Commanding Wind and Cloud

: Ask for next month ticket

Gu Yuejiaying rolled her hands. The bi-monthly knife revealed the frosty blade from the wide sleeves, and the two fighters made a slight howl with their vigor.

"You ..." Kegelary's triangle stared. "What do you want to do? This is the family work of Faker and his family Luo ..."

Gu Yuejiaying's face could not be more plain without emotion, and her eyes flashed a little tenderness, all over her motivation: "I am an enthusiastic wife ..."

The sound of bland words is nothing but clear skies in the ears of everyone, and the sound of everyone's head humming is a little bit blinded. Such a beautiful and powerful woman turned out to be an enthusiastic wife? The reason she kept waiting was not waiting for Fabredis, but for motivation!

Gu Yuejiaying has been tolerating. After all, one's strength is limited, and if there is a conflict, Luo Qingqing's safety cannot be guaranteed. Now that the energy is back, and the blood fighters are brought back as a boost, there is no need to endure it anymore.

"What do you want to do?" Keglari's thin voice was suitable for screaming and shouting, "We did not declare war or demand a duel. It is against dynasty laws to do this."

"Yeah, it's against the law." There was only coldness in the motivational smile. "Do I have to wait for you to use the law to take Luo's property? Those who have killed Luo's family will continue to follow your law?" I gave you a chance to leave just now, but you gave up. Now, for my family's life will no longer be threatened by you, even if one day really sent me to the guillotine because of today's things. Yes! "

Li Juntu was swept away by the eager cold front, his legs suddenly softened, and he sat on the ground with a thump. This was really a murder.

"No two, the three of you keep the door for me, just don't let people escape." Enthusiastically, the long front locked everyone in the field: "I'll do it alone!"

Bang! A stone slab in the yard suddenly smashed, and the bloodlines of the fallen angels were overwhelming! The incomplete single-winged black wings suddenly opened, as if to cover the yard under the small black wings.

Nine Battles! Bloodline of the Devil's Fallen Angel! Cekforte reveals the true face of the Devil. The slate under his feet is smashed under the impact of force. The whole person turns into a black virtual shadow, and the crackling screams are caused by rubbing against the air. !!

Demon! Demon! Demon! Li Yan was completely shocked, and the drive brought back a demons! And it's the shape of a human being, with the blood of a fallen angel who has the blood of the three ultimate demons!

Fabredis trembled slightly, his lips uncontrollably twitched and looked motivated, and his eyes suddenly became hot, boy! How did you go this way ... Find a Mozu as a companion, do you know how difficult this road is?

The words of enthusiasm have not yet come to an end. The five fingers of Cheekforte have approached Li Yan's cheek. Senhan's palms and his hands scraped his cheek. His fighting spirit broke out quickly and backed off.

At the same time, Broken Wind, holding the No. 2 gun, also flew Fabino at a speed that was only inferior to that of Chekforte: "I stand by and watch you kill. Comrade! "

The big gun trembled, shaking off the blocking air. A circle of airflow visible to the naked eye was drawn in the air, and a spear like a dragon chased the stars.

Fabinol watched the gun point and his heart beating. The fighting spirit of Jiangmo Nine broke out again and again. The seventh iron rod in his hand slanted up and smashed at the big gun pole. The two heavy weapons collided together. The sound of the impact quickly dispersed, and the wind broke back half a step. The shoulders shuddered and took off their anger.

At the moment when the four were at war, Burning Mania Song was also full of vigor, silently rushed to the battle group, and smashed the head of a ninth-level soldier with a single palm.

The enthusiasm revealed the fighting world, and Cheek Flit showed his true body, and that was all to die! One does not stay! The eyes of Burning Road Crazy Song have no half emotions, and the excellent fighter qualities cultivated by military families have all turned into killer-like high-efficiency capabilities at this moment.

"Mage Rowro Willi ..." Keglari quickly stepped back.

"Don't be surprised ..."

puff! Luo Luoweili's mouth continued to be closed, but no sound was heard. A transparent hole was opened at the vocal cord of the throat. Blood swelled outward like a spring. The wall behind him was gently shaken by a flying knife made of fish scales. If it wasn't for the blood on the knife. You can't even see the nearly transparent flying knife.

With a look of enthusiasm, Sen Han carried a saber in his hand and looked at the magician who was also spraying blood on his throat next to Vivenota, and slowly walked forward. The magician knew he was going to fight for life and death, but he didn't start. The scrolls make up a magic shield, so stupid!

"You ... you ..." Vivenotta looked at the energy, his body shaking uncontrollably: "Dynamic ... energy ... we can talk about anything. Kegelari, Kegelari is looking for I said that we separated this affiliated family, which our family has long forgotten. "

"It's not me!" Keglali shook his head again and again and screamed, and stretched his fingers at Li Juntu, who had slumped on the ground. "It's him! He doesn't want Luo Qingqing to be the vice chairman of the Auckland Chamber of Commerce. Everything is him ..." "

"Talk? Talk now?" Energetic arms lifted and waved, the saber left a thin light in the air, and Vivenotta's body was chopped into two halves. Talk to me? Didn't you just make it clear? "

Passing through ... Kegelari's body was also split in half by a saber, and his body fell heavily to the ground, and the muffled sound sounded like a heavy hammer, striking Li Juntu's atrium.

