Commanding Wind and Cloud

Chapter 320: There is no other choice but to fight!

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"This, I can't do it."

Pan Hongji waved his hand gently: "That's the internal affairs of the Qiang family, even if the emperor can't intervene. If I go, I won't be able to come out. If Gan Zhanxuan gave me, I would think it would be done outside. Zhan Xuan was afraid of me, and he knew that this would happen, and it was even impossible for him to hand him over. "

Energetic shrugged his shoulders gently. What else did he tell the Gan family? No need to say anything at all!

If you dare not go in the face of the dry battle, Xuan Ding will probably break your heart, and the soldiers ’roads may even be completely blocked.

As time goes by, the enthusiasm for understanding the fighting heart is getting more and more. That is not just a change in fighting spirit, but also the condensation of the soldier's will. Each soldier who can condense the fighting heart is different. If he violates himself The will when condensing the fighting heart, the fighting heart may be broken, let alone the fighting spirit.

The road of warriors is only forward, not backward! This is the will to fight hard. "Do you really need it?" Pan Hongji sighed: "Well, before the duel. You stay in Panjia, you can use any resources of Panjia to help you improve your strength. I personally support your attitude towards the family. "

Energetic smiled and shook his head. Panjia is indeed a good place. There are huge forces and strengths here, even the strong of the Devil are afraid to run easily to assassinate, but it is also too comfortable and suitable for this. Live a life, but is not suitable for soldiers drinking blood.

Pan Hongji's pupils flashed a faint accident again. The resources of the Pan family Dou Jing Dou Shi are not generally huge, and it is very helpful for a soldier to work hard behind closed doors for a month.

Even if combat is needed to increase actual combat, Panjia can provide fighters of various strengths for targeted battles.

"Thank you for your kindness. After the matter here is over, I have a place to make a special note." The drive nodded gently, even if the two parties already cooperated, using Panjia's Doudoudou here would still owe one of Panjia's. Humanity.

Human sentiment is sometimes a huge burden, and can even drag the stability of the fighting heart, when Pan Hongji asks for help to persuade the breaking wind to join the disc family, what should I do?

Not owing! Gently make a fist, you must not owe this kind of favor! Moreover, the ancient deserted sea can make people always smell the taste of death and make people always remember to fight for survival.

"Difficult ..." Pan Hongji's eyes suddenly jumped: "Do you want to return to Shahai?"

Looking at the elders in a daze, they were surprised to find that the energy was responding with a nod, and said in unison: "Sand sea? Ancient desert sand sea?"

Regardless of the disc family or the gan family, soldiers awakening the bloodline power will be sent to the sand sea, and then protected by the strong secret, so that these soldiers awakening the bloodline power will realize that awakening does not mean everything. Still have to work hard.

Energetic like the ancient desert sand? The elders looked energetically, apparently there would be no secret protection from the people who did the house or the house. If it was not for a specific relatively safe area, this would be almost death!

Pan Hongji began to understand why the enthusiastic warrior's strength is much higher than that of ordinary soldiers at that age, that is to fight back for life and luck!

Just desperately useless! As long as it is a warrior, who will not desperately? But I can still survive while desperately. This is not only the persistence of the will, but also some luck.

However, luck does not follow someone forever. Pan Hongji secretly decided that this time he would secretly follow the drive to enter the ancient barren sand and sea to see how this young man was practicing, and he could reach such a point.

The remaining nine hundred bottles of medicine were quickly cleaned up. Pan Hongji gently turned a bottle of clear water in the palm of his hand, and he was awakened by heaven. If this bottle of medicine really works ... then he can finally awaken ... Each also has a bottle of clear water, and no one will dismiss the opportunity to awaken more than once.

Get up and leave with enthusiasm and smile. The next thing is that the elders should assign the potion, and it should not be the outsider who is present.

"Energize ..." Lucifer whispered quickly, "Will you have a potion, will you have a potion that will dispel Warcraft?"

Dispel Warcraft? Turning enthusiastically to watch the beautiful Lucifer flowing water, there are some such formulas in the mysterious potion, but that is only to make Warcraft hate the taste and leave for a while.

If the flavour lingers in the World of Warcraft for a long time, Warcraft will be violent because of the smell of mysterious potions, and launch a more fierce attack.

Moreover, some different World of Warcraft hates different smells, and do not know what Warcraft the Witch wants to dispel.

"I ..." Lucifer's running water looked around tensely and lowered his voice, maintaining a mysterious expression: "In the ancient deserted sand and sea, I once discovered a bucket crystal vein ..."

