radius!

  Starting from the earth and flying outwards, with the current technology, how long will it take to fly out of the solar system?

   A person is old and dead, and cannot fly out.

  After flying out of the solar system, there is still a large empty space in the universe. How can we get through it?

   It's killing people.

  Han Songlin sighed, how can I say this.

  The huge space distance in the universe really makes people feel extremely hopeless.

  Looking at Han Yufei, Han Songlin smiled and said, "Let's not aim too high, take it step by step. Our generation can't get out of the solar system, but after ten or twenty generations, we can always leave."

  Tang Yan opened her mouth, forget it, let's not argue about this.

   There is no point in fighting.

   "Moreover, space competition will definitely become more intense in the future. We, Hua Nation, did not participate in the past, but now we cannot be absent."

  The corners of Tang Yan's mouth twitched. What do you mean you can't be absent?

  Hua Guo will sit on the throne.

   It's December, and the weather is getting colder.

  Liu Yuyan called Han Yumeng who was in the United States and asked her to put on more clothes so that she wouldn't get caught in the cold.

   Also, you have to wear long johns, don’t go barelegged just for the sake of beauty.

  Even if you wear a skirt, you have to wear thermal tights.

  Warm tights are definitely an artifact for women in winter.

  Han Songlin was very curious to try the effect, but he was a little embarrassed.

   Still wear warm pants!

  Han Songlin asked about Han Yumeng's study.

  Since last year, Han Yumeng has been studying abroad, and Han Yumeng has also studied in the United States for more than a year.

  After Han Yumeng arrived in the United States, she quickly adapted to life here.

  Actually, there is nothing wrong with Han Yumeng being there.

  In life, Song Rong takes care of her.

  The food is similar to that in China. There are many Chinese supermarkets over there, and it is easy to buy anything.

   As for learning?

  For Han Yumeng, it didn't pose any problem.

   "Dad, I have almost completed 78 credits now. By the end of this semester, there should be more than 90 credits. I will strive to complete the credits in the next semester and graduate."

  Universities in the United States use a credit system, and you can apply for graduation after completing 144 points.

  Universities in Huaguo are also learning this.

  Star University also adopts the credit system, with professional core subjects plus optional subjects.

  Han Songlin: "Don't work too hard, learn slowly, the university is four years!"

  Han Yumeng was silent for a while: "Mom and Dad, I miss you!"

   Liu Yuyan looked at Han Yumeng in the video, and they would have a video call at a fixed time on weekends.

  Han Yumeng has faded from her youthfulness and has grown into a big girl.

  A beautiful big girl.

  Liu Yuyan: "Mengmeng, Mom misses you so much."

  Han Songlin said: "Then take the winter vacation and come back for the New Year."

  Last year, Han Yumeng spent the New Year in the United States, and Han Yumeng deeply felt the feeling of being a stranger in a foreign country.

   "Dad, I may not be able to wait until the Chinese New Year. The school here is on winter vacation in December and starts in early January."

  Han Songlin patted his head, and really forgot that there is a big difference in the start time of school between the United States and China.

  The holiday time of the winter vacation in Huaguo corresponds to the Spring Festival.

  People in the United States also celebrate New Year, but they celebrate Christmas.

   "Then come back during the holiday. The transportation is also convenient now, and I will come back by plane."

  Rongcheng has no direct flights to the United States at this time.

  I heard that some airlines are already applying, but they are not sure yet.

  In the past few years, Rongcheng's economy has developed well. Xingchen Institute, Xingchen University, and Xinghai Group have become the city's business cards.

  Rongcheng's plan to build a city of science and technology and a city of innovation has achieved many results.

   "Come back, tell me what you have seen and heard in the United States." Most of Han Songlin's impressions of the United States come from various news reports and some rumors.


  During this period of time, Han Yumeng also wandered around the United States and went to have a look.

  Anyway, I feel that the United States has not developed as well as Rongcheng.

   In what way, I didn’t see homeless people everywhere on the streets in Rongcheng!

  The United States is in decline!

  Han Yumeng used to think that this was just a confident expression of her father.

  But after the whole contact, she understood that her father was right.

  Hanging up the video, Han Songlin looked pensive.

   Liu Yuyan asked curiously: "What are you thinking?"

   "I'm thinking, let Mengmeng graduate to work in the company."

  Liu Yuyan hesitated for a moment and said, "Are you going to train Mengmeng to be a successor?"

  Han Songlin knew what Liu Yuyan was thinking. Han Yumeng was an adopted daughter, not Han Songlin's own.

   "Successor, it's too early! I'm not yet seventy or eighty."

  (end of this chapter)

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