Enthusiastically holding the blade, the blood-sharp saber saw Li Juntu: "Want to live, or die?"

"I want to live, I want to live ..." Li Juntu looked at everything in front of him, and knew that the drive to do things that are almost identical rebellion, it really can be said that it can be done, his head is constantly moving.

"There is a pen and paper in the hall. Write a document that will give the chairman of the Auckland Chamber of Commerce to Qingqing."

"I write ... I write."

There were only a dozen steps to the hall. Li Juntu tripped himself three times before he climbed to the table and wrote quickly.

It's hard to say if you can write it, but you will die if you don't write it! Li Juntu worked hard to keep his wrists from trembling, thinking while writing, throwing out huge benefits after writing, and really let go of his exchange of energy. Let go of a paper document? Li Juntu didn't believe it, but this document can be exchanged for opportunities for negotiation. For businessmen, as long as they have the opportunity to negotiate, there is still hope.

"Done?" Glanced enthusiastically with the paperwork. "Well done."

"Okay, Mr. Energy ..."

Li Tongtu ... Li Juntu's body fell to the ground, his head rolled on the ground, his eyes filled with unbelievable, this young man even got the paperwork and did not even give himself a chance to talk, and then killed him directly.

"What do you want to say? I don't keep faith?" Energetic looked at Li Juntu's eyes: "If I keep faith with you, I am irresponsible to my family. If my hands are stained with blood, I can exchange for the safety of my family , I would rather soak my hands in the blood forever. "

"Classmates ..." Looking up at the clear blue sky with enthusiasm: "You look in the pure Xinghe, I promised you that you will definitely do it, I will become the greatest warrior, I will let the Luo family Be the richest business! "

"You ..." Fabinol snarled, looking down at the pistol pierced in the heart, and looked at the stick that broke into several hands: "Fighter ..."

"Yeah, fighting." Broken Wind turned his second wrist and pulled out a second shot, went to Fabino, raised his hand, and held his face forward: "Now, can you go in peace?"

"Not as fast as I do." Cheek Folter walked past the broken wind, and spoke softly in a soft voice of pride.

"Well! I was trying to absorb a little more combat experience." Broke off the wind and wipe off the blood of the gun body: "Otherwise. I would kill him with a single shot."

The burning song mad song dragged a corpse together and said without raising his head, "I have time to argue who is faster, so I might as well pack the corpse, I have packed three."

"Your fight is better. If we change it, I would have cleaned up the corpses." The broken wind frankly counterattacked in the same way as the burning song of the faster way.

"Twice." Chekforte carried the body past the broken wind, calmly, again using words to prove that he was the fastest.

"You can pack it twice before I can clean it three times." Broken Wind dragged the body's legs and dragged the body to the center of the yard.

All the elites of the two menacing families are dead in a short time, and the whole yard is full of acrid **** smell.

Fabredis closed the gate: "It's very fierce."

"I can't help it." As I dragged the body toward the center of the yard, Fabredis returned: "I don't think so. If you let them go this time, these people will really not come. I'm not in the bard population Those great heroes let go of their opponents and fight with them in the future, and said that they would be lonely without them. I do n’t have the power of a king or the power of a bully, so that the enemy can surrender. I am an ordinary person, I only know I would be sad without my family. "

"What are you going to do with these bodies?" Fabredis kicked the bodies on the ground.

Energetic looking to Fabredis: "I haven't figured it out ..."

"Leave it to me." Fabredis smiled. "It takes experience to deal with corpses."

Looking at Fabredis with enthusiasm, it seemed that the guardian of the city had done similar violations before, and it seemed that it had not been done once or twice, and it was very proficient.

"Ah, did you find such a demon race?" Fabredis nodded and sighed, "Well! It should be a mestizo. For the first time, I have seen mestizos have blood power, but also blood of fallen angels. You find With a demon as a partner, you will have to learn the skill of dealing with corpses in the future. In addition, as your companion, your path may be difficult in the future. "

"It's hard to go," said Facing Fabredis's eyes lightly. "Those two guys, think so."

"Okay!" Fabredis patted his shoulders and walked towards Chekforte: "Boy, you will follow me later and learn how to deal with the corpse. In the future, it is estimated that you will encounter similar corpses. Someone has to know this craft. "

"Uncle, I can do that, too." Broke up and smiled forward: "I'm smarter than this guy, and I have a lot of words and easy to communicate."

"You are evil and cruel enough, but ..." Fabrides shook his head: "You are not enough, at least not enough now, not cold enough. At this point, you are still not as good as this kid."