Energetically put his hand over Lucifer's running water. This kind of thing should go to a more secret place and say that only the stars know whether there is a secret whistle in Panjia.

Burning Road Crazy Song watched around the front of the team, stepped into Sineros's room, checked again that no one was following, and immediately closed the door.

Lucifer flowing water shook off his hand that covered his mouth, and gave him a stern glance, so big that he had never kissed the man before, and was actually covered by this guy's hand! What's the difference between kissing this man's hand?

"You ..." Lucifer's eyes were waiting fiercely with one eye running. This ordinary human warrior took away an eye of Destruction, and now he has taken away half of his precious first kiss! One day, one day ... Watching Lucifer's running water excited because of emotions, and the high and low Shuangfeng shook his head again and again: "Don't be excited here, talk about that Doujing vein."

Lucifer's flowing water gave him a stern glance again: "I was in the ancient desert sand and sea, and when I searched for and mobilized Warcraft to attack you, I accidentally found a vein of stone and stone."

She nodded enthusiastically, although she was attacked once, but she also captured the witch's eye, and she couldn't blame her attack that day. Even if she did not win her eye, the war between the human race and the demons never stopped. However, the fighters on both sides will naturally kill each other when they meet. There is nothing to say, it is just a question of position.

"There is a group of Warcraft there." Lucifer tried hard to recall: "Flame Rage Cactus."

The enthusiasm glanced at Lucifer's flowing water a few more times. This witch's luck was really good. When she met the hordes of flames and violent cacti, they were not killed by them.

There are many different types of World of Warcraft, and some of them do not even know whether they should be plants or animals.

Flame Raging Cactus is one of these weird Warcraft. They can run at high speed in the sand, and the whole body of acupuncture can be shot. Moreover, this kind of stab has the special effect of piercing many kinds of body protection. It is a group of weird medium Warcraft. But it is not easy. As long as the acupuncture falls off for more than ten seconds, the gas will completely disappear.

In addition, a large number of flame fierce cacti gathered together can also be connected with each other to form a huge cactus demon, the strength can even be comparable to advanced Warcraft, and the combined flame fierce cactus can release ten different types of fire magic.

It's hard to say if you can't fight into the Holy Strong, but killing soldiers below the level of the Demon Warrior is very easy and simple.

Broke the wind with a look of fear after three points on his face: "Fortunately, you have a good conscience and did not attract the fierce cactus to attack us."

Lucifer's flowing water gave Broken Eye a white eye: "Do you think I don't want to?"

Chekforte had a little smile on his cold face. If Lucifer's flowing water was really igniting the fierce cactus at that time, I am afraid that they have not taken them to their destination, and those plants will pierce the rhizomes into her body and put her It was completely dried, but it was a group of maggots that used biological blood as nutrients.

"Isn't those monsters very mobile?" Motivatingly touched his nose. "They don't stay in one place for long."

"I don't know why." Lucifer twitched his pretty lips. "They are weird, they really stay there all the time."

"No matter how much it is." Active and excited activities raised their wrists: "They hate moisture the most, and I forge a mysterious potion that when they feel it, they think it will rain."

Lucifer stared at the drive, "Does this work?"

Laughing enthusiastically: "This mysterious potion was originally made to gather a small amount of water vapor from the sky with the clouds so that the sky really rains. Later it failed and became this ability.

Lucifer's only remaining eye flickered with cautious gaze ~ ~ If this mysterious potion is used in war, it will likely deceive the members of the demons who observe the weather and even change the army Wear a suit suitable for rain battles ... It's easy to lose money by then.

"I know what you're thinking." Pushed the door open. "The first thing I learned, I'm thinking about it. If I go to the battlefield one day, I will definitely do that."

Lucifer looked at the back of the room when he was eager to get out of the room, and kicked him **** the ground. Frowning beautiful eyebrows: "Despicable man! Evil man!"

The burning song frowned and looked at Lucifer's flowing expression and shook his head again and again. When the demons called the real strategist warrior, it was like the propaganda of the real ceremonial dynasty: despicable demons, evil demons.

The same words came to the mouth of the demons, but the nouns changed, and the meaning changed completely.

Papa ... Paw ... The firewood fell into the flames and made a sound when it burned.

Situ Lei was sitting in his own mysterious pharmacy laboratory, staring blankly at the burning wood, and from time to time he heard the sigh of Strobat beside him.

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