Commanding Wind and Cloud

Chapter 496: Thunder Lotus Strikes Everywhere

Extraordinary flying is really there? Dorata saw the special suburban flying over the wall. There was a little caution in the amber-like pupil, and she did not show the fat man's hiding place. The young man was able to fly in the special suburb while fighting. Hiding location? Is he too sharp about his surroundings?

If this kind of observation power is turned into actual combat ... Dorata nodded gently, I am afraid it will become a part of a strong combat force, I can not underestimate this young man.

"Boy, why do you show me? So many people, so many breaths, I hide so secretly, you still have to fight ..." Special suburban fluttering fat body, walking in the gap of the crowd all over the ground Zhonglian shook his head again and again.

Motivation has slightly increased the net corner twice, what is the difficulty now? In the West Mountain of the endless world, there are more and stronger attacks, a more messy atmosphere, and a more hidden change of Warcraft. They can make the skin of the body look exactly the same according to the surrounding environment. It is difficult to tell which is Warcraft.

After a few years of training, is this hidden in special suburban flying still not visible? The enthusiasm net corner hanged a faint bitter smile, so why not go in and die once in Xishan? It is even more impossible to find that Doujing vein provided by Uncle Enrack.

That's one, all are the veins of the tenth Doujing! Enthusiastically thought of the ore veins that appeared in Xishan, sighing. If a huge Doujing ore vein that covers the sky appears in the middle of the real policy dynasty and the demons, I am afraid I can immediately provoke the most powerful war between demons and demons.

"Notary, this is okay." Tejiao Fei grabbed the [broken chop] secret book in the hands of enthusiasm, opened it and glanced at it, the pupils contracted rapidly, and the hand holding [broken chop] secret book shook slightly, with With years of experience in fighting and practicing combat skills, even if you just glance at it casually, you can know the level of this combat skill.

Holy fighting skills! That's right! Extraordinary flying can confirm that this [Broken Earth Slash] is true, and it is still a high-level holy fighting skill! Energetic boy, where did he find so many weird fighting skills?

"Boy, be careful of his impact." By verifying the time of [Broken Ground], Tejiao Fei quickly whispered in the ear of enthusiasm: "After the possession of the god, his endurance has increased five times! The combat effectiveness has been increased by at least two times, and the defense strength has also been increased by a factor of three. Do not compete with him for endurance, and do not use the injury-for-injury style, and be careful that he forces you to use the injury-for-damage style. "

The peak fighting power of Golden Dou Xin has doubled again! And it hasn't doubled yet, energetically admiring again and again, creating this dwarf who possesses the fighting skills of the gods is really a genius among geniuses!

"It must be remembered that even if he forces you to play injury-for-injury, you should not play against him like this." Tejiao Fei pouted his lips: "Forget it, I don't know how to break his fighting style You can figure it out yourself. It is in danger. Give up immediately and don't get hurt too much. This dwarf has black hands. "

"What are you mumbling about?" Dorata looked at Tejiao Fei in dissatisfaction: "You chubby fat guy, come over and use my fighting skills as a notary."

Feijiao frowned and walked forward. The dwarf is a very exclusive nation. Although the King of Lifeless is accepted by everyone, this dwarf really should n’t accept it. At least he gave two promising young horse thieves in person. Completely disabled.

"Take it." Te Jiao Fei threw the fighting skills possessed by the gods to Te Jiao Fei: "Hurry up and check."

Fei Jiao Fei looked down at [Tianjin Attachment], and the steps under her feet walked back to her energy like a walk, reminding him again in a low voice: "Boy, you must also pay attention to his hammer, Storm Hammer. Then The hammer can not only forge the iron, but also a magic guide, which can concentrate the fighting spirit to form a bucket mark and shoot out. If you use the body to defend the sky, it is easy to knock people. It is a very special ... ... the magic guide ... "The reason why it makes people dizzy is not caused by actual combat skills shooting, but rather a small stun magic is hidden in the combat skills, which is an important reason for vertigo.

Stunned? The eyes of the enthusiastic pupil fell on the hammer of the storm. Several simple magic battles seemed to combine into a very complicated magic array. In fact, this magic array is still very simple. The reason why it is dizzy is not a real fight. It is caused by technical shooting, but a small stun magic is hidden in the fighting skills, which is an important reason for vertigo.

The actual use is to use the fighting spirit to blast or penetrate the soldier's body fighting spirit and fighting skills, and then hit the stun magic on the opponent's body.

Break through fighting or body fighting skills, and then magic attack? Laughed energetically. When Fengyun Jinshen was practicing in the Valley of the Four Seasons, one of the most practiced methods was the time of reorganization after being shattered, plus the numerous impacts of the volcanic medicament. It can be guaranteed that even if it is a fighting fighter, you may not have yourself so fast.