Cheekforte raised his eyebrows in silence at the wind, and his expressionless face was proud of Xiaosheng.

Fen Tu Feng Ge tossed the wind with two wooden barrels: "Let's clean the blood stains here."

"Ah! Then clean up." Broken wind approached the middle-aged woman who was already frightened, carrying a wooden barrel, and her face was somberly and deliberately lowered her voice: "Dasao. They are all a group of killer eyes who do not blink. Guys, if what you see today is said out, although I want to save you, I'm afraid I can't save you. They may kill your family ... "

"I don't say ... I don't say ... No, no, no! I don't see anything, I don't see anything." Dasao shook her head again and again.

"That's right." Fufeng Fuji found two gold coins from his arms and shoved them into Da'ao's hands: "I didn't see anything."

Fabredis turned to look at the broken wind and chuckled: "So, I said you were not cruel and decisive. If you didn't do these things just now, this guy would turn around and kill someone in order to keep the secret of the aggressive killing. "

Breaking the wind and looking at Cheek Fletcher's face did indeed cause a shiver. The way of dealing with it was really different, this kid was really fierce.

噗通 ...

Dasao looked at Chekforte's expression, sat on the ground with one butt, and just walked around the line of life and death without knowing it.

"Qing Qing, you take my son in first, and after the matter is done, go and accompany you to take the seat of the president of the chamber of commerce." Take off your coat to expose the strong muscles, pick up the mop bucket and clean the yard Blood stains inside.

The large yard was cleaned dozens of times with great energy, and thoroughly washed away the **** taste. Chekfollett packed the bodies one by one into sacks and threw them all into Fabredis' carriage, following the city guards all the way out of the city.

The distinctive guardian badge of the city, before the city encountered a major crisis, or the city's martial law was ordered, the city guards who held the gates would not stop, and the carriages left Oakland all the way.

"Sister-in-law, several sisters-in-law, see if I work so hard, don't you enjoy smoking cigarettes?" Broke out the wind and put on the newly changed soldier's uniform and went straight to the hall with a smile.

"He still has a few packs." A word of energy floated into the hall, and Luo Qingqing took a pack of cigarettes from the drawer and put them back in the drawer.

Broken wind stared at the drawer with his eyes staring, and he stayed on the chair in the hall without leaving.

Bi Luo gently approached her side, and her voice was still timid as usual: "The teacher is very worried about you, thinking you are dead and crying for a day."

"Really?" Energetic scratched his head and looked at Bi Luo awkwardly. "This time the teacher hopes that when we take the college exam, we can make a splash, but I haven't had time to rush back. Is it bottom?"

The blue magician's big hat shook with her nod: "The warrior is at the bottom again ..."

"Oh? You mean, the magic department is not at the bottom?" When the energy came, the eyes turned and looked at the blue sky, secretly guessing that it would not be the woman's sister Huang Quan who ran out during the assessment and swept directly. Magic department?

"No. 1 in the magic department ..." Blue's voice became as small as a mosquito: "I don't know why this happened. I heard that I was assessed by my opponent's coma, and when I was convicted, I stood up and gave my opponent back. Frozen into ice cubes. Also, a large-scale ground stabbing was used. Except for the place where the opponent and my feet were, the entire stern was all over one meter long. After the other students who saw it saw it, they played against me. All of them abstained collectively ... "

Rubbing his forehead with a lot of energy and wry smiles, this Huang Quan is really a person who loves his sister so much. When he saw that his sister was stunned, he came out and hurried.

The strength of her great magician was absolutely a sweeping sweep in the assessment.

"The Royal War College in the Holy City of God also invited me."

There is no surprise in motivation. When Huang Quan dominates the body, even if all the magical power does not erupt, it is enough for the old magician who has studied for a lifetime to scare his eyes. As long as the Royal War College is not blind and deaf, It will definitely send an invitation to Blue, even if Blue has no blood power, it will be held up as a baby.

"I ... I don't want to go ..." Biluo courageously raised his voice: "I want to go to Yongliu's conquest ..."

Expedition? The motivation is really unexpected this time ~ ~ The Royal War College is famous for its pride. It is usually a talented student who cares about where you are. If you want to join the Royal War College, you must take the assessment In addition to the three bloodline fighters who can finally awaken, even the other ten bloodline fighters, even if the bloodline power is awakened, they must go to the field to take the test.

For this reason, many of the new-generation fighters of the top ten bloodline families would prefer to rank second in the country and the third college would not go to the Royal War College.

Such a proud college unexpectedly offered an invitation to Bi Luo, which can be said to be a huge honor. And with this invitation, there must be countless favorable conditions. It is estimated that not only the tuition is free, but I am afraid that the Royal War College will also need to discount the amount of money each month.

ps: I am quite satisfied with this chapter.

I remember last year, the state of the New Year's high-rise buildings did not have any state at all, leading to even more broken. I'm proud this year, let's keep changing.

If you are satisfied with this chapter, vote me for the monthly ticket (!)

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