Commanding Wind and Cloud

: Chapter 319 Who Takes Advantage Of Whom

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"Elders, let me introduce you. M free internet novel expert" Pan Hongji slowly nodded to the drive!

"Although everyone has seen it from the portrait, today is the first time I have seen a real person? He is a master ..."

The quiet hall immediately caused a small riot, and the elders spoke in kind words.

Pan Mengyun stood at the door, staring blankly at what was happening in front of her. There was only shock in her heart. No wonder he, who was not qualified to stand at the entrance of the lobby as a guard, was qualified to stand here today and see so many elders And everything is because of motivation.

Elders on weekdays, which one is not big? I was so polite to motivation today ...

… Pan Mengyun secretly fortunately, fortunately his performance was good that day, otherwise there is a chance to stand here today.

After some embarrassment, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly warmed up.

Energetic feel two big heads, master? You ca n’t really say that! Until now, he is only six mysterious pharmacy apprentices, only senior pharmacists, that is, forging is a master level, but these people do not know right now! If you let Olara know ... the energy side with a stiff smile, raised his hands and wiped his forehead cold sweat, none of his masters are fuel-efficient lamps!

Pan Hongji held a tea cup and looked around the room. The elders in various aspects of family management. When these people saw visitors, most of the time they just nodded their heads. It was considered to be face. Today's performance is truly unprecedented. wonderful.

Everyone will have their own offspring, and they have awakened the power of Hydra blood, which does not mean that future generations will certainly awaken.

What is the end result without the power of Awakening Bloodline? The elders present were so clear that for the sake of their son or sister-in-law, or even heavy sister-in-law, at this time they had to develop a relationship with energy.

One thousand potions! Only a thousand potions! The elders are well aware that although the homeowner has the absolute power to distribute the potion, the creator of the mysterious potion will also give considerable respect.

Pan Hongji has always been the most official in the family, and must be the owner of the public in accordance with the rules. There is never a private matter to talk about.

Rather than slobbering on Pan Hongji's wasted saliva, it's better to slap on this young mysterious pharmacist.

"Everyone, now that you've met Master Gan, let's return to our seats."

Pan Hongji raised his hand and forced the chaotic scene down: "So I have something to say."

The elders, with an unwilling expression, slowly moved back to their seats. This time was simply not enough! Even the invitation to sit at home has not been issued, and the time has come.

"Master Gan ..."

"Homeowner." Energetic hands raised his face uncomfortable: "You still want me to motivate, Master Master I always feel harsh, cold sweat all over my body."

Pan Hongji's calm eyes crossed his eyes. Today, he made up his mind not to be intimidated by motivation. How could he feel weird with one sentence? Master is a very glorious title, although it is not qualified to call it [craftsman], it is also a rare title.

"Really, just call my name." The enthusiasm looked at Pan Hongji sincerely. Every time I heard the master, the expression of Mr. Olara's excitement always appeared in my mind. How does the word master sound? How can I feel a little scary.

"Really? That's OK." Pan Hongji decisively refused to continue entanglement in the title, for fear of motivation to say something scary, to frighten the elders present, it would be bad.

". This is the case." Pan Hongji adjusted his sitting position. The left leg rests lightly on the right leg, and the body leans slightly to show a very gracious gesture: "I know that you are not used to being a guest guest in the family.

I don't want to just trade with you, I want to cooperate with you, or to form an alliance ... "

Lucifer's flowing eyes suddenly lighted up. The owner of this Hydra bloodline really couldn't be small and look at it, even though he did not care about the identity of the ten bloodline families of the real policy dynasty, and it looks like there is even no power Of young people, cooperate fully or form an alliance.

Cooperation? Alliance? The elders present suddenly gave a whistle, was the owner crazy?

Even if there is great value in motivation, it is a big deal to spend more resources on it, just hire a guest Qing! Cooperation? What's his motivation?

Pan Hongji looked around at the elders and smiled gently. What he had done in the past two days was suppressed and he wasn't allowed to say that he was right. If any of these elders had a mouthful, he passed it Going out is likely to attract competition from other families, then it is troublesome.

After a whistle of noise, the elders returned to quiet again. Pan Hongji was not only the rare wise owner of the Pan family, but also the rare strong owner. The former owners had a meeting. It was a real meeting, everyone Ear and ear argued with the homeowner, and even the elders united.

Meetings today are more about notifications and decisions have been made. It ’s the same today. Since it ’s the same thing, it ’s useless to object.