"I'll pay attention." Nodded enthusiastically, his wrist turned directly and grabbed the saber sword from the bucket world, the spirit rushed into the sword and suddenly the sharp blade screamed, and the three-foot-long shining blade was directly exploded. Breathing out of Mori Han, locked Dorata hardly.

Empty hands to weapons? That's a very bad thing. The energy never buryes their ability to forge. Everyone feels that the air temperature is falling.

Dorata instinctively fought a chill. What kind of weapon was this kid holding? Cut ... Sword? Isn't this a special weapon used by soldiers against heavy cavalry? Special weapons that are not suitable for head-on combat at all? If you wipe such a large blade casually, you may lose your arm, right?

Those who use this kind of weapon ... Dorata is a bit worried, and those who use this kind of weapon are usually very powerful people! I heard that the enthusiasm used to take the special suburban flying as a weapon to hit people, then he used this sword, obviously there is no problem.

Miscalculation! Really miscalculating! Dorata now doesn't really understand this drive.

Extraordinary Fei took a few steps back, and his raised arm suddenly waved down and shouted, "Start!"

The words are falling down, be motivated! Heels are tight and the back looks like a bow! Only in an instant, the fighting spirit has reached its limit. The strength of the back and the fighting spirit are applied to the feet, and the body becomes more curved, like a high ejection prawn.

This move! The dust beneath the enthusiastic feet was shaken up and down, and the floating dust quickly spread to the sides and superimposed, as if a huge white lotus was formed under the feet.

These Nulians are thankful as soon as they are opened, they are more like the beautiful flowers of Taobao Women ’s Tmall Taobao Mall.

Fury everywhere! The situation after the advanced lotus fighting skills!

The perfect combination of energy and vigor and strength transforms the dust into an angry lotus. This is not for decoration, but when the energy and vigor reach a harmonious level, the degree will become extremely fast, and the entire body will become real. Only one can make this gorgeous scene of Nuan Lotus in high line.

* The horse thief saw this moment, his eyes were completely straight, I rely! This kid has never done his best before! So fast?

The corners of Fei Fei's eyes flickered again and again, the kid's fighting ability has improved again! Last time, he was not so fierce! It turned out that he just didn't use his full strength just after playing against me! Now, maybe you can really compare with Dorata who is the best.

Puff puff!

Energize, and the distance between the two will be completely smoothed in an instant! Directly into the attack range shrouded by the sword!

Without the slightest hesitation and thought, the sword-sword united the blood-seven style into the eighth style, cutting it to Dorata's head.

Dorata Celestial Guy suddenly felt the danger of death. The red beard's beard scattered like a bird's nest and burst open. It broke like a thunder and thunder.

Suddenly, he knew that the consequences of avoiding this sword would be terrible! The keen knives will always chase themselves, and the initiative will be given to the knives. The result is likely to be too bad.

The only correct way to deal with it is confrontation! Head-to-head battle! Dorata instantly wanted to understand everything, and she regretted it. She knew that she should not use weapons to fight this young man. Who could have thought that his weapon was such a huge sword?

Moreover, it looks like a very powerful fighter! What enhanced body fighting skills, endurance, and recovery are in front of this fierce slasher! A dish to a dish that can no longer be served!

A battle that cannot be backed up or evaded is a helplessness! Although there is no complete loss of initiative ~ ~ is actually a battle that loses half of the initiative.

Dorata was too late to sigh. The years of fighting instinct sublimated the warfare to the most intense situation, with her body folded, her feet turned inward, and a hammer of a wind storm coming out of the semicircle, raising the sound of harsh wind pressure blasting to the naked eye. Saber side.

Turn sideways, turn your feet, move away, and smash! The speed is dazzling, which is the special fighting skill of the dwarves [Thunder Strike]!

The enthusiasm net corner evoked a sneer, the two wrists turned hard, and at the same time pulled back slightly, turning the **** eighth style into a draw knife, just in the hammer of the storm, the moment of metal collision, a series of sparks burst, burst It's like sucking iron, sucking on the surface of the hammer, like a hacksaw, pulling on the hammer, wiping a series of sparks, and the sound of explosions is like a serial thunderstorm in a thick cumulus cloud.

Hmm ... Canglanglang ...

The harsh sound boom caused everyone to ignore the pain in their bodies and raised their hands to cover their ears to prevent the eardrum from breaking.

"The response is so fast? The power is so great? The vindictive impact is so fierce? I'm afraid there are 1.5 million ... No! Two million revolutions!"

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