Cooperation? Looking energetically at Pan Hongji, this owner is indeed as rumored by the outside world. He always does things that others don't think of. He has no power at all, and he dares to do such things. It is indeed unexpected.

"If the owner is interested ..." Shake his shoulders enthusiastically. "I'm happy."

The elders quickly scratched a bit of contempt. This unfair thing is not to be blame!

Pan Hongji watched the performance of the elders and shook his head gently. It is really difficult to say who is making a profit this time. The energy will not be too small in the future to help Panjia.

"That's good!" Pan Hongji snapped his fingers and said, "I have prepared two documents of alliance here."

Enthusiastically received the thick paperwork, and found that the owner of the disc family really took the matter seriously, and did not show solicitation just by using the term of alliance.

Regardless of whether it is in the true policy dynasty or the demon clan, the signed instruments are very effective. If the Panjia did not abide by the alliance documents, then the reputation of the whole tactical dynasty will be very great against the diskists. Of the blow. Burning Road Crazy Song and Lucifer standing next to the drive side by side, whispered: "It is enough to sign, and we have talked about it."

The enthusiasm looked at the man and the woman beside him. Men came from a large family such as the Burning Tu Family, and they received important education from a young age. The women were from the demon family Lucifer.

Although the true strategy empire's propaganda to the demons, the demons are a group of cannibals without spitting bones and living almost uncivilized savage lives, but the real demons are also a group of people with their own civilization. The dynasty would not defeat the Demons for so many years.

Lucifer, who was born in the royal family of Lucifer, was determined to become a queen's demon from an early age, and she would definitely not be bad in negotiating this aspect.

Looking at the bloodshots in their eyes, I am afraid that in the past two days, I have not had less talks with the disciple's wise homeowner in various ways of cooperating and aligning. Shouldn't it be difficult?

Shrugging with enthusiasm, he simply picked up the pen and wrote his name on the alliance documents. The alliance agreement that allows two young elites who have seen the big scenes to agree is hard to compete for other benefits.

Iron, pharmaceutical? Energetic and self-confident, no one in the room is his opponent, but when it comes to how to negotiate for benefits, this is really not his own strength. It also requires a lot of insight to be able to practice it. Pan Hongji exchanged an alliance document with motivation and signed it again, and his eyes fell on the burning path and Lucifer's running water: "Energize, these two friends really make me sigh that I am old. At least in terms of negotiation, I am in them At this age, I'm afraid they are really inferior to both of them. "

The enthusiasm backhanded the documents into the fighting world, which once again caused the eyes of the elders. This ordinary soldier who has no backing still has the fighting world? It seems that his luck is really not good!

"Although it is a cooperation, I will not lose the potion I traded before." The enthusiastic backhand took a bottle from the bucket world, which can help the Hydra bloodline fighter to awaken the power of bloodline.

The elders on both sides suddenly widened their eyes, staring directly at the clear water led by the enthusiasm, and the sound of their throat knots sliding could be heard in the quiet room when they swallowed saliva.

Pan Hongji looked at the faces of the elders and couldn't wait to rush to grab it. He smiled, and turned his attention back to the energy again: "It is only a little more than a month from the appointment of the family, this time I am afraid it is not very good Pass, why don't I help you to talk to the house? "

The elders of Panjia looked at Panhongji in surprise. This weekday did not like to see the owner of the family. What happened today? Are there any grudges between motivation and the family?

Tell me? The smile on the motivated face suddenly loses most of it ~ ~ What do you say? My father was assigned to be a horseman! Gan Zhanxuan's domineering ... "Energetic." Pan Hongji adjusted his sitting position a bit: "I feel that you are very open to everything, how can you talk about the family"? "

Mentality? Energetic laughed twice. Perhaps when talking about the family, his mentality is indeed not correct, but he is also an emotional person, not a hero with broad minds in the bard population.

One saw his father stepping on him, but couldn't drag his father out of that insulting quagmire! Someone who made his father even more humiliated because of himself! To the family? Can you have a good mentality? Shake your head vigorously, this one can't do it anyway! Every time I closed my eyes, the scene in front of the house was still clearly visible.

Don't forget, and never forget! The enthusiasm breathed deeply: "Master, thank you for your kindness. I'll take care of it myself, if you can help me find my father ..."

An hour later, a monthly pass! Come a little more, let me refresh, and also give me the urge to continue to update. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, there are more chapters, support the author, Zhijing genuine reading!)

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